dc.description.abstract |
The main aim of the Investigations presented in
this thesis was to make a detailed study of mixed ligand
chelates of oxovanadium (IV) with some oxygen and nitro
gen donor complexlng agents. For the determination of
formation constants of these mixed ligand derivatives,
an information was required about the simple chelates of
VCT with the ligands involved in the present study. Alt
hough most of these simple chelates had been reported
earlier, a survey of literature revealed that in some
cases, e.g., catechol, chromotropic acid, mandelic and
lactic acids, a more comprehensive study was desirable
before an understanding of their nature could be claimed.
In such cases, therefore, a systematic physico-chemical
study was carried out for obtaining the data for the mixed
ligand systems.
Although tartrate and malate complexes of VO(IV)
have not been studied from the above point of view, inter
esting results obtained In the study of vanadyl-mandelate
and -lactate systems led to extend this work to the corres
ponding tartrate and malete chelates. These have received
a considerable importnnce in recent years, since in ammonia
solution and in the solid state the complex (NH4)2[V0(tart)]
(HgO) is the only example of vansdyl complex known to
exhibit, at room temperature, four distinct absorption bands
in the ligand field region (1000-380 mu ).
In the study of the mixed ligand systems involv
ing o-phenonthroline and ?,?,-dipyridyl as primary
ligands, it was found that the successive reactions in
the formation of mixed ligand chelates overlap. Deter
mination of the formation constants of these complexes
required a knowledge of equilibrium constants of the
reactions associated with the formation of the simple
VO-Phen and V0~Dipy chelates. Before investigating the
formation of mixed ligand chelates, therefore, it was
considered expedient to study the potentiometrie data
arising from the interaction of vanadyl ion with the
above nitrogen donor ligands. Due to the special charac
teristics of systems described in this thesis and also
dependent on the facilities available in our laboratories,
the study has been based mainly on potentiometry.
Although the major interest of the investigations
lay in the mixed ligand complexes, the subject matter of
the thesis has been divided for convenience in two separ
ate parts dealing with the simple chelates followed by
mixed ligand derivatives.
At least one ligand atom Is Oxygen?
1-10 Oxalate ion readily forms complexes with oxo
vanadium (IV). These complexes are mainly of the types:
VO(ox). xHj>0, Mg[V0(ox)g](xH20) and ^[(VO^OX^J (xH20).
Formation of the anhydrous compound (NH4)2[(VO)g(ox)3J
has recently been claimed11. Acompound with the empirical
formula VO(ox)(RgOx) (3H20) has been reported by Selbia
and Holmes •
By using Job's method of continuous variations,
the reaction of VOT* with malonic acid has been reported
to produce a 1:1 complex. In alkaline solutions, malonato
complexes of the general formula M2[V0(mal)2] .xH20 have
been isolated by Schramm14. These derivatives have been
reported to give different coloured species when dehydrated
in stages.
Tartrate complexes of VO(IV) have been a subject of
research18"5*4 since the earliest days of vanadium chemistry.
Jprgensen25 has suggested that in the complex ion (Vo(tart)]
all the four oxygen atoms of the tartrate ion are coordina-
ted to the oxometal ion. Recently an interesting report ,
proclaiming the use of (KN4)2[vO(tart)] (H20) for the inhib
ition of cholesterol synthesis In brain tumors, has appeared.
Complexes of oxovanadium (IV) with other polybasic
pn ©Q JJQ 30
acids, viz., salicylic f phthalic , succinic ,
sebacic30, citric30"32, ascorbic33 and picolinic34 acids
have been pi-epared by treating a suspension of the organic
acid in carbon tetrachloride with VOCl3 under anhydrous
conditions. Mont and Martell35 have ntudied the Interaction
of vanadyl Ion with salicylic acid,5-sulphosalicylic acid
titron, 5-sulpho-8-hydraxyquinollne and salicyl
phosphate in aqueous medium. By using the potentiometric
data of the systems, formation constants of the chelates
have been determined. Stability constants of the vanadyl
Chelates of EDTA36""33, I9ftA | H.IMDA39, chroraotropic40
41 and glycolic acids have also been determined.
Salicyldehyde forms st ble chelates of the
type M2[V0(Sal)2l (xH20). Acomplex with p-amino-salicyldehyde
has also been syntheslsed . Reactions of VCr
with other hydroxyaldehydes(4-phenyl-, 5-chloro-, 5-bromo-,
3,5-dlchloro-, and 3,5-dibromosalicyldehyde and p-hydroxynaphthaldehyde)
and their imines have been recently
reported .
46 Dutta and Lahiry obtained a rose-coloured para
magnetic complex ("vOBol with benzehydroxamic acid (BH).
They also reported ' a cream-coloured hydrate fvOQjTl
(H20) with quinaldinic acid (QH) and an isomeric olivegreen
aquo complex [V0Q2(H20)]. Complexes of the type
[rVOG2tJ have be?.i syntheslsed49 with guanylalkyl-and
Oxovanadium (IV) has been reported to form
several complexes with 8-diketones. Amongst these, the
blue-green bis (acetylacetonate) oxovanadium (IV) oomplex
has received an expensive attention. This compound was
50 first prepared in 1876 by Guyard . In 1900 the same
et e©
compound was syntheslsed by Gach . Morgan and Moss
formulated the complex as jVO(acac)2J. Rosenheim and
Mong17 claimed it to be in a monohydrate form, [V0(acac)2
(H20)]. Again, in 1964 Jones53 studied this complex and
concluded that the original formulation without water
molecule was correct. By using Bjerrum»s method, Trujillo
and Brito54 ob ained evidence for the formation of
VO(acac)* and j"vo(acac)^] complexes in aqueous solutions.
Recently, the vanadyl complexes of acetylacetone
in aqueous and alcoholic solutions have been reported
to undergo slow oxidation by atmospheric oxygen. The
oxidation reaction has been claimed to proceed rapidly
with hydrogen peroxide. Other 8-diketones which form
complexes VO(IV) include: 3-cyanoacetylacetone | ?-
57 58 chloro-and ?-bromo-acetylaeetone ; acetyl methylacetone ;
fiO benzoylacetone and its 1:1 adducts with bases.
8-hydroxyquinoline has been reported to form
complexes having 1:1 and 1:1? ratios of vanadyl to ligand.
Formation constants of these chelates hwe been determined
by Bjerrum's method. Magnetic moment of VO(oxlne)2 has been
measured • and the complex has been reported to form a
stable pyridine adduot.
Complexes of VC(IV) with Schiff bases formed from
8-dlketonea, ethylenedlamine and salicyldehyde have received
a considerable attention in recent years. Amongst the
complexes obtained from the Schiff bases derived from
8-diketones, reference may be made of the complex bis
(acetyl acetonepropylenediiraino) oxovanadium (IV) which
has been reported to be the first compound of VO(IV)
to have been successfully resolved Into optical isomers.
70 More recently, Sacconl and Camplgli have studied the
interaction of Schiff bases formed from ring substituted
salicyldehydes and N-substituted ethylenediarainea.
Complexes with the general formula [jUSALen-NCRjR'^VO
have been syntheslsed. These complexes have been shown to
have a five-coordinate structure. |
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