dc.description.abstract |
Complex metal oyanides of atleast twenty eight
heavy metals (in between Ti (22) and U (92)) in their
various oxidation states are reported in the existing
literature (l). Majority of these compounds are hexa
oo-ordinated (octahedral), although quite a few exist
as tetra co-ordinated (e.g., copper, zinc, palladium,
nickel, mercury, platinum, gold etc.) oyanides (tetrahedral
or square planar) or in the form of trieyano
(planar) or dicyano (linear) complexes. Others of
particular Interest are cyano complexes of Mo, Wand
Re of co-ordination number eight (dodeeahedral) with
tendency to expand their co-ordinating sphere to ten
and a series of *mixed cyanide complexes*, accomodating
NO, OH, HgO, CO, NH3 etc. in the co-ordinating sphere,
e.g., Fe(CH)g »0~"\ KRe(CR)a(C0)4, W(CN)7(H30) ,
Cr04(CH)a(RH3f\ |
Comprehensive Investigations on the chemistry
of metal cyanides have more or less remained limited to
those of iron. Valuable information on the synthetic,
thermodynamic, electrochemical, analytical and kinetic
aspects is available on the basis of these investigations
Similar approaches are being made towards the study of
octaeyano complexes in recent years.
Before Introducing the problem it would be
worthwhile to give a brief review of the work done on
the complex cyanides of iron.
Information on this aspect deals with the
preparation of simple and mixed metal cyanides,
salts of metal cyanides with organic bases and the
characterisation of these compounds. Baglnlng with
the preparation of Iron blues. The synthetic aspects
covered the preperation of such difficult compounds
as the salts of hydroferrocyanic aoid with a large
number of organic bases, e.g., aniline, o-toluidine,
dimethylaniline, pyridine, benzidine, isoquinoline
etc. and basic dyestuffs, e.g. Bismark brown, auramine,
malachite green, methyl violet, acriflavine ete.(2)|
mixed complex cyanidea (3-10) of Fe(II)i Fe(CK)6(H20)3"
Fe(CH)5 (H0)S-, Fe(CH)5(Ho2)4', Fe^UaGg)4-.
re(CH)5(303) , Fe(C!f)6(C0)3*, Fe(CK)5(RSo4),
Fe(CH)6(NH3)3-f Fe(CH)2(CH3Ha)4, Fe(CH)2(Phen)2,
Fa(CH)2(dipy);, Fe(CK)4(Phen)^, Fo(CH)4(dipy)2- and
Fe(CN)g(COg)(Py) andFe(in)t Fe(CH)5 H203", Fe(CH)6
(MH3)a", Fe(CH)5(R0g)3- and Fe(CH)5(N0)3".
Studies on the structure of these complexes
date back to 1930 have been investigated. The
constitution of Prussion and Tumbulls blues was
studied by keggin and Mites (11) with the help of
x-rays (more refined and accurate x-ray diffraction
now makes it possible to make a distinction between
the C and R attached to metal ion). These studies were
extended by Weiser, Milligan and Bates (12) and later
by Reganontic (13) to give useful information about
the structure and chemical constants of a number
of metal ferrooyanides. Investigations of the
later author showed the existence of complex anions
of the type MFe(CS)J" with interstitial structures
In thin films of copper ferrocyanlde*
The techniques of absorption (visible, infra
red and ultraviolet regions) spectra and magnetic
susceptibility when applied to the dispersed pre
cipitate of Iron blues lent support to the theory
of super complex formation and formulae! Fe Fe(FeCK-)
and Fe ?e(FeCNQ)3 were assigned to Prussian and
Turnbull blues respectively*
Recently magnetic (14), cryscopic (15) and
Vpolorographic (l6-l7)/to investigate the structure
of mixed complexes of Fe(II) and Fe(III)i>k>a- c^IouaoL
fioUvJLIftl •ProgaxtJ.fts.t
Investigations on this property can be
divided under fewo sub-headst one dealing with the
properties of metal ferrocyanlde colloids, the other
dealing with the composition and stability of
colloidal precipitates of some less familiar metal
cyanogen complexes.
Viscosity data of Ghosh and Dhar (18), Malik
and Bhattacharya (19) offered strong evidence for
the adsorption of the reacting ions, Fe3% FeCHg4".
FeCKg on Prussian and Turnbull s blues* The
latter authors also studied the composition, adsorptlve,
hydrolytic and colloidal properties of sine, manganese,
nickel and cobalt ferrocyanides. Other colloidal
aspects studied were changes in conductivity, pH,
seta potential (20-21) of copper ferrocyanlde, permeabllity(
22-24) of metal ferrocyanlde (cobalt, nickel,
silver, chromium etc.) membranes and their sol-gel
transformation. Malik (25) for the first time reported
the existence of a number of soluble complexes of
Cr(lll) | Be (II) * MoUll and VI). TiUlI and IV)
etc. and studied their composition and stability by
the spectrophotcmetrlc method (26-27). The flr (III)
and Cr(Il) complexes were isolated and composition
confirmed by chemical analysis,
ffl^fttroaetrlc and analytical StttfllflMl
With the more frequent use of physico-chemical
methods, especially the electrometric ones, precise
information not only about the composition of these
complexes but *bout the use of hexaoyanoferrate
(II and IH) as analytical reagent^. In this connection
worth mentioning is the contributions of Kolthoff
(28-29) who for the first time successfully employed
conductometric and potentiometrlc methods in studying
the metal cyanide reactions and, at the same time,
demonstrated the importance of potassium ferrocyanlde
as a reagent for the estimation of metal ions,
specially sine (the use of conductivity titrations
in precipitation analysis was employed)* Kolthoff*s
work was followed by extensive investigations on
the use of potassium ferro and ferricyan!dee in
quantitative analysis by other workers and a number
of papers on this aspect of the problem appeared
from 1922 to 1929* These include the eleotrometrle
titrations of ferricyanide with titanous sulphate
(30-31), Vanadate hydrosul] hits (32) and eerie ions
(33). The effect of alkali on the titrations of
certain metal ions (Cd**, Fe**, Pb** a«\ Mc** «tc.)
with ferrocyanlde (34)tocx/> cJUl&caji$>S«x»
Extensive use of eleotrometrle technique
was made from 1940 onwards to study the compositions
of the metal ferrocyanogen complexes. The complexes
studied were cadmium ferrocyanlde copper ferro and
ferricyanides, Prussian and Turnbull blues, sine
ferricyanlde, Prussian green, mercuric and uranyl
ferrocyanides, nickel ferrlcyanldes (35-37).
The studies on metal ferrocyanogen complexes
during this period was not limited to the use of
eonductometrlc and potentlometric methods alone. The
comparatively new technique of amperometry was also
employed for the elucidation of the composition of
these complexes. Kolthoff (38) for the first time
used amperometric titrations to show that the end
point in the ferrocyanlde titration of lead correspon
ded to the precipitation of FbgFeCHg. Later on
Ghounyk and Kleibs (39) Zuman (40) Khosla and
Oaur (41) Amore (42) used amperometric titrations
In studying copper ferrocyanlde, ferric-ferro cyanides
of manganese, cadmium and silver* Zolotavin and
Kuznetova (43) carried out polarographle titrations
with vanadyl sulphate*
Of the other recent techniques employed,
besides amperoraetry and polaregraphy are the ooloumetrio
titrations and ion exchange methods. Hartley
and Llngane (44) had described a method for the
eoloumetric titrations of Tl* in strongly alkaline
3- solution by means of Fe(CH)6 generated by anodic
4- oxidation of Fe(CK)s at platinum anode* The accuracy
of the method was found to be within 0.2 per cent.
In connection with the attempts to use
hexaoyanoferrate (II) as the analytical reagent
it is worthwhile to mention the work of Deshmukh
and Fujita. Deshmukh (46) carried out determination
of ferrocynide with lead nitrate and also the
volumetric determination of cadmium and cerium by
potassium ferrocyanlde. Cadmium and cerium were
estimated by titrating excess of potassium ferro
cyanlde after the complete precipitation of the
respective metal ferrocyanides, while in case of
lead a saturated solution of diphenyl oabasone was
used as an Indicator. Fujlta <47) estimated lead,
silver manganese, nickel cobalt, cadmium and mercury
volumetrlcally. He used starch-iodine (silver,
manganese, nickel, cobalt), phenol red (lead)
potassium ehromate (mercury and cadmium) as Internal
indicators for the titrations of metal Ions.
More recent studies of Boyland and Mery (48)
reveal the possibility of using hexaoyanoferrate
(III) as a colorimetric reagent for the estimation
of arylhydroxylamines and nitrones or its use as an
oxidising agent for reducing sugars (49). Dolezal
and zyka (SO) studied analytical use of hexaoyano
ferrate (III) in the determinations of qulnones in
presence of sine salts as reaction accelerators.
Thermodynamical measurements, which would
include measurement of formation constants, enthalpies
and entropies of formation in solutions, have been very
little studied so far* Even for most stable complexes,
4— *a_ ••B.f Fe(CR)g and Fe(CR)^ no stepwise formation
constant has been successfully reported*
Hepler, Sweet (51) and Jesser had reported
heat of solution in water of K3?e(CH)6, K4Fe(CN)9 and
the heat of oxidation of Fe(CR)9 by liquid Bra.
Stephenson and Morrow (82) had measured tha
heat capacities of potassium ferrieyanide and
potassium cobalticyanide. These studies revealed a
gradual transition, magnetic in nature, occurlng at
131°K in the paramagnetic potassium ferrieyanide*
Other investigations, worth mentioning,
on thermodynamic properties are those of Asperger
(53) EmsehwUler (54) on the hydrolytic decomposition
of hexaoyanoferrate (II). More recent work in this
direction is due to Breck (55) and Vernon (56) who
Investigated entropy differences between correspond
ing ferrate (III) and force constants and vibrations
of, in relation to leostructural hexaoyanoferrate |
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