dc.description.abstract |
Data inversion is an interplay of physico-mathematical operators devised to
extract meaningful information about a system from an observed data set and to
appraise the quality of an inverse solution. In geoelectromagnetic methods, where
sources are natural electromagnetic (EM) fields, the earth is parameterized in terms
of electrical resistivity which is of special significance as itcarries information about the
lithology, porefluid, temperatureand chemical variations. The presentstudyis an effort
to improve the data inversion capabilities of EM data. Forthis purpose an efficient 2-D
inversion algorithm, EM2INV, for geoelectromagnetic data has been developed.
The EM field is a non-linear function of subsurface resistivity distribution. As a
result the inverse problem is quasi-linearized and solved iteratively. For each inversion
iteration, a new forward problem, yielding the response of current resistivity model, has
to be solved. Therefore, the forward algorithm is a prerequisite for an inversion
algorithm. For generation of EM response, a boundary value problem is solved
analytically or numerically. However, for the problems involving complex geometries
one has to seek numerical solutions only. Due to its simple mathematics and easy
implementation, finite difference method has been chosen over other numerical
techniques for solving the EM boundary value problem.
The research work was initiated with the implementation of finite difference
formulation of the forward EMproblem (Brewitt-Taylor&Weaver, 1976). Since the use
of Dirichlet boundary conditions results in a large study domain, special finite domain,
integral and asymptotic boundary conditions are implemented. In the present work, an
integrated formulation of these boundary conditions has been developed.
The quasi-linearization of non-linear problem results in a matrix equation which
is solved using Bi-Conjugate Gradient Method (BCGM), a semi-iterative matrix solver
that dispenses with the necessity of explicit computation of Jacobian matrix. To fix the
number of unknown block resistivities for all frequencies and throughout the inversion
process, a superblock notion has been developed. The initial guess is made on the
basis of observed anomaly and other a priori information.
The inversion algorithm EM2INV is the culmination of research that started with
the development of a primitive algorithm. The algorithm has been written in FORTRAN
77 and implemented on an IBM compatible EISA based PC-486 machine with 32 MB
RAM and 383 MB hard disk, using the SVR 4.0 version of Unix operating system and
F78 FORTRAN compiler. For a typical model, having 31 x 15 nodes, the algorithm
takes about 3 minutes for 10 inversion iterations.
EM2INV comprises 6120 lines, 42 subroutines and 3 function subprograms.
The main program has two basic modules - Forward and Inverse. Its special efficiency
features which result in cost effectiveness are - (i) Optimal grid generation based on
grid design thumb rules, (ii) Finitedomain boundary conditions, (iii) Interpolation matrix
that permits generation of response at observation points, (iv) Gaussian elimination,
the forward matrix solver, which enables reuse of already decomposed coefficient
matrix, (v) Use of logarithm of resistivity to ensure positive values of estimated
parameters, (vi) Superblock notion that reduces the number of blocks with unknown
resistivities and, in turn, the size of Jacobian matrix and (vii) BCGM matrix solver for
inverse problem. Besides beingefficient, EM2INV is versatileon account ofitsfeatures
like - (i) Inversion with field/synthetic data, (ii) Error free/erroneous synthetic data, (iii)
Inversion of MT/GDS data and (iv) Inversion of profiling/sounding data.
The algorithm has been rigorously tested by setting up exercises of diverse
nature and practical significance. Forestablishing the validity offorward computations,
the published results of various models have been reproduced after carrying out the
no contrast and mesh convergence studies. Similarly, for checking validity of inversion
computations, the synthetic anomalies have been inverted and compared with those
of the true model. The stability of the algorithm has been established by inverting the
synthetic response corrupted with Gaussian noise.
EM2INV has been employed in two different sets of experiments designed to
study the nature of forward and inverse problems. The forward experiments aim at
studying the impact of parameters like depth of burial, resistivity contrast, separation
between two bodies on model responses. Although a preliminary quantitative
discriminant analysis was attempted to design thumb rules for estimating size and
resistivity of target yet it did not succeed. However, qualitative inferences have been
The inversion experiments performed are aimed at gauging - (i) Relative
performances of response functions, (ii) Inversion quality fo two modes of polarization,
(iii) Efficacy of single and multifrequency inversions and (iv) Minimum number of
frequencies and observation points needed for successful data inversion. The inversion
of MT data provides better estimates of vertical position of the target, whereas the
inversion of GDS data deciphers the horizontal variations better. It has been observed
that the conductive and resistive bodies are better resolved by inversion of E- and Bpolarization
data respectively. The results of multifrequency inversion imply that
increase in number of frequencies does not necessarily enhance the inversion quality
es ecially when the spread of observation points is sufficiently large to sense the
target. The study of minimum number of observation points highlights the importance
of single point inversion which furnishes useful information about the inhomogeneity.
After the design exercises, EM2INV has been exhaustively tested by inverting
synthetic data, field data, as well as data derived from models based on field studies.
Few geologically significant models are picked up from the literature for generation of
synthetic data. For these models, initially 1-D inversion is carried out at each point of
the profile which is then stacked to get the starting model for 2-D inversion. The
comparison of inverted model with the 1-D stacked model leads us to conclude that
2-D inversion substantially improves the quality of the inverted model.
Next, a study has been carried out on models derived from GDS or MT field
studies. The reliability of the estimates of resistivity is evident in the goodness of fit of
the computed and observed responses. Lastly, the algorithm EM2INV is tested on
Trans Himalayan conductor and COPROD2, GDS and MTfield data respectively. The
inverted models are in broad agreement with the published results. This supported the
confidence in the utility of the algorithm.
The results of various experiments and those of inversion of synthetic/field
geoelectromagnetic data in terms of resistivity model have established the veracity of
the algorithm and also amply displayed the capabilities of the inversion algorithm. Also
discussed, is the possible scope of future work in various directions for its upgradation
and extension to 3-D environment. |
en_US |