The name 'surface active agents * has been given
to those substances which even in small quantity,alter
the conditions prevailing at the interfaces. Different
termenologies have been used from time to time to represent
these compounds. In Industry the term'syndet' is widely
used which is a contraction for 'synthetic detergent1.
'Surfactant' a shorter term for surface active agent,
represent an organic molecule or an unformulated compound
having surface active properties while'syndet'represents
primarily a detergent formulation.
Hartley has given the name'amphipathy',which shows
by its meaning that the molecule or the ion contains two
groups,one that has the sympathy for the phase in which
the molecule or the ion is dissolved and the other group
which is antipathetic to the medium. In the colloid
chemistry these types of groups are known as'lyophilic'
and 'lyophobic' respectively and hence these types of
compounds are also known as'colloidal electrolytes'/ *
McBain called all of them by the name of 'soap'.*
The soaps are natural as well as synthetic products.
The compounds like glu^egg white,the natural gums etc. .
are natural products. Synthetic surface active agents,as
we understand,are substances which have been specially
synthesised inorder to obtain the compound which has
surface active properties,is a modem development,which
has received its most active phase in the period"between
two World Wars.
Classification. •
The synthetic surface active agents are classified
as follows:
Oil-soluble surfactants:- They are of three types
(i) long chain polar compounds,which lower the oil-water
interfacial tension and are adsorbed on the polar surfaces;
(ii) fluorocarbon compounds,whose polar groups are
sufficiently soluble in oil and lower the surface tension
of oils;and (iii) silicones,they are generally used as
insoluble components of the system and serves antifoeming
Water soluble surfactants:- Most of the interest of the
workers is centered towards this class of soaps. These are
generally classified depending upon the state of the soap
in solution.
(i) Anionic surfactants:- In which on ionisation the
hydrophobic portion contains negative charge. The most
important among them are,Twichell's reagents (alkyl-aryl
surphates and sulphonates), ester sulphonates,amide
sulphonates,aliphatic sulphates etc..
(ii) Cationic surfactants;- In which on ionisaticjn the long
chain contains positive charge. This class generally
consists long chain primary,secondary and tertiary amines,
quartemary ammonium compounds,alkyl pyridinium chlorides.etc,
(iii) Non-ionic surfactants:- They do not Ionise in
solution. These are fatty alkanol amides, ethylene oxides
derived non-ionic surfactants,sugar esters etc.. • .
Civ) Amphoteric or ampholytic surfactants:- They ionise
in solution,with a long chain ion carrying either a
positive or negative charge,depending upon the pH of the
solution. They behave like amino acids. Their surface
active properties are pH dependent. They are N-alkyl
taurines,amino-sulphonic acids etc.. Amongst the newer
ones are Imidazolin derivaties.
Uses and industrial applications.
Almost all types of soaps have been put to use in
industry,technology and allied fields. A very large
proportion of the total surfactant production is used in
washing textile fabrics. There are three major areas in
which soap are used for washing fabrics. These are: (a)
in mills where the fabrics are made and finished; (b) in
home; and (c) in commercial laundries. The alkane
sulphonates (Mersolates) were at one time very widely
used in Europe for house hold detergents.
The soaps have also been used in cleaning the* *"
hard surfaces,generally includes,metal surfaces $glass,
ceramic and other non-metallic inorganic surfacesjhard
and relatively durable organic surfaces such as paints, •
plastics,linoleum; surfaces of senstitive materials,such
as food stuffs,which are easily penetrated or injured.
In textile and dry cleaning industries,they are
used for several textile processing operations such as
dyeing,wetting,dispersing,emulsification and other similar
gross effects(l). The use of soaps for various non- • 9
detersive applications in the field of medicine and hygine
has increased appreciably within recent years. Anionic
surfactants such as lauryl sulphate and non Ionic surfactants
such as the Tweens and Spans have been widely adopted for
preparing skin lotions in which the effective medicament
is suspended or emulsified. One of the most interesting
applications of soaps in medicine is the use of an aerosol
spray of sodium lauryl sulphate solution as an inhalant
for children suffering with severe bronchial congestion.
This treatment appears to loosen the excessive mucous
secretion and to provide moisture more effectively than
stream inhalations(2). The cationic germicides such as
benzalkonium chloride can be incorporated into ointments
based on methyl cellulose,starch polyglycol,gelatin,pectin
or Tween emulsions but their activity is reduced or
destroyed when anionic emulsifiers or bases are used(3).
Surfactants are used internally as ingredients in many
different dispersed or emulsified medicaments in whic"h *"~
the surfactant itself play no important biological role
but merely serves as a carrier for the active drug.
Alkylaromdtic sulphonates have been used as carriers for*
phenothiazine in anthelmintic preparations(4). Penicillin
is itself a surface active,and has a relatively high
critical micelle concentration,and its surface activity
is negligible at the extremely low concentrations where
it is still biologically active(5). * .
The fields of cosmetic technology which have
derived most benefit from the recent advances in surfactants
include: hand and skin cleansers and bath preparations;
emulsion products,lotions, and creams;dentifrices;shaving
preparations;and shampoos.
In metal and mineral technology,surfactants are
used in flotation,electroplating and surface finishing of
metals. The alkyl aryl sulphonates,including the long chain
alkyl benzene sulphonates and the short chain alkyl napthalene
sulphonates,as well as the fatty alcohol sulphates,
have become more or less standard antipitting additives
for nickel plating baths (6). For bright copper plates
thiourea in combination with napthalene disulphonic acid
have been used(7). Bright alloys of copper-tin or coppertin-
zinc, i.e. bronze or brass plates,have been obtained
by using the ampholytic surfactant,dodecyl trimethyl
bentaine in an alkaline cyanide(8,9).
In building and construction industries surfactants""
are being consumed on a large scale. Specific areas in which
surfactants are widely used include the preparation and
use of asphalt bonding materials,concrete,plaster board, *
and earth,clay,and ceramic products. Soaps and sulphonated
anionic surfactants have been used as retarders in the
preparation of Plaster of Paris(10). In the construction
of dirt roads,aircraft runways,floors,and other load-bearing
earth surfaces it is desirable to render the soil stable
and compact. Cationic soaps are very effective stabilizers
for certain types of soil and soil-aggregate(ll). Fatty
soaps and rosin soaps,folowed by an alun treatment,have
been used to increase the water resistance of dirt roads.
Hydrophobic and hydrophillc surface active substances
have been shown to be effective in increasing the
penetration of Portland cement suspensions into sand(l2).
The use of soaps in the manufacture of fertilizers
was first announced by Seymour(l3). The major beneficial
result from the soap is the improvement of the physical
character of the fertilizer by reducing the hardness of
the fertilizer,and by increasing the resistance to caking.
The alkyl sulphonates,such as Santomerse,Oronite Detergent,
and Kreelon are used commercially. The acid-stable nonionics
( alcohol or mercaptan-ethylene oxide condensates,
alkylphenyl polyethylene glycol ether,or alkylphenoxy
polyoxyphenyl ethanol) are the most effective surfactants
for the treatment of fertilizers(14). In insecticides,
fungicides and herbicides the demand of soaps has " **""
appreciably Increased.
In the industries of leather,fur, paper, synthetic
filaments and films, synthetic rubers, polymers,plastics,
paints,petroleum and chemical-processing industries etc.
the soaps have wide applications. Besides the aforesaid
applications soaps have used in fire fighting and fire
preventation recently. One* of the well established methods
for fighting fires is to lay down over the smouldering
material a thick blanket of aqueous foam. This blanket
serves to prevent reignition of combustible material,
even though it rarely has sufficient cooling power to
extinguish a vigorous flame.
Properties of soaps.
As has already been stated that the soap molecule
contains hydrophobic and hydrophilic groups in a single
molecule. When such a substance is put into water,the
water molecules will try to repel the hydrophobic group
and simultaneously has a loving tendency towards the
hydrophilic portion. The least energy of water will be
wasted in pushing away the hydrophobic portion if the
system exhibit the smallest possible area of contact
between the water molecules and the non-polar hydrocarbon
chain of the soap molecule. There is such minimum contact
when soap molecules go to the surface and orient with
their polar group directed towards the water. This tendency
of the soap molecules decreases the surface tension and
the interfacial tension. This is what actually happens
in the dilute solutions but in the concentrated solutions
all the hydrophobic portion cannot remain at the surface.
In that case the hydrophobic portion starts to aggregate
and these aggregates are surrounded and hidden by polar
groups. This aggregation of the soap molecules is called
a micelle. A number of investigators like McBain(l5),
Hartley(16),Wright(17) and Tartar(l8) etc., have all
agreed on the presence of aggregates of the soap .solutions.
These aggregates or micelles do not form at any •
arbitary concentration but they start forming only after
passing an optimum concentration. The concentration at
which micelle begins to form is known as critical micelle
concentration (cm. c.). The c.m.c. is not a specific
concentration value, but it is a concentration range in
which the dispersed soap molecules changes to an equili
brium between molecules ( or ions) and aggregates. When
practically any physical property of an aqueous soap
solution is considered, it exhibits more or less abrupt
change in the magnitude over a narrow concentration range
( c.m.c). This abruptness in the physical property has
been utilized in the determination of the c.m.c. The
values of the c.m.c. derived from various physico-chemical
properties may not necessarily be identical since they
will depend on the abruptness of the change of the property.
Any method that measures the deviation from ideal
behaviour can be used to determine the c.m.c. of a
surfactant. A number of physical methods,viz., conductivitjp—
(19-23), surface tension(24) freezing point(25),osmotic
pressure(26), vapour pressure(27),solubility(28),viscosity
(29), etc, have been employed from time to time by workers.
Because of its simplicity the spectral-change method
involving the colour change of the dyes has been recently
used for estimating the c.m.c of soap solutions. This
method has been critically studied by Mukerjee and Mysels(30).
Tracer technique(3l) and electrophoretic mobility(32) •
methods have also been employed in investigating this
An indirect evidence of micelle formation is the
phenomenon of solubilization. When such substances which
are not very soluble in water,dissolve to an appreciable
extent in the micellar soap solution,the phenomenon is
known as solubilization. Direct evidence that solubilized
materials are present within the micelles is provided by
X-ray measurements(33).McBain (34) established that for
solubilized systems,the components are in thermodynamically
stable equilibrium. In their monograph on
"Solubilization",McBain and Hutchinson(35) treat solubili
zation as a distribution phenomenon between two phases:
One is aqueous phase and the other is micellar phase.
This phenomena Is discussed later.
Soap micelles in non-aqueous.
The oil soluble soaps forms their micelles in
hydrocarbon solvents(36-43).(Micelles formed in non-polar
solvents are considered that the polar groups are
directed towards the interior of the micelles). These
micelles are capable to solubilize water. Matton and
Mathew (39) found that pure sodium bis(2-ethylhexyl)
sulphosuccinate formed spherical micelles in n-dodecanc
Kaufman and Singleterry( 41,43) investigated micelle
formation by a number of salts of dinonyl naphthalene
sulphonate. Oil soluble non-ionic surfactants and
10 .
amine-fatty acid soaps,form micelles at concentrations
-2 • of about 10 • molar and above and the size of the
micelles varies substantially with concentration(44-47).
Shape of the micelle.
There is a general agreement on the presence of
micelles in soap solution but a controversy still exist
about their shape. McBain(48) was of the opinion that
in aqueous soap solutions,two types of aggregates which
are very dissimilar in structure,are in equilibrium
with each other. One ( the ionic micelle) is highly
charged and spherical and the other (the lamellar
micelle) has a small charge. Hartley(49) on the other
hand,postulated only one type of micelle,spherical,
essentially liquid in structure and is large compared
with McBain's ionic micelle and contains in addition to
the amphipathic Ions a considerable number of counter
ions. Debye(50) has proposed a cylindrical micelle with
curved ends which are approximately Hartley spheres. An
ellipsoid of rotation was proposed by Hughes (51) aifd ^.
Halsey has suggested that the micelle is rod like(52).
Viscosity(53,54) and birefringence (55)
measurements suggest the spherical micelles in* 5% soap
concentration but beyond this concentration upto 20$
the micelles are asymmetric or rod like and at still
higher concentrations the micelles are microcrystallites
of the lamellar kind(56)