dc.description.abstract |
The process of soil formation is primarily a process
of disintegration or •weathering*. In the course of geolo
gical ages nearly 4$ of the igneous rocks of the eaths
crust have been weathered to clays,shales and surface soUs.
All these substaaces are made up of finely divided components
exhbitlng properties of association and dlspersion,floceu-
1ation and peptlsatlon or of undergoing surface reactionsproperties
which rightly categorise them under the well
known form of matter named colloid. The four components of
soil occurlng in the state of fine sub-division are minerals,
organic matter,water and air.
The last thirty years or so have witnessed great
advancement in the field of soil science. Scientists from
different disciplines have contributed to the overall
development which has been jossible with the help of new
research tools like X-ray,differential thermal analysis,
electron microscopy,infra red spectroscopy etc. The growing
economic importance of clays has also been responsible for
the rapid progress in this direction.
Mineral arecies.
According to Fauling*,who was the first to eluci
date the structure of clay minerals,each plate like clay
particle consists of a stack of parallel unit layers. The
principal building elements of the clay minerals nre twoO
dimensional array of silicon-oxygen tetrahedra and
two-dimensional arrays of aluminium or magnesiumoxygen-
hydroxyl octahedra.In the sheet,three oxygen
atoms are shared by the neighbouring tetrahedra and the
fourth oxygen atom protruding from the tetrahedra!
sheet is shared by octahedral sheet. In the octahedral
sh^et Al or Mg atoms are coordinated with six oxygen
atoms or oH groups which are located around the Al or Mg
atom with their centres on the six corners of a regular
octahedron. The symmetry and almost identical dimensions
in the tetrahedral and octahedral sheets allow the
sharing of oxygen atoms between these sheets. This
sharing may occur between one silica and one alumina
sheet,as in a two layer mineral like kaollnite or
between alumina and two silica sheets giving rise to a
three layer mineral like montmorillomite,illite etc.
The combination of one octahedral and one or two tetra
hedral sheets is called a unit layer. Within each unit
layer a certain unit of structure repeats Itself in a
lateral direction and is known as unit cell. Such unit
layers stacked parallel to each other constitute
various clay minerals,
Montaorillonlte clays.
(Fig.3 )These are three layer minerals wherein
a tetravalent silica is replaced by trivalent Al or Al
in the octahedral sheet is partly replaced by divalent
Mg without the third vacant position being filled.Such
substitutions by elements of lower valence results in an
excess of negative charge on the lattice. The adsorption
of catlons,both on the interior and the exterior surfaces
of the stack takes place to compensate the net negative
charge on the lattice. These compensating cations may
be exchanged for other cations and are known as exchange
able cations of the clay.
The most typical property of montmorillonites
is the phenomenon of interlayer swelling with water.
Water penetrates between the unit layers and pushes
the* apart a distance equivalent to 1-4 monomolecular
layers of water,which increases the c spacing from 10 A9
to 12.6-20 A*.
These have the same basic structure as montmori
llonites. The total amount of lattice substitution is
largor than that for montmorillonites and is predominan
tly that of Si by Al in the tetrahedral sheet. The
striking feature of these clays is that the compensating
cations are mainly potassium ions. These minerals do not
show interlayer swelling which Is attributed to the
strong electrostatic attraction between the potassium
ions and the two charged unit layers on each side. In
the absence of interlayer swelling these cations are
not available for exchange.
It is a two layer mineral consisting of sheet
units ( of the type already described) continuous in
the a and b directions and stacked one above the other
in the c direction. The exchangeable ions are quite
low and are situated on the broken edges of the
kaolinite plates where they would compensate charge
deficiencies owing to broken bonds. The charge defi
ciency owing to isomorphous substitution is absent in
this case.
Phenomenon of ion-exchange.
The clay minerals have the property of sorbing
certain cations and anions and retaining them in an
exchangeable position. These ions are held around the
outside of the silica-alumina clay-mineral structural
unit,and the exchange reaction generally does not
affect the structure of the silica-alumina packet.The
exchange reaction is stoichiometric and the exchange
capacity is measured in terms of miliiequivaients per
100 gm. of clay. This property is of fundamental
importance in the study of clay minerals.
In agricultural solis,plant foods are frequently
held in the soils as exchangeable lons,and consequent
ly their persistence in the soil and their availability
for plant growth depends on exchange reactions.The
r tention and availability of potash added In fertili
sers depends on cation exchange between the potassium
salt and the clay mineral of the soil. The replacement
of the :*a* by another ion,usualiy Ca+*will make the
soil more suitable for agriculture.
Similarly in the field of geology,during weath
ering process the liberation of alkalies may or may not
be retained in the secondary material depending on
exchange reactions.
In ceramics the plastic properties of clay can
be adjusted according to needs,by changing the exchange
able cations.
There are a number of factors on which the
exchange adsorption normally dependsi
(i) valency of the ion,(11) hydration of the ion,(iii)
ionic radii and (iv) structural configuration of the
clay micelle.
The valence and hydration of ions are the most
important factors in determining the energy of
adsorption and release. Ion exchange will be difficult
when the adsorbed ions have got a higher valency or are
weakly hydrated. It Is so,because ions of higher valency
are adsorbed more strongly than those of the lower
valency and weakly hydrated ions are more tightly bound
up than those containing a large water hull, feigner
and Jenny8•• and Alten and Kurmies4 have overemphasised
the influence of hydration. Hendricks® and his colleag
ues,after careful dehydration studies have shown that
Na*fH* and S!4" are not hydrated when adsorbed by clay
minerals while Ca++,Mg"M' and LI"*" undergo hydration.
Another factor,which controls exchange phenomenon,
is the size of the exchanging ion. It is normally
observed,that ions of smaller ionic radii are easily
replaced by ions of larger Ionic radii and vice versa.
Apart from this the nature of the clay surface,
according to Gleseking and Jenny9,Jerusov* etc.,guides
the energy with which a given ion is held.
Basically there are three causes of the cation
exchange phenomenons
1. Substitution within the lattice structure of silicon
and aluminium by ions of lover valence results In
unbalanced charges in the structural units of some clay
2. Broken bonds around the edges of the silica-alumina
units would give rise to unsatisfied charges,which would
be balanced by adsorbed cations.
3. The hydrogen of the exposed hydroxyls may be replaced
by a cation which would be exchangeable. Some oH groups
would be exposed around the broken edges of all the clay
minerals,and cation exchange due to these would be
through the replacement of hydrogen. |
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