Majority of transport modes use tunnels, whether it is rail, road or water.
Millions of people travel through these tunnels everyday. Recent disasters have
shown that consequences of fire are very severe in tunnels. Today, the safety of
tunnels has acquired international importance. As the number and length of
road and rail tunnels are increasing and more people are using them, an
enhanced emphasis is being laid on taking justifiably appropriate fire safety
measures. The safety obviously calls for better detection and fighting systems,
and also efficient ventilation and smoke control systems.
In order, first to understand various traditional safety features of tunnels,
a number of important long distance road transport tunnels of Europe have
been studied extensively with respect to their technical specifications including
fire safety measures. It is found that the tunnels have a wide variety of features.
It is also found that most of the countries either do not have or have minimal
formal guidelines of fire safety in tunnels. NFPA - 502, 'Standard for Road
Tunnels, Bridges, and Other Limited Access Highways' evolved into a code,
only in 1998. Earlier it was, at best, merely a recommended practice. In
December 2002, the European Commission however proposed a new directive
on 'Safety in European Road Tunnels'. The safety features of the studied
tunnels are compared with those of NFPA 502 and with the proposed directive
of European Commission. It is found that there are substantial differences in
some provisions as given in NFPA 502 and proposed directive of European
Commission. In order to provide better safety features inside tunnels, the most
stringent measures are proposed in the form of general fire safety guidelines. It
is suggested that in future tunnels these observations / recommendation should
be complied. The higher safety standards will ensure less fatalities and less
damage to tunnel structure in case of fire.
The aforesaid study of safety components shows that ventilation system
is one of very important safety measures inside tunnels used for controlling and
extracting smoke in case of fire emergency. In long tunnels, where ventilation is
provided by mechanical means, two types of ventilation lay outs exist -
longitudinal and transverse. The longitudinal ventilation is provided through jet
fans located axially below the ceiling or through jet injection system where the
fans are located in a fan room and air is supplied through ventilation shafts. In
longitudinally ventilated tunnel fires, smoke and hot gases form a layer below
the ceiling and flow in the direction opposite to the ventilation stream. This
phenomenon is called back layering.
The ventilation velocity just sufficient to prevent back layering of smoke
over the stalled vehicles is the minimum velocity needed for smoke control and
is known as the critical velocity. The ability of the longitudinal ventilation system
to prevent back layering is the current industry standard to measure the
adequacy of the system for smoke control. The ventilation velocity depends on
number of parameters such as heat release rate (HRR), tunnel geometry, slope
etc. This implies that ventilation system has to be designed for each individual
tunnel. The ventilation system can though be designed and evaluated through
experimental studies of each tunnel, but that is impractical and expensive.
Alternative method is to use mathematical modeling which when coupled with
flow visualization techniques provides an excellent means to study the
environment inside a tunnel. This should help in designing appropriate
ventilation system effectively without the need to conduct experiments.
There exist mainly two types of mathematical models - simple zone
models and complex three dimensional field, also called CFD models. To
assess the capability and utility of simpler and time efficient zone models for
predicting thermal environment inside the tunnel in case of a fire, a comparative
study of a zone model and a CFD model has been carried out. For this, a fire
scenario inside a naturally ventilated tunnel has been simulated using multi
room zone model, CFAST and field model, CFX. For simulation, a tunnel of
length 150 m having a rectangular cross section of 80 m2 has been considered.
The temperature and velocity profiles generated by fire, placed at a distance of
20 m from one end of portal have been predicted. The simulation by CFAST
has been carried out by dividing the tunnel into 1,2,5,8,10,12 and15
compartments of equal size, where these compartments are joined by openings
or vents having same cross section as that of the tunnel. In case of tunnel
divided into 15 compartments the fire source position lies at the position of vent;
CFAST predicted very high temperatures. The simulations have also been
carried out by dividing tunnel into unequal sized compartments such that
position of fire is at the center of the compartment. It was found that for
accuracy of results, location of fire source inside compartment is an important
factor. Computational difficulty is experienced when tunnel is divided into more
than fifteen compartments. The CFX and CFAST predictions show that smoke
temperature changes with a pattern roughly similar to that of heat release rate.
The temperature profiles at selected positions cannot be predicted by CFAST
unlike CFX. The detailed features like flame tilt, flow field can only be observed
from CFX predictions. It is concluded that zone models alone can not be used
for studying fires inside tunnels. On the other hand, the CFD models can be a
powerful tool in analyzing problems involving far field smoke flow, impact of
fixed ventilation flows etc.
Therefore CFD model has been used to evaluate ventilation strategies in
a transport tunnel in case of fire emergency. The aim is to study the smoke
movement inside tunnels, and determination of critical ventilation velocity for
smoke control in longitudinally ventilated tunnels which are similar to tunnel
sections of Delhi Metro Rail corridor, India. The tunnel sections considered have
different modes of longitudinal ventilation - ventilation through jet fans and
through jet injection system. Both these modes of longitudinal ventilation are
evaluated. The CFD program, CFX is used to study the effectiveness of smoke
ventilation system to control smoke spread in the event of fire inside the tunnel.
For the first study, where axially mounted jet fans located below the
ceiling provides necessary ventilation, the tunnel section considered for analysis
is 100 m long, 6 m wide and 9 m high. It is assumed that a fire source producing
a constant heat release rate of 4 MW is located at the center of the tunnel. The
numerical model used is first verified using experimental results available in the
literature. The model is then used to simulate the fire environment inside the
tunnel. The results of CFD simulations are compared with those of empirical
correlations available in the literature. The effectiveness of smoke ventilation
system is then studied. For this the effect of ventilation flow rate, both uniform
and non-uniform airflow in tunnel, on thermal environment inside the tunnel is
studied. The critical velocity necessary to prevent back layering for the two
scenarios are determined. A ventilation scenario where both inlet and exhaust
fans are activated is also studied.
It is found that under natural ventilation conditions inside a tunnel, the
smoke moves symmetrically along the crown in both directions, and cool
entrained air from bottom of tunnel portals move towards the fire source. For
uniform induced air flow, it is found that CFD predicted higher critical ventilation
velocity (2.18 m/s) than predicted by empirical relations developed by Wu and
Bakar (1.52 m/s). For non uniform induced air flow the required critical axial fan
velocity is found to be much higher and lies between 8 m/s and 10 m/s. It is also
found that the stratified layer of smoke in downstream region is not formed, and
no escape can take place from the downstream direction.
In the second study, where air is supplied through jet injection system,
the section of tunnel considered is 400 m long, 5.5 m wide and 6 m high. The
analysis has been carried out by assuming a variable fire source with a peak
heat release rate (HRR) of 16MW, located at the center of the tunnel.
Ventilation ducts are located in the ceiling near the tunnel portals and inclined at
10° to the plane of the ceiling through which fans discharge air. The influence of
the fire HRR curve slope on the smoke flow dynamics in this realistic tunnel
model fitted with inclined fans is investigated. The physical models used are
same as those used in previous study. In case of fire two scenarios are studied:
(i) fans activated immediately and achieve its full speed after detection of fire,
(ii) fans activated at delayed times to take into account the response time of the
fans to achieve its maximum speed. The velocity of supply and exhaust fans
necessary to remove smoke in 30 sec from the upstream direction is
It is found that the smoke moves symmetrically along the crown in both
directions and reaches tunnel portals in about 3 min. It is also found that for this
type of tunnel configuration higher supply and exhaust velocities are required to
produce the desired critical velocity. The velocities of fan required to produce
different desired axial velocity inside the tunnel is determined and is
represented in the form of a graph. The exhaust fans do not influence the
velocity in upstream area but are necessary for smoke removal in the
downstream direction. It is also necessary that fans are activated to full speed
within three minutes of starting of fire in order for the ventilation system to be
effective for desired smoke removal.