The importance of transport phenomenon in
engineering, technology, biology and medicine is well
recognised. Chemists and chemical engineers fabricate
membranes for fundamental studies on permeability and
diffusion of solutions, for exchange studies and for
many unit operations when a membrane of any desired
property or properties is to be employed for a particular
chemical process. Basic research in the field of
physiology and medicine involves the use of simple models
to understand the behaviour of complex cell membranes.
It is difficult to give a precise definition
of the word "membrane" (l). Any complete definition
given to cover all the facts of membrane behaviour will
be inexact and precise statement will be incomplete.
However, the characteristic feature of membrane in their
selective permeability, in other words, their function
as barriers irrespective of the name given to the
membrane system. Thus membranes considered from the
physico-chemical standpoint are given the name "physicochemical
membranes" (2). Other terminologies associated
with membranes are 'Semipermeable'; 'homogeneous phase
membranes' (oil membranes); 'membranes of porous
character's; 'ion-exchange membranes' etc.
From the physico-chemical point of view; ' a
membrane is a phase or structure interposed between
two phases or compartments which obstracts or completely
prevents gross mass movement between the latter, but
permits passage, with various degrees of restriction,
of one or several species of particles from the one
to the other or between the two adjacent phases or
compartments, and which thereby acting as a physicochemical
machine transforms with various degrees of
efficiency according to its nature and the nature and
composition of the two adjacent phases or compartments
the free energy of the adjacent phases or compartment,
or energy applied from the outside to the latter into
other forms of energy (3). Similar views were held by
Krogh (4). The thermodynamics of transport of ordinary
solutions, though as such not simple, becomes all the
more complex in the case of electrolytes where numerous
additional effects may be observed, such as static or
dynamic membrane potentials, anomalous osmosis, movement
of ions against concentration gradient, electro-osmosis
It is necessary to distinguish two basic classes
of membranes "homogenous phase membranes" (oil membranes)
and 'membranes of porous character'. Homogenous phase
membranes exert their typical membrane function by means
of selective differential solubility (5). Membranes
of porous character act as sieves that screen out the
various species of solute particles according to their
different size and to some extent according to their
different adsorbabilities and in the case of ions, also
according to the sign and magnitude of their charge.
The question of membrane structure becomes of
great importance when a membrane is not completely
inactive (in fact a complete inactive membrane is
difficult to realise in practice). The ionogenic groups
fixed to the membrane matrix, as seen in well character
ised ion exchange membranes, or adsorbed as found in
some colloidal systems (6) greatly influence the transport
phenomenon. The presence of ionogenic groups and pores
in the membrane confers certain functionality to the
membrane which is described in the literature by the
words permselectivity (7) and/or semipermeability. The
phenomenological transport property which controls the
former is the 'transport number't.whereas the latter is
determined by the reflection coefficient o- (ratio of
the actual hydrostatic pressure required to give zero
net volume flow to that which is required if the membrane
were truly semipermeable) introduced by Staverman (8-14).
Grossly porous membranes (wide pores) are neither
permselective nor semipermeable; whereas "ion sieve"
membranes with narrow pores are semipermeable but may
not be permselective if the number of fixed ionogenic
groups are too few in number. As the presence of narrow
pores and high fixed charge density of ionogenic groups
gives high values for "t^ and <r- , membrane's characterised
by these values i.e. ion-exchange membrane prove useful
and industrially important. As a result, the bulk of
the membrane literature abounds in papers describing
the work on ion-exchange membranes.
Ion-exchange membranes in contact with external
electrolyte solutions take up electrolytes in a way
different from nonion-exchange membranes. Because of
the presence of ionogenic groups fixed to the resin
matrix-negative groups like -0O3, -COO" et seq., in case
of cation exchangers, and positive groups like -NH3,
^NHp, ^N+- et seq. in case of anion exchangers- the
membrane excludes the co-ions (ions of same sign - or
+ charge as the fixed groups) by electrostatic repulsion.
The amount of exclusion is governed by the concentration
of the external electrolyte. At very low concentration,
the amount of co-ion in the membrane is almost zero,
but as the external concentration is increased, the
co-ion content of the membrane phase increases. There
will be less number of co-ions than counterions (ions
of opposite charge to fixed groups) by an amount equal
to the number of fixed groups; whereas in the nonionexchange
membrane, the distinction between co-ion and
counterion being non existent because of the absence
of fixed groups there will be equal numbers of positive
and negative ions. In the case of non electrolytes,
both types of membranes will behave alike.
The theoretical aspect of membrane phenomenon was
first of all considered by Donnan (15) some fifty years
back. In a series of papers published, the distribution
of ions across a copper ferroeyanide membrane (semi
permeable in character) was discussed from different
angles. He also for the first time pointed towards the
importance of distribution of ions in biological studies
and showed that if two solutions are separated by a "
^membrane which is impermeable to atleast one of the
ionic species (usually a colloidal component) present
in one of the solutions, an unequal distribution for
the other ionic species to which the membrane is
permeable results. At equilibrium the two solutions
show a difference in pressure and if the two calomel
electrodes are connected to the solution by means of
salt bridges, an E.M.F. is found to be present. Verifica
tion of Donnan's theory was made by studying the dis
tribution of sodium ferroeyanide and potassium ferroeyanide
across copper ferroeyanide and amyl alcohal membranes.
Analysis of the two solutions in the two compartments
proved that the equation
CHa)Ix(K)I = (Na)n x (K)n holds good.
Donnan's theory has found many applications in
biological processes. Le@b (16) and collaborators
investigated the effects of acids, alkalis, and salt,
on the osmotic pressure and membrane potential of
amphoteric proteins. Loeb has shown that the simple
theory of membrane equilibria was capable of accounting
fairly quantitatively many of his experimental results.
On the basis of his studies on protein ampholytes he was
able to show that the diffusion phenomenon with proteins
is due to simple chemical reaction and not to the adsorption
of ions by colloid aggregates or micelles. Here the
simple ionised molecules or the ionic micelles are
subjected to the same constraint, namely, inability to
diffuse freely through the membrane. This constraint -
then imposes a restraint on equal distribution on both
sides of the membrane of otherwise freely diffusible
ions, thus giving rise to the concentration, osmotic
and electrical effects with which the theory deals.
Proctor (17) and collaborators had used the
Donnan's theory to account for the effects of acids
and salts on the swelling of gelatin. The hydrogen
ions of the acid react chemically with the gelatin
molecule thereby becoming ionised. Although no membrane
exists, the necessary constraint is provided by the
inability of the gelatin ions to leave the structural
network owing to the forces of cohesion which hold it
together. A restraint on the free diffusibility of
ions thus sets in leading to an unequal distribution
of hydrogen ions and anions of the acid between the
jelly phase and the surrounding aqueous solution. On
the basis of this theory Proctor and Wilson (laccfy were
able to account quantitatively for the remarkable effects
of acids in low concentration in first increasing and
then diminishing the swelling of gelatin jelly. The
difference of ionic concentration gives rise to excess
of osmotic pressure of the jelly accompanied by entrance
of water in it and consequently swelling. Loeb (loc.cit)
adopted Proctor's theory of the effects of acid in
support of his experimental results.
The case of biological membrane, the fundamental
unit of transport in human body is much more complicated
one. It is the membrane which regulate the transport
in the body, elg., the passage of food stuffs of Various
kinds from the stomach and intestines to the blood, from
C=£ J; Qv)
l- \
the blood to extra cellular fluids and the tissue cells.
The cell membranes are responsible for the transport
forces. Polarization micrdfeopejhave explained the well
oriented structures of proteins and lipoids. The
electrical activity in the nerve- the nerve signal is
,as well known an electrical event with frequency
modulated signals. The secret of the electrical nerve
communication signal is in fact a permeability process
and thus a membrane phenomenon. It is a question of
ionic transport process. The phenomenon have been most
ingeniously characterized, analysed and partly synthesised
by Hodgkin, Katz, Keynes and Hauxly.
When a membrane separates two solutions, the
number of forces that may normally operate to cause a
flow or flux of molecular or ionic species through it
are: (a) difference of chemical potential Ap-, (b) differ
ence of electric potential Avf , (c) difference of pressure
£>P, and (d) difference of temperature ^T.
These forfies when they operate severally or in
combination may generate a number of phenomena and these
are indicated in Fig.l (18, 19).
The current membrane theories may be divided
roughly into three groups based on the nature of the
flux equation used in the treatment ( Schlogl (20)).
In the first group fall many of the theories based on
the Nernst-Planck flux equations for their refinements.
In the second group are included all the theories using
the principle of irreversible thermodynamics. In the
third group is included the theory which utilizes the
concepts of the theory of rate processes. In general,
the theories of group one are based on the ideas of
classical thermodynamics or quasi-thermodynamics which
is restricted to isolated systems. The theories of
group two, apart from being more rigorous and realistic,
allow a better understanding of transport phenomena in
membranes and is useful in dealing with non-isothermal
systems. The theories of group three contain parameters
which are still unknown for the membrane and hence have
restricted applicability.
The relationships based on the three different
groups are mathematically represented in the following
(a) Nernst-Plenck Flu* equations:
The diffusional flux caused by chemical potential
is given by the equation:
Ji(d) =- Di I!!. <i)
where Ji(d) is diffusional flux, Di is the diffusion
coefficient and Ci is concentration.
The flux due to an electrical field is given
by the equation:
Ji(e) = - % _F Zi Ci d* (ii)
RT dx
where Ji(e) is flux due to electric field, Zi is the
valence, Di is diffusional coefficient.
and the total flux in an ideal system is given by:
Ji = Ji(d) +Ji(e) =- Di ^1 +Z.CilL 4±. (iii)
dx x xrt dx
) -9-
and on introducing the activity coefficient term:
Ji =-Di *2i- +ZiCi dt. + Ci dU^ (iv)
dx dx dx
The flux of the counter ions due to convection of pore
liquid may be given as:
Ji(c) q V* (v)
where Ci is the concentration of counterions in the
membrane phase (barred terms refer always to membrane
phase) and V is the velocity of movement of the center
of gravity of the pore liquid. V
While the convection velocity is given by
V* = 3£K£ d* = w u0 1^- (vi)
Sov° dx dx
where is the specific flow resistance of the membrane,
v0 is the fractional pore volume, X is the concentration
of fixed charge and w is the sign of the fixed charge
(-for negatively charged membrane and + for positively
charged membrane) and u0 = -J2L. is the 'mobility' of
pore liquid.
Equation (vi) when added to equation (iii) would
give the total flux Ji.
(b) Thermodynamics of Irreversible Processes:
A membrane acting as a restrictive barrier to the
flow of various chemical species between two subsystems
( ' ) and ( " ) contacting the two membrane faces is
considered to maintain differences in concentration (^0*
temperature ( AT), pressure ( AP) and electric potential
(At*) across it. The subsystems are kept so well stirred
as to obtain uniform values of these variables through
out each subsystem and to have the whole difference
) -10-
occurring only across the membrane. The fundamental
theorem of the thermodynamics of irreversible process
is (21, 22) that the forces and the fluxes are so
chosen as to conform to the equations
T =5Ji Xi (i)
where Xi (£=1, 2, 3 ...n) incorporate , T, P,
and Ji (i=l, 2, 3 ...n) the fluxes. The phenomenological
cofficient Lik (i,k=l,2.. .n) in the equations:
Ji = Ii Llk Xk (ii)
satisfy the Onsagar reciprocal relations Lik = L^ (iii)
A recent review of the existing data by Miller
(23) gives the experimental justification for regarding
the Onsagar law as a law of nature (24). The description
of transport processes in a system of n components
therefore requires the measurement of only n (n+l)/2
coefficients and not all n2 coefficients. 0= dis is
the rate of entropy production due to irreversible
processes within the system. The evaluation of 0
requires the use of the law of conservation of mass and
energy and Gibb's relationship for the second law of
Based on the above considerations the final
general expression for the material fluxes is given by:
Ji • f Hn (-VkdP - KT din afc-Zk Pdy - { f- >
where Ji is total flux, Lik phenomenological coefficients
Lik (i,k = 1,2..n), Vk valence of sign of species k,
Qk is heat'transport, Zk is the valence sign including
sign of species k.
Moreover the observable electrical parameters
may be written in terms of the phenomenological co
efficients (23, 24, 25, 26).
(1) Current density I =F ^- Z^ Ji and substituting
for Ji from equation (iii) .
1 = i" k~ ^ FLik **"** dP-RTd lnak-Q^ dlnT)
" f f Zi \ Lik p2 d* (iv>
(2) Electrical conductance
k = - (I/dvp ) (dP=£, dT=0, d In ak=0)
k- f f zi \ p2 Lik (v)
where k is Electrical conductance, I is current density.
(3) Transport number
*k = (FZk Jk/D <<3P = 0, dT = 0, d In ak = o)
F f Zj Zk FLlk d _ ?2f-W Lik (Vi)
where tk is transport number, Jk is matter flux.
Staverman (26) has defined a useful quantity
the reduced electrical transport number Ek which has
also been called mass transport number (27).
Thus t/ =(tk/zk) =?2 f- %Lik/k (vii)
The flow of uncharged molecules e.g. water, may
be expressed in terms of their reduced transport number
where ^ Z^. tfcr =1. Rearranging equation (iv) for
d and substituting from equation (v) and (vii), the
potential gradient at any point in the membrane may be
obtained. Thus dy = -(I/K) - (3/F) ^ tkr (VkdP + RTd lnak
+ Q* d in Tk) (viii)
) - 12-
The first term is given by the purely electrical
part and the second term is due to the chemical part .
Various special cases follow directly from
equation (viii).
(a) Isothermal diffusion potential is obtained at
uniform temperature and pressure:
dy= - M H tkr d In ak (ix)
This has been derived many years ago by Nernst
using Thomson's method and more recently by Staverman
(26) and Kirkwood (27).
(b) Streaming potential is obtained at uniform tempera
ture and chemical potential:
(c) Thermal diffusion potential is obtained at uniform
pressure and activity,
d^ =- F k~ **' £ dln T (xi)
In the considerations given above nothing has
been said explicitly about the reference frame work
to which the fluxes are referred. It is implied that
the reference frame was the membrane (28). Some choices
about the frame of reference are possible. For example
the solvent in the membrane phase may be considered
stationary and therefore taken as one of the frames of
reference. Hills, Jacobs and Lakshiminaryanaiah (24)
have given a treatment choosing for reference frame work,
the plane normal to the direction of fluxes and passing
through the center of mass of the system.