The importance of organic compounds as analytical
reagents, is well recognised. Of surpassing value as
analytical reagents, are the compounds which are capable
of forming chelates particularly inner-complex salts or
chelate non-electrolytes, with metals. Certain oximes,e.g.,
orthodioximes, acyloin-oximes, ortho-hydroxy aromatic oximes,
monoximes of diketones etc. belong to this class of organic
Ortho-dioximes :
The reaction between nickel salts and dimethyl -
glyoxime1, CH3- C(=NOH)-C(= NOH)-CH3, the often quoted
example of ortho-dioximes, takes place through the central
group, -C( = NOH)-C(» NOH)-, resulting in the formation of
brilliant red, insoluble nickel chel?te. The replacement of
the methyl groups by other aliphatic, aromatic or hetero -
cyclic groups, does not prevent the formation of similar
nickel compounds. The composition (C4H702N2)2Ni of the
nickel-dimethylglyoxime indicates that one of the hydrogen
atoms of each of the two molecules of dimethylglyoxime,
C4H„02N9, has been replaced by the bivalent nickel atom.
Following the demonstration of the existence of
two tautomeric forms of the oxime group ,
c— —c—
• A \ / \
Oxime form Nitrone form
* Pfeiffer » proposed that the nitrone form is involved in
the formation of the nickel derivative and a five-membered
ring is formed in which the nickel is attached directly to
the nitrogen atom.
1! i' N N
/ N/\
0 Mi OH
That the hydroxyl radical of the second oxime group Is not
involved in the formation of the metal complex, is further
demonstrated by the fact that mono-O-ether of benzildioxime
forms an exactly similar compound with nickel *
O6^H5r C| C(| C6^H5e
N N A-/\ 0 Ni 0— CH0
2 J
Brady and Meurs have proposed the following
formula for nickel dimethylglyoxime,
H—C C C Q"L»
0 « N /N 0V
\ -S \
H Ni H
" T i H3C -— C C -—CH3
The postulated hydrogen bonding eliminates the possibility
of cis-trans isomerism and also explains the lack of
reactivity of the hydroxyl group.
o - -» o"
* Acyloin oximes t
The mode of reaction of acyloin oximes containing
the group >C(0H)- C(= NOH)-, with metals is different.
Available evidence seems to indicate that^-acyloin oximes
react as dibasic acids towards cupric salts to form compounds
of the type,
0 N > 0
Under special conditions^-benzoinoxime forms compounds with
cobalt, nickel and with bivalent platinum and palladium, but
in the formation of these compounds, the oxime functions as
monobasic acid .
Ortho-hydroxy aromatic oximes :
Ortho hydroxyaromcrticoximes,however,differ from the
ortho-dioximes and acyloinoximes, in their reactions with
metals. In these phenolic compounds of unusual analytical
importance, the hydroxyl group is so located with respect
to the nitrogen atom of the oxime group that six-membered
rings instead of five-membered (as in the case of ortho -
dioximes and acyloinoximes), are formed with metals. The
structures of the metal compounds of hydroxyarometicoximes
have, however, not yet be^n systematically Investigated,
although quite a few references dealing with their
applications in analytical chemistry, are available in
the literature. The need of investigating the structure
u 4
of these metal complexes as well as the desirability of
finding new reactions of analytical importance,exist.
Before proceeding further with this aspect, a brief survey
of the existing literature is desirable.
Most of the salts of hydroxyaldoximes are
insoluble In water and consequently adaptable to the
detection and determination of numerous cations. In order
to Increase the selectivity and sensitivity of these
reactions, many derivatives have been prepared and studied.
The most readily available compound of this class is
Ephraim7, for the first time, used this compound
for the detection and gravimetric determination of copper.
The following structures for the copper-salicylaldoxime,
based on the replacement of the hydrogen atom of either
acidic phenolic or the oxime group by the metal and coordina
tion of the metal to the other group resulting in the
formation of typical inner-complex were proposed,
Feigl and Bondi8 while investigating the reactions of
the isomeric methyl ethers of salicylaldoxime
f\-0H \—oCHi
with copper, had observed that the compound containing the
free hydroxyl group reacted with copper to form a dark
brown salt, while the isomeric phenolic ether did not
react and hence reached the conclusion that the phenolic
hydrogen was replaced by the metal. Ephraim had studied
the reactions of a number of other compounds which contain
the same reactive grouping as salicylaldoxime.
The presence of the group HO—Cl -CI^-CI mNOH
in o-hydroxyaldoximes, is not in itself sufficient to yield
a specific copper reaction. For example, pentanol-2-one-4-
oxime, CH~-CH(OH)-CH-—C(* NOH)-CH3and chloral acetophenoneoxirne,
CCl3- CH(OH)-CH2—C( = NOH)-C6H&, containing the same
grouping,neither yield insoluble copper salts nor character
istic colour reactions with copper. In fact, the enhanced
acidity of the hydroxyl group because of its linkage to
the aromatic ring and lack of any steric hinderance between
the -HOH an^ the-OH group,are responsible for the copper
specific action of the group HO-C^- C(= NOH)- .
Flagg and Furman had made a detailed study
of the reactions of many ions with salicylaldoxime and
found that positive reactions were obtained in many cases.
The same authors had also studied the effect of introducing
a halogen atom or nitro-group into the salicylaldoxime and
had found that the resulting derivatives offered no special
advantages as analytical reagents, over the parent compound.
The colours of certain metal salts of the 5-nitro-oxime,
however, were more vivid than those of the corresponding
metal compounds with salicylaldoxime.
*. 6
Salicylaldoxime has also been found to be useful
11 12 13,14 for the quantitative determination of lead ' .palladium ,
iron15, nickel16 and bismuth17.
Resorcylaldoxime (2,4-dlhydroxybenzaldoxime)
yields a purple colour with ferric iron in slightly acidic
solution and this reaction may be used for the detection
and colorimetric determination of ferric iron.
Musante18, for the first time, introduced
OH salicylhydroxamic acid, C6H4(0H).C =NOH, as an analytical
reagent and studied its nickel and cobalt salts. Subsequent
ly Bhaduri19 had studied the qualitative reactions of this
compound with various other metallic ions. Bhaduri and
Ray20'21 had also suggested the application of this compound
for the colorimetric estimation of uranium, molybdenum,
vanadium and ferric iron.
Bandvopadhayay and Ray22 had investigated the
reactions of salicylamidoxime, C6H4.(0H).C =NOH, with a
number of metallic ions. They observed that salicylami
doxime resembled salicylaldoxime, in its general behaviour,
with respect to the colour, solubility etc. of its metallic
derivatives but the pHs of incipient precipitation of
metals with salicylamidoxime are somewhat higher.
Poddar23 studied the reactions of o-hydroxyacetoohenoneoxime,
an aryl hydroxyketoxime, with a number
of metallic ions such as Ag+, Hg , Pb , Cu , Cd ,
Zn++, Fe*+, Fe+++, Ce+++, Ni++, *** Ti++++, Co++,Uo*+,
v'o; and MoO~". He also studied the application of this
compound as an analytical reagent and employed it success-
24 24 fully for the gravimetric estimation of copper , nickel ,
palladium25, vanadium26, titanium27 and for colorimetric
estimation of uranium28, vanadium29 and ferric iron .
Appala and Neelkantam31 employed successfully
resacetophenoneoxime as an analytical reagent for qwantita-
32 tive separation of copper and cadmium. Bhatki 'employed
this reagent for the gravimetric estimation of nickel.
Reddy33 used this reagent for the amperometric determination
of copper in the presence of cadmium and nickel.
Singh and Sharna34 studied the reactions of
2-hydroxy-5-methyl acetophenoneoxime with various metallic
ions and also successfully carried out the quantitative
estimations of nickel and copper and their separation when
present in the sams solution, with this reagent.
The Problem :
The above survey of the existing literature
supports the view point that much remains to be investigated
so far as the structural and analytical aspects of the
chemistry of metal-dihydroxy aldoximes, is concerned.
The present studies were planned with an aim to study the
structure and analytical uses of some soluble and insoluble
metal complexes o* hydroxy acetophenoneoxlmes. The soluble
complexes were exploited for colorimetric estimation xvhile
insoluble complexes were made the basis for the amperometric
estimation of these metals.
«> 8
The investigations may roughly be divided under
the following heads ;-
(1) Reactions of Mo(VI) with the oximes of
o-hydroxyacetophenone and its derivatives namely 2-hydroxy-
5-methyl acetophenone and 2,5-dihydroxyacetophenone.
(2) Colorimetric estimation of molybdenum using
2,5-dihydroxyacetophenoneoxime as a colorimetric reagent,
(3) Reactions of copper(II), palladium(II) and
nickel(II) with the oximes of hydroxyacetophenones
mentioned above,
(4) Amoerometric determination of copper, palladium
and nickel with 2,5-dihydroxyacetophenoneoxime.
(5) Reactions of uranium and thorium(IV) with
2-hydroxy-5-methyl acetophenone.
The composition and structure of the chelates
formed in the above reactions, were determined using
spectrophotometry (in the case of soluble complexes),
conductometric, amperometric, pH metric methods, chemical
analysis and I.R. studies.