dc.description.abstract |
Ductility signifies the ability of a structure or a member
to undergo inelastic deflections beyond the point of first yield
under static/dynamic loading while maintaining a certain maximum
load carrying capacity. It is well known that during strong motion
earthquake, a large amount of energy is absorbed by the structure
through its nonlinear deformations before failure. Therefore, an
important consideration in the design of earthquake resistant
structures is provision of ductility in addition to the usual
strength criteria to ensure that in the extreme event of a structure
being loaded to failure, it has the capacity to dissipate large
energy through ductile deformations.
Studies on nonlinear dynamic behaviour of single and multiple
degree of freedom system have strongly influenced new design concepts
in earthquake engineering. In practice, however, application of these
ideas to frames presents problems. In single or multiple degree of
freedom system, only the idealised springs are assumed to be non
linear and ductility is generally defined with respect to an assumed
yield deflection of the spring. In the case of a portal frame, the
nonlinearity or plastic hinge formation may occur either in the
column and or beam depending on the size,material and the load.
Because of this it is necessary to identify the parameters which may
describe the behaviour of frames in more realistic fashion. Several
definitions of 'ductility are in use based on deflection, curvature,
rotation, and strain. The commonly used among these is corresponding
to deflection which also has been interpreted differently by various
(14,l5,90,91,93,99>Several codes(91'130) also recommended
ductility factor of the order of 3 to 5 for ductile reinforced concrete
and structural steel frames. The role, nature, and extent of ductility
particularly in reinforced concrete structures is however not yet
fully understood, and therefore aconsiderable difficulty is faced in
deciding the level of ductility for the design of the members. Also
very little attempt has so far been made to determine whether such
a structure can actually achieve this ductility and further, whether
the strains in steel and concrete in the section of the members are
within allowable limits at this value of ductility.
A review of literature shows that the deflection ductility
factor of the order of 5 would generally be difficult to achieve
and that it depends on a number of parameters viz. material variables,
geometric variables and loading variables etc. Inelastic analyses of
reinforced concrete frames have been carried cut by various investi
gators. However, none has yet developed an analytical model to study
the lateral load-deflection characteristics of a reinforced concrete
frame subjected to combined vertical and lateral load with due
consideration to confinement cf concrete. Also very little experi
mental work has been done to study the lateral load-deflection
behaviour of the frames subjected to combined horizontal and vertical
loading. Most of the investigators have performed the experiment
either by applying horizontal load only or by varying vertical load
and keeping horizontal load constant. Very few have attempted studies
involving horizontal as well as vertical load on the columns and
these too en steel frames.
The present investigations therefore are devoted to study the
lateral load-deflection behaviour of frames subjected to constant
vertical load and varying lateral load. The research work has been
carried out with the following objectives:
1. Identification of a realistic analytical model to study the
behaviour upto ultimate lateral load and ductility demand of
reinforced concrete frames.
2. A simplified definition of ductility factor.
3. An exhaustive study of the main variables affecting ductility.
4. Verification of the developed analytical model by comparing the
analytical results by performing the experimental tests on models.
In the work reported herein, a preliminary analytical study
on single storeyed steel frames is carried out followed by a
detailed and exhaustive study on reinforced concrete frames for
ultimate load behaviour*
The nonlinear behaviour of single bay-single storey steel
frames is studied by considering an analytical model as suggested
by Anderson and Bertero^ ;. The properties of the frames studied
have been varied such that they cover a reasonable range from
strong column-weak beam at one end to weak column-strong beam at
the other. The influence of residual stresses, vertical loads and
rate of strain hardening has also been examined. Ductility factor
is defined in two different ways: (1; based on the formation of
first plastic hinge and (2> based on the intersection of tangents
drawn to load-deflection curve at initial and ultimate condition
and are used in the present study.
The study reveals that deflection ductility factor is gene
rally large when defined with respect to strain as compared to those
obtained corresponding to an arbitrary yield point with respect to
deflection.Relative stiffnesses of beams and columns strongly influence
deflection ductility factors. A strong column-weak beam type frame
gives the best results for ductility and load carrying capacity.
The research work on reinforced concrete frames is classified
into four groups:
1. Development of an analytical model,
?. Suggesting a suitable definition of ductility factor,
3. Study of the main variables affecting ductility,and
4. Development of an experimental set up and testing of reinforced
concrete frames.
The analytical model for nonlinear analysis of reinforced
concrete frames subjected to combined vertical and lateral loads
includes both material and geometrical non-linearities. This analysis
also considers the effect of confinement through the steel binders.
The frame elements are discretized into small segments for the
purpose of analysis. The yielded portion at the ends of amember is
assumed to be limited to approximately l/5th of the member length.
The lateral load-deflection curve of areinforced concrete frame is
obtained in gradual steps of lateral loads upto collapse.
The influence of relative stiffness of column and beam,
grades of longitudinal and transverse reinforcements, quantity of
longitudinal steel, diameter and spacing of transverse confining
reinforcement on the ductility factors and lateral load capacity was
studied in great detail. For this purpose the study was restricted
to single bay-single storey, double bay-single storey and single
bay-double storey reinforced concrete frames.
Tests on single storey reinforced concrete frames were carried
out under constant vertical load on each column and variable lateral
load applied at the top end of the columns and lateral load-deflection
behaviour of the frame was observed. The loading arrangement for
applying vertical load was specially designed so that this load
remained vertical and axial on the columns throughout the test while
the frame got deflected due to application of a gradually increasing
lateral load. Existing instrumentation techniques were adopted to
record loads, strains, lateral deflection and free vibration of the
test frames.
Five reinforced concrete strong column-weak beam frames
designed for vertical load only were chosen for experimental study.
All the frames had the same size, dimensions, concrete and longitudinal
reinforcement except that four portal frames consisted of four columns
in each and one was a plane frame. The influence of spacing of lateral
reinforcement was mainly studied to observe the ductility behaviour
of the frames.
Various definitions of ductility factor have been examined
in the present studies and a simplified definition cf ductility factor
which will be conveniently usable by structural analysts and designers,
has been proposed. It has been observed that strong column-weak beam
frames are better suited for the design of earthquake resistant
structures compared to other types of frames. |
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