A untc2 roctionolly conducting aeroen is aocn to by capable of oupcorting ourfoco ciovcoS horiovc it hoc the dratibach
that onorgr travcla along the dic'cction of conduction .i10 phaco. propog atco obliquely. A pair of porotlt1 + .0 oci'ocno hoc bocn found to ho cdvontagaouo in that the ! orgy t'avolo parallel to the oidoo of tho otructuPQ Pcductng the pocoibi.tity of Qs —o focto couoc2 by uniting. 'the vr£d t) of the structure for a physically roolicabta oyttcn. Thio oyntcm in froc-n,oco hed boon otudiod bV T . APOPO and hoc oleo boon briefly rovto cd in this thouia,4
Ho cvo *v to canotrucif U.C. ocrccnn in free—spoco tine been found to ho a rather difficult problc; . Dielectric chooto to tur,port the U.C. ncrconc have bocn cuggootcd and on analytical on toil on a practical otu3y of :his evotcm
• has boon ottc ptcd.
AD an Citcnc ion of Arorc' ttork, a c otorminantal oquation of thin nc nyctcm and the field ouproociono hovo bocn dar ivczl. The rooulto inforrcd hornfrom have boon compared tiit thono obtoincd in cone of U.C. ocrocno in fPOO F3'pOCQo
A waVOV,324o cocprioing a pair of parallel U.C. ocrccno
ciith batsoltca chooto to tuppo thom0 hoc aloe bocn
constructed and an attempt has been made tc launch
surface waves onto It in the laboratory. Discrepancies,
however, are encountered due to crude measuring techn-
iquea and the choice of improper dielectric material
which have been discussed in the