A detailed analysis of strong motion data recorded
during an earthquake makes it possible to infer the physics
of the earthquake source which is quite complicated and can be
difficult to work out. The faulting process (Mikumo and
Miyatake, 1987) during an earthquake may be highly
inhomogeneous. The distribution of slip (Wald et al. , 1991)
over the fault can vary both in amount and direction. There
are regions on the fault where large slip might occur which
corresponds to asperities. Regions of small slip are found to
be close to regions of aftershock activity. Some details of
this variability of slip distribution over the fault plane can
be inferred from modelling of strong motion data.
In the present work the strong motion data recorded
during the 1991 Uttarkashi earthquake have been modelled. The
source parameters of the earthquake as given by USGS were
chosen as the starting point. The objective was to determine
whether these parameters need any modification to generate
synthetic accelerograms. The details of the slip distribution
and the orientation and location of fault,plane in relation to
recording stations were found to be important factors. All
these aspects were considered in generating the strong motion
The Uttarkashi Earthquake of October 19, 1991(Ms =
7.0) occurred in Garhwal Himalayas. Its epicentre was located to
the north of the Main Central Thrust (MCT) in the Higher
Himalayan sub-province which is composed of crystalline rocks.
The epicentre of this earthquake was located about 58 km from the
site of the 268 m high Tehri dam which is under construction in
the lesser Himalayas. A detailed study of the strong motion data,
at seven of the thirteen stations (Chandrasekaran and Das, 1992)
where it was recorded, has been used to learn about the details
of the source of this earthquake.
For the purposes of modelling the earthquake source has
been represented by a number of point shear dislocations
distributed over the model fault plane buried in an elastic
,homogeneous and isotropic half space. The ground motion at a
near distance has been calculated by adopting a simplified source
radiation process and making use of simple theory (Aki and
Richard, 1980). The method adopted consists in integrating the
far field contributions of Green's function for a number of point
sources distributed at the observation point. The radiation
begins at the focus where the rupture initiates and moved
outwards. The fault is divided into number of sub-faults, all of
them of the same size (1km X 1km) . The computational process has
been so designed that it represents radiation from a circular
rupture front , i.e., all sub faults where rupture front reaches
at the same time , radiate simultaneously. Radiation pattern
terms have been evaluated for each subfault separately and effect
of the free surface has also been taken into account in an
adequate manner. The rupture propagates at a constant speed and
the direction of slip vector remains the same during the entire
rupture process. The source pulse is taken as a step function
with a finite rise time and rounded shoulders (Ben Menahem and
Singh, 1981).
The location of the point of initiation of rupture, rise
time and rupture velocity along with slip amplitude distribution
on the fault plane are of critical importance in obtaining a good
match of synthetic accelerograms with the observed ones. A number
of numerical experiments were carried out to arrive at the proper
values of the above mentioned parameters. Synthetic accelerograms
have been generated at seven recording stations and compared with
the oberved ones forllowing the arrival of S waves.
The present study has demonstrated that simple theory
applied for an elastic half space earth model ,taking a simple
source pulse and a fault plane with varying slip amplitude are
able to reproduce most of the important features of recorded
accelerograms. A pattern of slip distribution has been obtained
on the fault plane.
The results obtained in the present study are
comparable to the other results obtained for this earthquake,
e.g., Khattri et al. (1994). The importance of present work lies
in the fact that the technique used for generating strong motion
synthetics is very simple and has been applied for the case of
a simple earth model (half space). This technique needs
specification of a limited set of input parameters which are easy
to specify yet yields good results.