dc.description.abstract |
Investigations on the class of compounds known as anils
have been carried out mainly from the synthetic view point.
Here too the studies have been limited to beniylidene aniline
and its derivatives end vary little has been attempted at
to synthesise and characterise new anils like those obtained
from glyoxala and aromatic amines.
Apart from this little Information la available on
certain very Interesting and Important physico-chemical
aspects, vix., their role as chelating agents,their use as
colorimetric reagents, their adsorption and even possible
interaction (due to bathochromlc effect) with gels etc. The
only work worth quoting In this direction is that of Krohnke
and Gross on bathochromlc effect in p-dimethyl amino
anil of phenyl glyoxal as observed by complex formation and
The scanty knowledge about anils, especially about
their physico-chemical behaviour, aa described above, pointed
towards the necessity and Importance of undertaking systema
tic atudies on these compounds. T©*> begin with, the following
aspects, which go to form the main theme of the thesis,
were Investigated i-
(i) P- naphthaeylldene aniline,^-naphthaeylldene -
p-toluldene, f> -naphthaeylldene- p- chloroanlline,
/3- naphthaeylldene - m- nitroanlline,/3-naphthaeylldene -
p- nttroanlline,/3-naphthaeylldene, o<- naphthyl amine.
P - naphthaeylldene »P- naphthyl amine, p-dimethyl amino
anil of P> - naphthyl glyoxal, p - dimethyl amino anil of
f> - naphthyl glyoxal nitrile, p-dimethyl amino anil of
methyl glyoxal anils, not synthesised so far were prepared
and characterised by obtaining their derivatives and I.R.
(il) The peculiar and Interesting property of the
above anils (as well as the previously synthesised anil,
p-dimethyl amino anil of phenyl glyoxal) to undergo chela
tion with metals not particularly belonging to transition
elements was studied in detail and the composition and
structure of the complexes so obtained was investigated
using methods of chemical analysis, visible spectrophoto
metry and I.R, spectroscopy. The metsi salts chosen for
these studies were the Lewis acids,
(ill) Adsorption of the anils In various non-polar
solvents on Inorganic gels including silica was studied
and the nature of adsorption Isotherm critically examined,
(lv) The behaviour of the non-aqueous solutions of
some metal chelatea of anils on the silica surface waa
studied to establish the relationship between pore availa
bility and adsorption or surface reactions.
(v) The Appendix gives a few data on the magnetic
susceptibility of the anils and Its mercury, sine and
cadmium complexes to establish the phenomenon of partial
charge transfer in these anils, rendering the ligand paramag*
netic Insplte of the lone pair of electrons associated with
their structural formulae. |
en_US |