dc.description.abstract |
The current practice of considering tha dynamic behaviour
of retaining walls is to take into account an increase in the lateral
earth pressure as calculated from the modified Coulomb formula. This
has serious limitations.
In this study, model tests were conducted to study the
effect of the flexibility of high retaining walls on the static and
dynamic earth pressures. Also, the effect of the damage potential of
different ground motions was studied by shock type loading.
Three types of 'small prototype' walls were used in this
study; l) a steel cantilever wall 1.0 m high to represent the effect
of flexural bending of the wall only 2) a steel and brick wall 1.0 m
high with provision for rotation, to separately investigate the effect
of the movement of wall foundations and 3) a rigid wall 2.0 m high to
study the problem at lower acceleration levels and steady-state vibra
tions. The walls 1 and 2 above, were housed in a horizontal shake
table excited by the impact of a loaded pendulum. The wall 3 was
placed in a pit dug in the ground and vibrations were caused by the
fall of a heavy weight at some distance from the wall. Sinusoidal
vibration of the system was also examined. This wall had a provision
for varying its weight to study the inertial effects. The back was
filled using air-dried medium coarse sand, and pressures were measured
using suitable pressure cells.
The above tests were intended to remove some of the dis
crepancies of the Monenobe-Okabe formula widely in use to-day (1973).
This theory is based on plastic equilibrium in soils and hence does —.
not give any idea of the displacements suffered by a retaining wall
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during an earthquake. It is obvious that a rational design of
retaining walls should be based on the displacements, for, many walls
can be permitted to undergo some displacements during an earthquake
without constituting failure. This is more so because severe earth
quakes are not very frequent and an engineering structure need be
designed only for a few severe earthquakes. A mathematical model has
been proposed here to determine the displacement of retaining walls
in translation. Since it is rather difficult to assess the mass of
soil participating in vibrations, an experimental set up was designed
and fabricated for the purpose.
From these studies, it was concluded that
i) The static earth pressure on cantilever retaining walls
is given by Jaky's formula for at-rest pressures.
ii) The dynamic earth pressures on all types of walls depend
more on peak velocities of the ground motion than on accelerations.
iii) The point of application of the dynamic increment is at
about the mid-height of the flexible walls. On rigid walls it is
lower and is at about 40 % height of the wall above its base.
iv) The inertia force of the wall is also found to be a
function of the energy input and hence the ground velocities because
the resistance would be mobilised only at a finite displacement and
some work has to be done.
v) Amathematical model for predicting the earthquake
induced displacement of a retaining wall in translation has been
proposed based on the present day knowledge of the behaviour of the
soil below and behind the wall under static loads. |
en_US |