dc.description.abstract |
Atmospheric aerosols or suspended particulates are the dispersed solid
or liquid or mixture of both kind of particles in air which are most complex and
least understood atmospheric constituents. These particles are present in the
atmosphere with varied chemical composition and wide range of size from
0.001 fam to 100 \xm in radius. Study of such atmospheric particles is important
to understanding their influence directly or indirectly on climate and human
health. The atmospheric electrical parameters, viz. atmospheric electrical
conductivity, air-earth current density, electric field etc. are affected by various
environmental and meteorological factors. The atmospheric particles and
electrical parameters can not be in a steady state at all the times at a particular
place. Therefore a clear knowledge of the nature of atmospheric particle
concentration and their distribution and atmospheric electrical conductivity at a
given location during different weather conditions (disturbed and fair-weather)
is very important to characterize the aerosols and particulate system over the
location and also to get information on the meteorological condition in lower
atmosphere. The region lying between 65-70 km to about 1000 km altitude
above the earth surface containing free electrons and ions is known as
ionosphere and is primarily responsible for introducing errors in
transionospheric radio signals. The equatorial ionosphere is formed primarily by
the ionization of neutral gas atoms/molecules present in the upper atmosphere
by exposure to solar radiation. The free thermal electrons, having energies of a
few tens of electron volts and produced by high energy photoelectron collision
with neutrals, form more than 90% of the flux in the ionosphere. The weather
disturbances like thunderstorms may alter the ion-electron production rate and
hence change the ionospheric electrical parameters. The characteristics of
these ion-electrons are studied in order to characterize the ionosphere.
The present thesis presents some experimental studies on atmospheric
particle concentration, their size distribution and atmospheric electrical
conductivity in the light of some meteorological parameters (like temperature,
humidity, rain, wind speed etc.). It also includes a study on the low latitude
ionosphere and the behavior of electrons and ion density and temperature
anomaly in the low latitude region. The data for this purpose has been obtained
from Retarding Potential Analyzer (RPA) payload of SROSS-C2 mission,
operative since May 1994. This is a combined effort of Indian Space Research
Organization (ISRO), National Physical Laboratory (NPL) and the University of
Roorkee (UOR).
A brief survey on the present-state-of-art regarding aerosols and
particulate generation and distribution has been presented in Chapter-I. The
different mechanisms involved in aerosol formation and their distribution in the
atmosphere in different weather conditions has been described in this chapter
and has the potential to advance knowledge in this area. It also includes
various studies on atmospheric electrical parameters with respect to the
environmental effects including the particulate pollution. It also includes the
existing knowledge about the ionospheric phenomenon. Since the
characteristics of the ionosphere show a large spatial and temporal variation,
its long term study helps in improving the existing reference ionospheric models
being used to apply ionospheric corrections. In brief, this chapter gives
introductory remarks to the existing knowledge and the glimpse of the work
carried out for the present study in subsequent chapters.
Chapter-ll deals with the instrumentation part of the thesis. It gives brief
description of the instruments fabricated for present studies. The atmospheric
particle concentration and their size distribution are measured by using a
specially designed laser scatterometer. It works on the principal of Mie
Scattering with an assumption that the atmospheric particles follow the normal
Gaussian distribution in the atmosphere. This scetterometer involves 5mW He-
Ne laser, photo-diode and two strip chart recorders. For measuring the
atmospheric electrical conductivity a Gerdian Condenser was fabricated. It
uses a sensitive electrometer amplifier, high voltage power supply,
multichannel chart recorder and blower having a sucking capacity of 1500
liter/minute. Gerdian condenser is a cylindrical capacitor consisting of a central
electrode (conducting rod) and an outer electrode (cylindrical tube). The
function of various parts, working principle and theoretical concepts of Gerdian
Condenser have been described in detail.
The tropospheric aerosols and electrical environment are closely related
to the solar activity. Atmospheric ions play an important role in governing the
aerosols and electrical conductivity at ground surface. Solar Cosmic Rays
(SCR) and Galactic Cosmic Rays (GCR) are the chief sources of ionization in
the atmosphere. During solar eclipse the moon stops GCR and SCR particles
and the effect is felt to the ground surface. Therefore an experimental study on
aerosol concentration and size distribution as well as atmospheric electrical
conductivity has been performed during the total solar eclipse of October 24,
1995, and is reported in Chapter-Ill. The variance of these factors in view of
some meteorological parameters has also been presented. The result shows
that both aerosol concentration and electrical conductivity increases during the
solar eclipse; which is contrary to the normal atmospheric conditions. It has
been argued that the causes are not local. The stoppage of solar wind flux by
moon increases the GCR at lower altitudes thereby causing the increased
ionization. The increased ionization during the solar eclipse is responsible for
the increase of atmospheric electrical conductivity. Also the atmospheric ions
increase the cloud condensation nuclei which plays an important role in aerosol
formation and hence the increase in aerosol concentration.
Various meteorological changes may have influence on the atmospheric
aerosols and the surface electrical conductivity. Therefore it may be very
helpful to study the nature of aerosols and electrical conductivity during
different weather conditions. For this purpose we have chosen the monsoon
period and winter season as disturbed and fair-weather atmospheric conditions
respectively. The experimental studies on tropospheric aerosols and electrical
conductivity have been done for the monsoon period (June-September, 1996)
and the fair-weather region (November, 1996-February, 1997) at Roorkee,
India. The results of these studies have been presented in Chapter-IV. The
atmospheric electrical conductivity has been found to decrease with increasing
relative humidity and temperature. Wind was an important factor, which
modified the behavior of conductivity in short-term range. The atmospheric
aerosol concentration and size were found to decrease with increase in rainfall.
Also, the relative humidity plays an important role and changes the aerosol
density distribution. However, relative humidity less than 95% do not affect
effectively the aerosol concentration.
The ionospheric weather has become the most important topic of the
day. It is affected by the solar geomagnetic disturbances and the tropospheric
fluctuations. As a result of extensive research work, it is now well known that
the ionospheric system varies markedly with altitude, longitude, universal time,
season, solar cycle, geomagnetic activity and solar flares. The ionospheric
parameters can vary appreciably from hour to hour or from day to day and it
can display a considerable amount of structure. The ion and electron density
fluctuations are associated with the ionospheric structure, where thermalized
electrons play very important role. Even the small fluctuations in ion-electron
density can cause signal fluctuations, which affect HF communication.
Therefore Chapter-V is dedicated to the studies of ion-electron structure, with
an objective to study the behavior of electron and ion number densities and
temperature anomaly in the low latitude region. The data for this purpose has
been obtained from RPA payload aboard SROSS-C2 satellite launched by
ISRO. This chapter also includes the RPA payload and spacecraft configuration
for measuring ion-electron densities and temperature along with the RPA data
reduction and analysis.
The present study reveals the fact that the behavior of atmospheric
aerosols distribution and electrical conductivity are very much affected by some
processes like solar eclipse and disturbed and fair weather conditions. The
major meteorological factors like wind speed, temperature, rain fall and relative
humidity plays an important role in characterization of the tropospheric aerosols
and atmospheric electrical conductivity. Studies during the solar eclipse show
that SCR and GCR also play an important role in the atmospheric processes.
The investigations regarding ionospheric ion and electron densities and their
temperature anomalies reveal the fact that these parameters are highly
affected by different weather conditions in the troposphere. The summary and
conclusions regarding the present work and suggestions for future studies have
been given in Chapter-VI. |
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