In recent years noon- uniformly spaced antenna
arrays have received great att ent i-)n c-s witnessed by d large amount of publication in this areas The main int" erest seems to be in seeking a way to reduce the number of elements, or P equivalently, seeking a way to broaden the bandwidth and the scanning range of the array The work in this field has been started since 1960y but no rigorous theory has been developed yet,. The work so far done in the field is reviewed in Chapter II.
Dynamic programming is studied in Chapter III and IV as an optimizing technique in synthesizing unequally spaced asymmetrical linear arrays. The criterion of optimization is to find an : element combination which has the highest sidelobe level over a specified angular interval less than the highest sidelobo of any other comb inat i. n.
A 25 elem•ont array is synthesized with aperture
length 5O• and spacing quantization " /2,. The synthesis
technique is given in Chapter V Tito results obtained are quite encouraging.
The calculations were performed