dc.description.abstract |
Groundwater is a precious resource of limited extent in hard rock areas. In
order to ensure a judicious use of groundwater, proper evaluation has to be
performed. A groundwater development program needs a large volume of
multidisciplinary data from various sources. Integrated remote sensing and GIS
can provide the appropriate platform for convergent analysis of diverse data sets
and for decision making for groundwater management planning.
In the present study, an integrated remote sensing and GIS based
methodology has been developed and tested for the evaluation of groundwater
resources of a hard rock area in a part of the Betwa basin, in the state of Madhya
Pradesh, India. Two sub-basins, namely, the Kethan and the Narayan, have
been studied. There are three components of this study - demarcation of
groundwater potential zones, identification of artificial recharge provided by the
existing reservoirs and suitability analysis for future artificial recharge sites.
The area mainly comprises Deccan Trap basalt and a small part is
underlain by Vindhyan rocks. Groundwater occurrence in basalt is restricted to
the weathered and fractured parts. In this area, monsoon groundwater recharge
can not meet the demands for groundwater throughout the year. As a result there
is water scarcity in the dry season. Although artificial recharge structures at
suitable locations in the area can appreciably improve the groundwater
conditions, much thought has not been given to utilize this. In this work, the
present status of artificial recharge has been evaluated and suitable sites for
future artificial recharge structures have been suggested through integrated
remote sensing and GIS technique.
Three types of data have been used for the present study, namely, remote
sensing data e.g. IRS-LISS-II and LISS-III data, field data e.g. depth to water
level, rainfall data and the existing maps e.g. topographic, geological, soil and
landuse maps. In order to bring these into a single spatial georeferencing
scheme, all the data have been registered to the base map, prepared from the
Survey of India topographic maps.
Thematic information layers on geology, geomorphology, lineament and
soil have been prepared from processed remote sensing data, supported by
ancillary information. Digital elevation model (DEM) has been generated from
elevation contours which provide a wealth of hydrogeologic information.
Information layers on water level and rainfall have been produced through
Drainage network has been extracted from DEM, assuming the surface to
be insulated. From the comparative study of the two, it is inferred that areas
showing misfit between the two indicate recharge areas. These areas are the
areas covered by weathered basalt, having channel fills, having high lineament
density and having deeper soil. Based on information derived from integrated
analysis and field checks, information layers on geology, geomorphology,
lineament density, slope and soil depth have been assigned appropriate
weightage. Weighted index overlay has been performed to delineate
groundwater prospective zones. The result shows that channel fills hold the
highest potential for groundwater. Recharge estimation also supports this.
Remote sensing images of the area show that irrigation tanks are also
augmenting groundwater recharge, as indicated by good growth of dry season
vegetation downstream from the tanks. Tanks situated on a gentle slope provide
better recharge due to the hydraulic gradient provided by the gentle slope. The
weathered and fractured basalts permit a high intake of water, as well as help to
maintain the required rate of recharge. Presence of yellow clay, however, hinders
the flow of water. On the basis of this observation and field checks, suitable sites
for artificial recharge have been suggested through a combination of Boolean
logic and weighted index overlay methods. Slope has been assigned the highest
weightage followed by geomorphology, lineament, geology, soil depth and depth
to water level. Then, the most suitable zone from the output of weighted index
method has been integrated with stream order, lineament buffer zone and
landuse through Boolean logic model, and suitable sites for artificial recharge
have been selected. |
en_US |