The last part of the nineteenth and the beginning of
the twentieth century witnessed many new developments in the
realm of colloid science, which gradually paved the way
for more comprehensive and critical studies in the years
to follow. The striking observations of Schulze (l), Linder
and Picton (2), Hardy (3), Zsigmcndy (4), Perrin (5), Burton
(6) and others on the influence of small amounts of electro
lytes on the stability of inorganic colloids and the existence
of electrokinetic potentials in these colloidal systems
awakened the interest of a number of eminent workers to
study the problem of the stability of colloids in a quantita
tive way. Not considering for the present the behaviour of
the lyophilic and biocolloids, which considerably differ
from the lyophobic colloids interms of electrokinetic
properties (7) and stability (8) (attributed mainly to
solvation), the quantitative aspect of the investigations
may be divided under the following subheads: (I) Kinetics
of Coagulation, (II) the nature of the electrical double
layer and the sol stability interms of potential energy
curves, and (III) application of conductometric and potentiometric
titrations in the study of the constitution of sols.
I. Kinetics of Coagulation:
Inspite of the several modifications made from time
to time in the Smoluchowski •s equation and the theoritical
interpretations putforward to fit in the results on slow
coagulation, this equation would always remain a living
testimony to the marvellous imagination of Smoluchowski
(9) and the great practical ingeneunlty of Zslgmondy (10).
Zsigmondy (loc. cit) during the course of his
studies on the action of electrolyte on gold sols distin
guished two types of coagulation (as observed from the
change in colour of the gold sol from red to violet), viz}
slow and rapid ones. In the case of rapid coagulation
the velocity is independent of the concentration, valency
and nature of the coagulating ion while in the region of
slow coagulation the behaviour is entirely different since
the particles are not completely discharged and a residual
charge always persists In particles undergoing agglomera-
A short resume of Smoluchowski* s fundamental studies
on the velocity of rapid coagulation is worth considering.
Theoritical equation for the velocity of rapid
coagulation have been worked out by Smoluchowski on the
basis of Zsigmondy13 assumptions. Smoluchowski considers
that coagulation depends on the probability of collision
between the particles and on the probability of their
adhesion when collision does takes place} the second
assumption is that due to collision duplets, triplets and
quadriplets etc. would be formed by the collision of two
singlets, one singlet and one duplet, one singlet and one
triplet} the third assumption made by him is that he
considers a sphere of attraction to surround each particle
and postulates that collision occurs only when the centre
of the sphere surrounding one particle enters the sphere
of attraction of another particle. The minimum value for
the radius of the sphere of attraction is thus twice the
radius of the particles, for in such case the particles just
touch when *.he centre of one enters the sphere of attraction
of the other. Now as every collision between two colloidal
particles leads to their adhesion, an estimate of the
number of collisions in unit time gives atonce the rate of
coagulation. The diffusion equation for a problem of
spherical symmetry is D. °(rc) • "^ (re) (i)
~dr2 -bt
where D is the diffusion constant and c the concentration
(number of particles in unit volume) at time t and distance
r from the centre of symmetry. The solution c = cQ (1-JL),
(where R and cQ are constants) of the above equation is
such that at all times c • o on the surface of sphere of
radius R, and c = cQ at large enough distances, r, from
the centre. This solution can be obtained as shown below:
The solution of the equation (i) is done by the
method of separation of variables i.e. c * R(r)T(t) which
means that concentration of the colloidal particle at any
time is a function of radius and time t, such that R(r) is
a function of r alone and T(t) is a function of t alone
that is R(r) and T(t) are independent variables.
^•(rc) . 3L_ r R(r) T (t)
^t -at
= r R(r) 2. T(t)
= r R(r) JL. T(t)
»•» D ^(rg)^ DJL r R(r) T (t)
-dr2 ih-2 [
.It- -1 =DT(t)J*.[ r R(r) 1
~br2L J
• DT(t)-dl[r R(r) 1
dr2l J
= DI(t)4- X r R(r)
dr [dr
= DT(t)-i-T[rr..-£- R(r) + R(r)
dr [ <*r ]
.2 DT(t) r OPd ♦ 2 JL. R(r)
dr >] dr<
Substituting these values in (1) we get
DT(t) r d2R(r) +2-1- R(r)
• r R(r)._ji. T(t)
dividing both sides by rR(r).T (t) we get
r R(r)
D 1—
r R(r)
,2 r. QLri + 2 _sL. R(r)
dr' dr
- U~ . JL. ^(t)
T(t) dt
r.^mirl +2-1- R(r)
dr2 dr ^ ;
=ife • -it T<t) •**" *"•
oCis a constant
• srTTx -rJ- T(t) = °C or 4 Y(tf) scCdt. Integrating it we get
ivt; at TT((tt'))
T(t) = •**. ec
T(t) = A •'
The possibilities foroCare (i)oC is real and (11)oC is \
imaginary. Now considering the case whenoCis real (positive
or negative) which shows that concentration at any point
should go on increasing or decreasing, which is impossible.
Now considering the second case whenoCis imaginary, we get
T(t) • A Sinrat + A'Cospt, this equation represents periodicity
since the concentration of duplets, triplets etc. are
not formed periodically but continuously. Any imaginary
v&lue ofoCis, therefore, not possible.
The only choice is now to putoC=:o, then we get t(t)=A.
Now considering R.H.S. of equation (ii), we have
—L— ail) + —2 lairl = o, multiplying by rR(r) we
R(r) dr2^ rR(r) dr
get, r AUI ♦ 2 dR(r) = 0
dr£ dr
or -4-1* -AMxl ♦ R(r)
dr dr
• o
or R(r) + r dR(r) _ q where G is constant
•"• dR(r) = dr. putting G-R(r) = Z and integrating it we
G-R(r) r
get -j*-|Z- =fj£-
- In Z • In r + In J^. putting | = E
we get In Z"1 = In rE or Z= -1-, let i- =^1
rE E L
:. z =IL or G-R(r) • 2L (iii)
r r
where G and^O are arbitary constants of a mathematical
problem and have to be determined from the chemistry of
the process.
Taking Smoluchowski's assumptions according to which
c • o at distance (r) = R and c • cQ at large enough
distances. On substituting these boundary conditions we
get c = cQ. (i &_) . This equation represents the
equilibrium concentration distribution around a small,
perfectly absorbing sphere of radius R drawn In the bulk
of colloidal solution of average concentration cQ. The
amount of colloidal material absorbed by the sphere in
unit time is 4*R2D •(2£-) r=a • 4KRDcQ (iv)
If the sphere, R, be now identified with the (average)
sphere of attraction of a particle in the solution, a
correction must be applied for the motion of the particles.
Smoluchowski showed that the correction for the Brownlan
motion of the absorbing sphere of attraction is equivalent
to replacing D, in the (iv) equation by 2D. The number of
collisions on a colloidal particle in unit time is thus
870RDco and the number of collisions in unit time per unit
volume is 4TCRDc02. At t • o, when the coagulation may be
supposed to be started, let cQ identical particles in unit
volume are present. After a time t there will be concentra
tions clf c2, c3 ,...cm ....of the particles formed by the
adhesion of 1, 2,3f...m.... of the original particles.
Considering first the single particle, they experience among
themselves 4KRDc 2 collisions in unit time, and are being
reduced in number at the rate 8KRDc 2 per sec. They also
make 8ARD (Zc-cO c^ collisions in unit time with particles
of other sizes, and thus total loss of single particles in
unit time per unit volume is
dci - -g^i- =8ARD(ZC-Cl) .C]L +SARDC^ (V)
p The double particles are increasing at a rate 4aRDc1 in
unit time and decreasing at a rate 8ARDc2"2<; per sec,
(vi) :. ^1 *8KRDrC2 m—
The triple particles are increasing at a rate 8KRDc-jC2 per sec
and decreasing at a rate 8ARDcJ£c,
i—• -
a 8ARD ci c2 - c3^c (vii) and so on.
The solution of these differential equations is
cm = 2 ° , where cm represents the concentration
of colloidal particles after time t (following the addition
of an electrolyte to the colloid), cQ represents the total
number of particles initially present per unit volume. The
most general form of Smoluchowski's equation cra = c° for
rapid coagulation has been verified repeatedly by Zsigmondy
(11), Westgren and Reistotter (12), Garner and Lewis (13),
Muller (14) developed a mathematical application of the
Smoluchowski theory to polydisperse systems in the region
of rapid coagulation. Welgner and Tuorilla (15) confirmed
this application.