dc.description.abstract |
Surface active agents9weU known for their specific
behaviour of altering the surface energy of their solvents,
have been obtained from natural products by extraction or
modification since prehistoric times. These products have,
however,always found limited applicability due to their
Instability in th© acid solution or their tendency to
undergo hydrolysis in the aqueous medium. The industrial and
technical developments which came in the wake of the first
world war,focussed attention on the disadvantages of these
soaps and a vigorous search was made to have soaps or
surfactants which besides being free from these disadvantages
may be more effective and industrially useful. The discovery
of synthetic surface active agents Is thus of recent origin
as compared to those obtained from natural products.
Most of the interest in surface chemistry has centered
about the behaviour of surfactants in water although examples
derletiag the use of organic solvents for bringing them into
solution are not wanting. Generally si eaking the water
soluble surface active agents can be classed under two heads,
the Ionic and non-ioale soaps. Of the two,the former have
undergone further subdivision into anionic and eationie
soaps, depending upon the charge which the large hydrophobic
part attains when brought into the solution. On the other
hand non-ionic soaps,although not lonisable,possess a
sufficient number of Ionising polar groups,e.g«, «0-,-0H,
• CO "H -,- COO, which make them soluble in water. And yet
there is another class of compounds named amphoteric
surfactants which ionise in solution with the long chain
carrying either positive or negative charge,depending upon
the pH of the solution. Besides there are surfactants which
fall under polymers and fluorooarbons.
Non-ionic surface active agents have greatly attracted
the attention of industry with the result that they are
finding increasing applications end appreciation in many fields.
The advantages of non-ionic agents are based on such fundamen
tal concepts of surface chemistry as the modification of the
property of each compound by simply changing the length of
polyoxyethylene group, the ease with which they can be mixed
and formulated,their stability towards pH and chemical
inertness and their non-vulnerability towards high concentrat
ions of electrolytes.
Surfactants have been put to use in industry,
technology and allied fields. They are finding increasingly
great use in medicine and hygeine as powerful bactericides,
as agents for preparing skin lotions,ointments and emulsions
of the sex harmones (1) • A very large proportion of the
total surfactant production Is used in textile industry. The
Importance of surfactants in the field of cosmetics, metal
end mineral technology,in paper,leather,synthetic rubber,
pelymer,plastie,palnt,petroleum industries is now well
established. Although the building and construction
Industries seldom claim the use of surfactants for soil
stabilisation,the possibility of their being used as soil
stabilisers can be explored (2). Their usefulness in agricul
ture to improve physical properties of fertilisers and soils
(a) and in bringing about quick germination of *m&* is also
being gradually recognised.
The selection of surfactants for specific application
is governed by some of the distinction features like adsorp
tion and orientation of molecules at the interfaces,micelle
formation above a certain concentration known as critical
micelle concentration ( c.m.e.) , solubiiisation of water
insoluble substances by micelles etc.. Truly speaking
amongst colloids it is the surfactants which possess the
unique distinction of exhibiting reversible thermodynamical
equilibrium between colloidal aggregates and surrounding
Many physical properties of the surfactants exhibit
more or less an abrupt change over a narrow concentration
range. Thit abruptness in property hat been utilised in the
determination of c.nuc. A number of methods based on
electrical conductance ( 4-3 ), osmotic pressure (9)fvapour
pressure (10) .viscosity (U) ,e.m.f. (12) .diffusion (13,14) ,
freeaing point (16) .solubility (16,17),surface tension
(18*20) , refractive index (21) , polarography (2$ ,light
scattering (29) measurements have been employed from time
to time by various workers to study the micellar properties
ef surfactant solutions. Of these the light scattering
method is of special importance since it affords the determi
nation of both the aggregation number and cm. a. of the
surface active substances (ionic and non-ionic). Spectral
dye method for the determination of cm. c,first initiated
by Hartley (24) , has met with great success (26-27). This
method has now been extended to non-ionic surfactants also
(28-29). Another method,although an indirect one,has been
used to provide evidence for micelle formation. It is based
on the ability of the surfactant solution to dissolve or
solubillze water insoluble dyes at the e.a.c. (30,31). This
method can be equally well employed in the ease of both
aqueous (32) and non-aqueous solutions (33-36) of surfactants.
all surface chemists subscribe to the existence of
micelles in solution of surface active agents "but opinions
differ as to their klnds,shapes and mechanism of formation
(36-39) . McBaln considers two kinds of mleeiles,ene a highly
conducting,spherioal one revealing Its existence before
c.ra.c. while the other, a non-conducting lamellar micelle
making its appearance beyond c.m.c.. Contrary to McBain*s
views Hartley (40,41) acknowledges only one kind of micelle,
namely the spherical one. On the other hand Debye (42) has
proposed a eyllnderloal micelle while others (43,44) have
Indicated the presence of rod like micelle giving impression
of a stack of coins.
Light scattering technique Is probably the most
powerful tool which can be employed to fathom the mysteries
of micelles. It affords the determination of mieellar
molecular weight (45-49) , amount of charge on the micelle
(50), and dissymmetry (51). This method singly provides such
a hoard of information which other methods like diffusion
(62-64) , X-ray (56,56) , ultracentrifuge measurements (57)
and sedimentation data (58) may not be able to give when
used collectively. Recently Sehott (59) calculated the
mieellar molecular weight and aggregation number of some
ionlo and non-ionic agents by solubilization, fueh effects
as the decrease in cm.a. end increase in mieellar size
(60,61) on the addition of salts to surfactant solutions
can be studied by this technique.
Thermodynamics! considerations of Debye (45) based on
the free energy of the micelle rather than of the entire
system aroused great controversy (62,63). Reich (62) pointed
out that Debye*s treatment was not conclusive and could
not provide explanation for such simple facts as the format
ion of micelles by non-ionic surfactants. Other workers
like Philips (64) made simple assumptions that the micelles
are mono-dispersed, with all of the micelles having
essentially the same size and charge while Hoeve and Benson
(65) criticized the simplicity of such statements. Later on,
«'a>n:aw& et.,-~. , (6G) \\xt forward | theory which SsWiCmfStl
tuch factort as heat of hydration and configurational •
entropy terms of the hydrophobic chains in discussing the
formation of associated colloids. This theory could give
the quantitative prediction for cm.c,mieellar weights,and
other properties but could not ressonably explain temperaure
effects and clouding phenomenon. ?tainsby and Alexander
(67) have calculated the change in heat content and also in
entropy at mleelilastion from the temperature dependence of
the cm.c. of surfactant. Reeently,the heat of micellisatioi
in aqueous solutions of various Ionic detergents has been
determined by direct calorimetric measurements of heats of
dilution ( 68-71 ) |
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