Oxycations of the types MCn+ and MOg* are found
mainly among the lighter transition elements (in their
higher oxidation states) of a given period, for example,
in groups IV, V and VI. They are almost non-existent
with the later group metals, although exceptions, such
2+ _2+ 1—10 as Os0| and RuCg , are known. The most extensively
studied and the best characterized oxycation is the dioxouraniura
(VI) or uranyl ion, UCg+.
It may be assumed that the uranyl ion is linear.
Although such linearity may not be deduced completely
unambiguously from any one experiment, there is general
accord that a collinear O-U-0 structure affords better
interpretation of the Raman l4 infrared16, and electronic
spectra , and of x-ray diffraction intensities .
It is also an established fact that the uranyl ion
possesses three characteristic frequencies: the symmetric
stretching frequency i)^ , lying in the range 780-900 cm"1?
the asymmetric stretching frequency i)3, lying in the range
800-1000 cm"* ; and the bending vibration X)z* appearing in
the neighbourhood of 200 cm"1. The rather large freque
ncy intervals quoted by i^ and l)3 are indicative18 of the
fact that appropriate complexation of the uranyl ion
by ligand groups presumed to lie in, or nearly in, a plane
perpendicular to the axial O-U-0 direction, produce
extremely large variations in U( and 1)-$ ,
Aqueous solutions of uranyl salts are distinctly
acidic and it has also long been known that large amounts
of U03 can be dissolved by solutions of uranyl salts.
To account for these observations as well as for the
steep rise in electrical conductance of dilute solutions
in comparison with other salts of similar valence type,
19 Maclnnes Longsworth ' proposed the formation of the polyg.
meric species UOgfUCg) . On the basis of cryscopic meas
urements, potentiometric titrations and spectrophotometry
20 studies, Sutton proposed structures corresponding to
UgOg and UgOg as well as a number of Ions containing
additional hydroxo groups, viz., U308(OH)+, U30g(0H)g and
U30q(0H)^ and calculated equilibrium constants for the
formation of various species:
2U(|* ♦ HgO +=± U2C§+ * 2H* Km 1.U10"6
<-9 U2°5+ +»<£* +V ^==± u3°!+ +2H+ K" 5xlCf
u3^+ ♦ H2° ;p=± Vb<«>* *H+ K* 2-8xlcr4
21 Sillen and coworkers have been active in advanc
ing the 'core-link1 hypothesis for the formation of
polynucleer complexes and have described methods for det
ermining formula of polymeric olated metal species of the
: I "** .1 Ml i
general formula M ([0H]t M)n. In a number of cases,
they found that the curves, obtained by plotting
%(average number of hydroxo groups bound per mole of
the metal ion) as ordinate vs. -log [H*] as abscissae
for different values of total metal ion concentration
(Tjj), were essentially parallel and that the horizontal
spacing between the two curves was proportional to the
difference between the two values of -log T«. Mathemat
ically this may be expressed by the relationshipt
i log Tj
\ aa iloo«gf[HH+*l] /2
where 't' is the number of hydroxo groups bound per
polynuclear link in a 'core plus links' type of complex,
2? Ahrland, Heitanen and Sillen have Interpreted their
potentioraetrie data on hydrolytic reactions of UOg4, to
indicate the formation of sheet-like complexes with double
OH bridgest
U0g([0H]2 UOg)^
23 Recently Gustafson, et al.T employing the mathe
matical treatment described by Sillen and co-workers, have
determined equilibrium constants for the reactions asso
ciated with the formation of various species in the hydro
lysis of UOg"1*. Aplot of -log TM against -log [H*] at
constant Z , obtained from the potentlometric titrations
of uranyl nitrate with KOH, corresponded to slopes of
feS® •« '-'•; Wf>
2.08, 2.16, 2.20, 9.P6 and 0.34 at 2 values of 0.20,
0.40, 0.60, 0.80 and 1.00 respectively. These values
are somewhat higher than th* value of 9.00 which would
be predicted on the basis of the formula suggested by
Sillen and co-workers, i.e., polymers containing two
hydroxo bridges per link. Gustafson et al.?3 have
explained this behaviour on the basis of the presence
of complexes such as UOg(OH)* in the system. They conc
luded thit the hydrolysis of UG^4" ,in the initial stages
(Z < 0.3), proceeds by the reactions
U0|+ ♦ HgO < t U0g(0H)+ +H+
2U0g* +2H2° *==i ^(C^JgUCg"'" +2H*
or 2U0g(0H)+ |SSt U0g(0H)g Uo|+
The values of Kx, Kg and Kd, defined by the eouations
. [U0g(0H)+] [H*]
Kl [»F]
, pyq»<og>» !<3 [H*]2
1*4 ]s
were found to be 10"6'10, 1CT5'84 and icT6'36 respectively,
It is of interest to note that the value of Kd for the
fc** -11 +. K• 5
uranyl ion is considerably greater than those calculated
for copper °, aluminium25, iron26"09(III), and thorium30
indicating that the monohydroxy species of uranyl ion
has a relatively greater tendency to form polynuolear
Among the uranyl chelates of oxygen donor ligands,
complexes of a-hydroxy ccrboxylic acids have received
an extensive attention. Uranyl tartrate has been known
3^ ^the earliest investigations of uranium chemistry.
Peligot32*33, Courtois34 and Itzig38 have described the
preparation of solid compounds. A considerable amount of
work has been done on the optical properties of uranyl
complexes of aliphatic hydroxy acids. Walden36 found thpt
the addition of KOH and uranyl nitrate to solutions of
tartaric, malic, mandelic, and quinic acids cause a large
increase in the optical rotatory powers of the solutions.
37 Bruhat has reported tfart vLTtxyl tartrate solutions
exhibit cotton effect.