dc.description.abstract |
Himalayas constitute the loftiest and the youngest mountain system on the Earth.
Owing to their spread, elevation and general ruggedness, most of the regions in the
Himalayas are not easily accessible, roads providing the only way of transport. Occurrence
of landslides is one of the major problems in this region causing extensive damage to life,
property and communication every year. It has been observed that most of the roads have
been constructed disregarding the distribution of Landslide Hazard Zones in the region.
Many sections of the roads get closed due to landslides in rainy season, thereby
disconnecting many villages and towns in the area. Therefore, there is an immense need to
develop a strategy utilising advanced techniques for route planning in landslide susceptible
terrains, such as the Himalayas.
Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System (GIS) techniques, by virtue of
their numerous advantages, appear to be an automatic choice to tackle this problem, which
requires efficient processing, interpretation and analysis of a large amount of spatial data
from a variety of sources.
The main objective of this research is to explore the potential of the advanced
technologies - remote sensing and GIS, and to devise an automatic and intelligent
approach for route planning in a hilly region prone to landslide hazards.
The study area covers a small region of about 550 km2 in the Himalayas (Latitude
30°20'-30°34'N and Longitude 79°05'-79°22'E). It is a part of Chamoli and Rudraprayag
districts of the newly formed state - Uttaranchal - of India. The terrain is highly rugged
with elevations ranging from about 920 m to 4250 m above mean sea level. The river
Alaknanda with its tributaries constitutes the drainage network in the area. Geologically,
the region comprises the Lesser Himalayas and the Higher Himalayas. Structurally, the
region is complex due to the presence of various thrusts, faults and intense deformations.
The following datasets have been used to generate various thematic data layers:
a) Remote Sensing data: IRS-1C LISS-III multi-spectral, PAN and stereo-PAN
b) Survey of India toposheets at 1:50,000 scale (53 N / 2, 3, 6, 7)
c) Geological Map
d) Hill road design parameters (Indian Roads Congress 2001 recommendations)
e) Field data on existing landslides, landuse/landcover and ground control points
(using GPS surveys)
The remote sensing data have been processed using ERDAS Imagine software. The
BLUH software has been used for DEM generation from stereo-PAN image pair. The GIS
analysis has been carried out using ILWIS software. A series of C++ programs have been
written for route planning and the outputs have been suitably interfaced with the GIS
derived themes.
The IRS-1C LISS-III multi-spectral and PAN data have been co-registered to subpixel
accuracy with the topographic map using a large number of ground control points.
The LISS-III data have been corrected for atmospheric path radiance using the 'dark-object
subtraction technique'.
The Digital Elevation Model (DEM) of the study area has been generated using two
methods. Firstly, an attempt has been made to generate a high resolution DEM from IRS-
1C stereo-PAN image pair using BLUH software (University of Hannover, Germany).
However, the DEM generated from this method could not be used subsequently as it
suffered from inaccuracies due to steep slopes, differential forest cover and snow. In view
of the above, the Survey of India topographic map (1:50,000) has been digitised at 40 m
contour interval, interpolated and resampled to generate the DEM. Slope, aspect and
relative relief maps are then derived from the DEM using standard processes in raster GIS.
Lithological and structural features have been extracted through digitisation of the
geological map. The lineaments have been interpreted from 3x3 filter edge-enhanced
LISS-III image and comparing the same with the geological map. At this stage, the
structural features and lineaments are merged in a single layer and a distance buffer map is
generated, which has been suitably reclassified. The drainage features have been digitised
from topographic map and classified according to Strahler's ordering of streams. A
drainage density map has also been generated.
Landuse/landcover map has been generated by multi-source image classification of
IRS-1C LISS-III image using logical channel approach. Multi-source classification has
been adopted to reduce the effect of shadows cast by high mountain peaks in the region.
Nine landuse/landcover classes that have impact on landslide activities in the region have
been considered. These classes are: dense forest, sparse vegetation, agriculture, fallow
land, barren land, settlements, fresh sediments, water body and snow. Normalised
Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) image and DEM have been included in the
classification process to reduce the effect of shadows in the region and to improve the
separability amongvarious classes. The most common classification algorithm - Maximum
Likelihood Classifier - has been adopted to perform multi-source classification. It has been
found that landuse/landcover map obtained from the combination of green, red and SWIR
bands of LISS-III image, NDVI and DEM data layers produces the maximum overall
accuracy of 92.06%. Post-classification filtering and editing has also been carried out to
reduce the noise in the form of stray pixels in the map.
The PAN-sharpened LISS-III image (based on IHS transform) together with
substantial field observations has been used to produce a landslide distribution map. A new
statistical approach for the preparation of LHZ map has been developed and applied for the
region considering several thematic layers including topographic slope, aspect, relative
relief, lithology, structure-buffers, drainage density and landuse/landcover. The weight
factors have been calculated by overlaying the landslide distribution map on various
thematic layers, and using a modified Landslide Nominal Hazard Factor (m-LNHF)
method. The weighted thematic layers have been algebraically added to generate Landslide
Hazard Index (LHI) map. Anew statistical procedure has been applied to classify the LHI
map into various hazard zones.
For calculating the cost of road development and maintenance, the thematic layers
considered are: landslide occurrence map classified according to size, landslide hazard
zones, higher order drainage (to consider bridge construction cost), landuse/landcover and
lithology. The data layers have been integrated using an ordinal scale weighting-rating
method. The thematic layers have been arranged in a hierarchical way, in order of
increasing cost and aweight number (from 0to 9) is given to each layer. Similarly, each
class within a layer has been given an ordinal rating. These weighted layers have been
aggregated to generate a thematic cost map in which the pixel value implies the thematic
cost to move through the pixel.
The above thematic cost layer is a kind of isotropic cost layer and does not
incorporate the costs due to neighbourhood distance and the terrain gradient, which are
direction dependent. To consider these aspects, the neighbourhood schemes have to be
used. In raster GIS, these schemes can be related to the movements similar to those in the
game of chess, namely Rook's, Bishop's and Knight's patterns. In view of the steep
topographic slopes of the area, the above existing neighbourhood schemes may not suffice
and so two more possible moves (not existing in the game of chess) have been conceived
and have been named here as Knight31 and Knight32. In this process, atotal of 32 unique
neighbourhoods are possible. The neighbourhood distance between the source and
connected neighbour on the 3-D surface is calculated using the Euclidean distance formula.
The gradient between the connected neighbours is calculated and classified into
various classes considering the limiting, ruling and exceptional gradient recommended by
the Indian Roads Congress (2001) for hill roads. The gradient classes have been converted
into gradient costs. The neighbourhood movement cost (NM-cost) is computed from
neighbourhood distance, gradient and thematic cost map, and gives the cost to move in to a
connected neighbour from a source pixel.
Dijkstra's algorithm has then been used to find out the least-cost route between
origin and destination points. The route thus generated has been converted into ILWIS
readable segment map for its subsequent linking and integration with other thematic data
A dedicated software, named as Landslide Safe Intelligent Route Finder (LaSIRF)
has been developed (in C++) to compute NM-cost and to implement the Dijkstra's
algorithm for finding out the least-cost route. Since, the current version of the software
developed is computationally very intensive, its performance has been examined on a set
of example areas, each of 1.5 km x 1.5 km size, extracted from the original study area with
different types of terrain conditions and different landslide distribution patterns. This has
validated the concept and the approach developed in this research. The results indicate that
the algorithm wisely avoids the landslide zones as well as higher cost areas, falling on its
way from the origin to the destination points. The approach developed in this study can be
successfully implemented for route planning in hilly regions that are susceptible to
landslides. |
en_US |