Well foundations of bridges are subjected to vertical
forces due to dead load of structure, live load of vehicles,
buoyancy pressures and vertical inertial forces due to earth
quakes. They are subjected to horizontal forces caused by
action of vehicles, contraction or expansion effects of super
structures and forces caused by water, wind, soils and earth
quakes. Due to the combined action of these loads a well
undergoes rotation relative to the surrounding soil. The action
is resisted by normal and frictional reactive forces of the soil
acting on the side faces and the base of the well. The design
problem in well foundations subjected to the combined loads and
moments is to work out its safe depth of embedment in soil so
as to limit the horizontal and vertical movement at the bearing
level within safe range and provide adequate factor of safety
against failure.
A review of literature shows that the current method of
solving the well problem are based on Tcrzaghi's (1943) elastic
and plastic approaches to the analysis of rigid bulkheads and
on inference drawn from some model studies. None of the solutions,
however, takes into account the non-linear behaviour of the
soil. Frictional forces on sides and base are also not accounted
for in an adequate manner.
In this thesis, a theory has been developed for analy
sing the lateral resistance of well foundations which takes
into account, the non-linear pressure versus displacement
characteristics of the soil on the sides as well as the base.
The partial or full mobilization of frictional force on the soilwell
contact is also considered. The soil pressure at any depth
zx below the general ground (scour) level is taken as follows:
p • % zi° yT
where p is the soil pressure, mh anon-linear coefficient
of horizontal subgrade reaction and y the lateral displacement.
The indict n and r are to be determined by tests. For noncohesive
soils n = 1.
To substantiate the theory, static lateral load tests
were performed on small scale models of square wells embedded in
dense sand. The following variables have been studied in the
model tests,
i] Size of well model, 15 cm and 20 cm side
ii) Vertical load from zero to avalue sufficient to over
come frictional resistance on side facts
iii) Depth of embedment
iv) Position and magnitude of lateral load
v) Friction coefficient on faces
vi) Stiffness of subgrade at base
vii) Sloping surcharge due to scour pit around the well
Pressure distribution and frictional force on faces and
base were obtained with specially designed earth pressure cells
and friction cells respectively. The extent of soil disturbed
at ground level under failure condition of well has also been
The tests have given the average values of rrv as
.0674 to .0624 in kg. cm units and values of r as 0.55 to 0.65
for the dry sand having a density of 1.658 g/cm3 .
The observed results have oeen compared with the theore
tical values using these values of m^ and r and are found to
have very good agreement with each other.
Dynamic behaviour of wells has also been studied by free
vibration tests and cyclic lateral load tests on these models.
Besides the small scale laboratory models tested in
prepared beds stated above, afield model of reinforced concrete,
1.5m x 1.5m in plan and 2.25m depth, was sunk in natural soil
deposit and tested under the combined action of vertical and
horizontal loads. Larger size cells were fitted on the sides and
base for observing earth pressures and friction of cells for
observing frictional resistance. Free vibration tests were also
performed. Its behaviour hrs been found to be similar to that of
laboratory models.
The following are the main conclusions from the study:
1. Lateral load resistance of a well increases with the
increase in its size and depth of embedment, with the increase
in vertical load or stiffness of subgrade at base and due to
inclined surcharge above de-pest scour level. This resistance
decreases if the coefficient of friction is reduced.
2. Under increasing lateral load, the instantaneous
point of rotation of well starts at the base level at a distance
more than 0.5B from the axis of well and goes on shifting upwards
and towards the axis. At sufficiently large tilts its position
comes between 0.05D to .25D above the base and at a distance
between O.lB to 0.2B from the axis of well where B is the
width of well and D the depth of well.
3. The non-linear theory developed for analysing the
lateral load resistance is very well coroborated by the model
tests and could be used for design of well foundations in noncohesive
soil deposits* provided mh and r are determined by
tests for the soil.