dc.description.abstract |
Fresh water available from surface water bodies, such as, lakes and rivers, is a precious
resource for mankind. As fresh water is becoming increasingly scarce in recent times, it needs
proper attention. Improper management of fresh water has resulted in extensive environmental
degradation of many lakes and rivers in India. The environmental damages caused to surface
water bodies, may propagated further into hydraulically connected groundwater system and
would drastically reduce the availability of this alternative source of potable water.
Surface water and groundwater interaction studies provide useful information about
environmental impact and for better management of available fresh water resources. In this
present study, an attempt has been madeto study surface water and groundwater interaction by
using the stable isotopic technique in two different hydrogeological settings, namely, the
Nainital lake(mountain terrain) andthe upper reaches of RiverGanga (alluvial riverine system)
in western Uttar Pradesh. These water bodies have been selected for the present investigation,
as they form the main fresh water resource for large area of irrigation besides domestic use.
Nainital Lake - Groundwater Interaction
Nainital lake (29° 23' 09" N and 79° 27' 35" E) is a high altitude (1937 m above m.s.l.)
natural lake located in Nainital district of Uttar Pradesh. It is a crescent - shaped lake with
maximum length and width of 1.4 km and 0.45 km respectively and maximum and mean depths
of 27.3 m and 18.5 m respectively. The surface area of the lake is 0.46 Km2 with a maximum
capacity of 8.57 Mm3. The average annualrainfall in the basin is 2488mm and is geologically
characterized by Krol and Tal formations, which are folded and faulted.
Direct precipitation over the lake has been estimated by Theissen Polygon method using
rainfall data collected from four raingauges installed in the lake catchment. The surface inflow
to the lake, due to rainfall has been estimated by two different methods, viz. Soil Conservation
Service - Curve Number method (SCS-CN) and Lake Level Trend Analysis method (LLTA). The
latter method was developed in the present study. SPOT satellite imagery, ERDAS™ software,
Survey of India toposheet (#53 0/7) and Nainital guide map were used for obtaining land use
information, which in turn was used intheselection of appropriate runoff curve number for SCSCN
method. The weekly rates of reduction of water level in the lake level were considered for
the LLTA method. Surfaceinflows into the lake through the drains were measured at discrete
time intervals, with anassumption that the flow in the drains does not vary significantly during
intermittent period. The change instorage ofthe lake was estimated from daily lake level records.
Surface outflow from the lake was computed by empirical method applicable for submerged
rectangular sluice openings. Evaporation, from the lake was computed from the meteorological
data collected near the lake by modified Penman method.
Water samples collected during 1994 - 1996 were used for chemical and isotopic
characterization of the springs and the lake. A total of 63 samples were collected from the
springs, 273 from Nainital lake at different locations and depths, and 39 from the drains for
chemical characterisation. Majorions were analysed by standard procedures. The 5180 and SD
isotopic characterisations were done for local rainfall (16 samples), drains (7 samples), Nainital
lake (184 samples) and springs (35 samples). Isotopic composition of the lake evaporates was
calculated by Craig and Gordon model. 6180 was used as tracer to calculate theproportion of
the lake water drawn bythe wells. Sub-surface components ofthe lake were estimated byisotope
mass balance method, by using isotopic data in conjunction with conventional data. Estimates
of uncertainties in the measured / estimated values of a few water balance components were
made based on literature. The propagated errors in the estimated sub-surface components were
evaluated by standard methods.
It was noted that the lake temperatures during December to February vary from 8° to
10°C bothin epilimnion andhypolimnion zones, indicating that the lake is thermally well-mixed
and homogeneous and the thermocline, which had developed in March disappears totally in
November. During the period from March to November, the temperatures in epilimnion zone
vary from 15° to 25°C, whereas in the hypolimnion zone, they vary from 8° to 10°C, identical
to the range that was observed in winters.
In winters, 8180 in epilimnion andhypolimnion zones, ranges from -8.2%o to -9.7%o and
-8.1%o to -9.8%o respectively, whereas 6D remains -49%o and ranges from -52%0 to -55%o
respectively, indicating that the lake is isotopically homogeneous and well-mixed. During
summers, 6180 in epilimnion and hypolimnion zones varies from -5.5%o to -8.1%o and -6.6%o to
-7.7%o respectively, and the 5D varies from -38%o to -53%o and -46%o to -50%o respectively,
suggesting that during summer, the effect of evaporation is pronounced in the epilimnion zone
and during monsoon stratification renders the warmer surface inflow, float over the cooler
hypolimnion zone.
Isotopic investigations carried out in Nainital lake catchment reveal that the weighted
annual mean 6180 of rainfall is about -11.3%o. The estimated altitude effect on the rainfall in
Nainital area in 5180 is about -0.34%o and in 8D about -2.4%o.
Amultiple linear regression model has been developed for generating 5180 data of
rainfall in Nainital area, by employing the meteorological parameters such as, monthly mean
relative humidity, monthly rainfall andmonthly mean air temperature.
8E was estimated by Craig and Gordon Linear Resistance model. The results ofthe model
indicate that 8E is controlled mainly by the relative humidity. The estimated 6E is heavier during
months ofhigher relative humidity, as compared to the months oflower relative humidity. A
lower limit for isotopic enrichment ofa fresh water lake has been identified by analysing the
Craig and Gordon Linear Resistance model. The lower limit is determined by the difference
between isotopic composition ofthe lake (5L) and that ofthe atmospheric vapour above it (6a).
The evaporative enrichment ofthe water body will continue if (8L - 8a) is greater than the
equilibrium enrichment factor.
The total cations ofthe springs, normalised to those ofthe lake, suggest that the springs
located in Balia ravine (downstream side ofthe lake), are hydraulically connected to the lake.
This is confirmed by isotopic data obtained for Balia ravine, where during summers and
monsoons 6180 and 6D values remain -5.9%o to -8.8%o and -55%o to -64%o respectively and
during winters, they remain -7.9%o to -9.5%o and -44%o to -56%o respectively. Data pertaining to
summers and monsoons, indicate that the epilimnion zone of the lake is the main contributing
source for Balia ravine springs. It implies that reduction in the lake level below the present level,
might result in drying up ofthe springs in Balia ravine.
Conventional water balance studies, carried out for estimating inflow components show
that the groundwater contributes 50%, surface runoff from the catchment 30%, drains 10% and
direct rainfall over the lake surface contributes 10% ofthe total annual inflow. Similarly, studies
carried out for estimating the outflow components indicate that sub-surface outflow accounts for
about 55%, evaporation 10% and surface outflow for about 35% of the total annual outflow.
Annual pumping data indicate that outflow through seepage towards northern bank ofthe lake
is about 40% of the total annual outflow from the lake. This is substantiated by the long-term
surface outflow and annual rainfall data analyses, which indicate reduction inthe surface outflow
for agiven amount of annual rainfall in the past three decades. It is, therefore, inferred that any
change in the quantity ofpumping will affect the availability ofwater in the lake.
Hydrogeological investigations indicate that the shale formation, which occupies about
50% of the lake catchment area, has an hydraulic conductivity of about 5.4 * 10"8 m/s and a
specific yield ofabout 0.015%, suggesting it is not asuitable aquifer. However, the catchment
area has well developed lineaments and faults. The hydrologic investigations conducted along
these lineaments indicate higher infiltration capacity (about 58 cm/h). Therefore, it is inferred
that most of the groundwater inflow to the lake might be occurring along these zones. Further,
due to higher infiltration capacity of Sukhatal lake, its seepage appears to be amajor recharge
source for Nainital lake and therefore, any activity in Sukhatal lake catchment may affect the
water quality and availability in Nainital lake.
The slope ofthe 6180 - 6D water line ofthe lake is 7.1, which is very close to the Local
Meteoric Water Line of7.5, indicating that the lake is rainfall dependent and any change in
annual rainfall might be reflected on the isotopic characteristics of the lake.
Water retention time was computed for the Nainital lake by different methods. The
isotopic mass balance method gives 1.93 years, chloride mass balance technique 1.77 years and
the conventional water balance method yields 1.92 years. Sensitivity analysis carried out for the
isotope mass balance method, indicates that the method is highly sensitive to the difference
between the 6180 values ofgroundwater inflow and that oflake seepage. It was also found that
the relative error decreases with increase inthe difference between these two isotope indices.
River Ganga - Groundwater Interaction
The River Ganga flows in one of the largest alluvial basins of the world and the enters
the plains at Hardwar after flowing nearly 260 km in hilly terrain. For the present study, the river
reach between Hardwar and Narora of western Uttar Pradesh has been chosen. The study area
falls between 28° to 30° N latitudes 77°45' to 78°15' E longitudes. This reach of the river, caters
water to extensive land developed for agricultural use through four major canals, namely, Upper
Ganga Canal, Madhya Ganga Canal, Lower Ganga Canal and the Eastern Ganga Canal.
Groundwater levels were observed using the piezometers installed at Balawali,
Rawalighat, Brijghat, Anupshahr and Rajghat (near Narora). Groundwater hydraulic gradients
were estimated from this data. Single well tracer dilution experiments were conducted to estimate
the hydraulic conductivity. Specificdischarge of groundwater to the river at different sites were
estimated by Dupuit's method. Two- and three- component mixingmodelswereused to estimate
groundwater discharge to the river. The rainfall isotopic index for the study area has been
computed by using long-term (1961-1995) monsoon isotopic data ofNewDelhi station.
For isotopic characterisation, 63 water samples from riverGanga and 122 groundwater
samples from handpumps existing closerto the river werecollected during November, 1992 to
May, 1995. Another 35 groundwater samples were also collected from either side of the river
at a distance of 1, 5 and 10 km perpendicular to the river course, during January 1994 and
analysed for their isotopic characteristics..
It has beenfound from the groundwater levelmeasurements thatbothwestern andeastern
aquifers contribute to the river flow at Balawali, Brijghat and Anupshahr, in thenon-monsoon
seasons. Whereas, 8180 data of groundwater in the eastern aquifernear Anupshahr, showsthat
the influence of the river decreases with increase in distance. At Rajghat (Narora), it appears
from thegroundwater level data that the river receives groundwater from the western aquifer, and
seeps towards theeastern aquifer during thesame period. These indicate that the nature of river
and groundwater interaction is different in different reaches of the river, in the study area.
The 8180 variation in the river at Brijghat, Anupshahr and Rajghat, during pre-monsoon
seasons is comparable to the variation observed in western aquifer, and therefore, the western
aquifer seems to be a major source ofwater to the river during pre-monsoon period.
Analysis ofthe rainfall isotopic data from New Delhi station shows that the long-term
monsoon weighted average for 8180 is -6.496o. Therefore, it is likely that the groundwater 8180
in the study area might be around -6.4%o.
The frequency distribution analysis of6'80 were carried out by using samples pertaining to groundwater collected closer to the river, during pre-monsoon season. Theresults show the
western and eastern aquifers have different peak values viz. -8.5%o and -9.5%o respectively. It
indicates that different processes are involved in influencing groundwater isotopic characteristics
ofthe two aquifers. Spatial variation in 6I80 values ofthe aquifers is considerable and it is due
to various hydrological processes. The western aquifer is recharged mainly by precipitation,
seepage from Upper Ganga Canal, and also by the irrigation return flow. On the other hand, the
eastern aquifer is recharged mainly by precipitation, seepage from Eastern Ganga Canal (restricted only to the northern part ofthe study area), Ram Ganga Feeder Canal and incertain
zones by the river Ganga.
The frequency distribution analysis of6180 were carried out by using samples pertaining
to groundwater collected closer to the river, during monsoon and post-seasons. The results show
the western and eastern aquifers have different peak 6I80 values of -6.5%o and -5.5%0
respectively. The enrichment of 6180 during these seasons reflects the influence of rainfall
recharge to the groundwater. The enrichment is also possible due to evaporation ofgroundwater,
as groundwater table closer to river at many sites which are found to be less than one to two
metre below the ground level.
Aplot of 8180 and 6D pertaining to river Ganga and those pertaining to New Delhi
rainfall shows that there isno discernible enrichment effect on isotopic characteristic ofthe river.
This signifies that evaporation may not bea major factor for isotopic variations in the river reach
between Hardwar and Narora.
The mean 6180 values indicate a progressive enrichment in 6180 during pre-monsoon
season from Hardwar to Brijghat river Ganga, whereas it becomes more negative between
Brijghat and Rajghat. It is observed from the isotopic data of both river and aquifer systems that
the enrichment of 6180 in the river could be due to the contribution of groundwater from western
aquifer rather than from eastern aquifer.
The specific discharge of groundwater into Gangariver betweenHardwar and Balawali
has been computed using two component mixing model and it ranges from 13.4 m2/day in June
1993 to 26.8 m2/day in March 1994. These are much higher than those calculated by Dupuit's
method. Thisdiscrepancy maybe dueto linear alignment of the piezometers normal to the flow
direction of the river and consequent estimation of the apparent hydraulic gradient of
groundwater than true gradient.
Groundwater contribution to river Ganga between Rawalighat and Brijghat has been
estimated by using a three-component mixing model. The results compare well with that of
channel water balance method. This substantiates the conjecture that the 6I80 value of
groundwater occurring close to the river, particularly when the groundwater level is higher than
the river level, is the appropriate isotopic index of groundwater.
The contribution of groundwater to theflow in river Ganga at Balawali, Anupshahr and
Rajghat during non-monsoon season ranges from 21% to 67% at different sites, while during
monsoon season it ranges from 17% to 60%. The quantity ofgroundwater in the river atBrijghat
varies from 5% to 76% during non-monsoon season, and from 18% to 35%during monsoon
season. During monsoon season, seepage from river Ganga is retained as bank storage, which
subsequently flows back into the river. |
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