Microearthquake investigations involve collection and study of data for small
magnitude events (MO). The rate of occurrence of small magnitude events being high
as compared to that of moderate and big ones, their recording allows to extend the
da,a base and lorn, ihe bas.s o. these slud.es. Permanent and portable local networks
are employed to obtain data on the occurrence of small magnitude events. The ground
motion due to microearthquakes .s feeble, rich in high frequencies and requires special
instrumentation to monitor thorn. The important applications of those studies arc, the
evaluation of local contemporary seismic activity, delineation of active faults, determination
ol foca, mechamsm and stress drop parameters, evaluation ol mduced seismicty,
mapping of geothermal sources, allow earthquake prediction research, seism.c hazard
estimation of the critical Utilities (e.g., nuclear power plants, dam sites), mapping
of aftershocks and estimat.on of velocity and Qstructure of the crust and upper mantle.
This thesis is devoted to the study of local seismic activity of the regions
surrounding three dam sites, employing small aperture portable local networks. Two
of these regions fall in the Lesser Himalaya and the Sub Himalaya. The third region
is located in the Peninsular India. The studies were earned ou, with the following objective*
(i) To study the pattern of contemporary seismic activity of these sites and its
comparison with historic seismicity.
(ii) To identify similarities and differences in the pattern of seismic activity of
the three sites-viz., two in the Himalaya and one in the Peninsular India.
(UO To evaluate the potential of induced seismicity and suggest planning of seismological
networks for future investigations.
To achieve these objectives data on the occurrence of microearthauakes was
collected from the period 1980 to 1983 employing smoked paper seismographs (MEQ-800)
and L-*C or S-7000 seismometers. Atotal of fifteen months of data which consisted
of six months at Chamera, six months at Navagam and three months at Jamrani dam
sites were collected. These data sets form the basis of the study reported here.
The locations of events have been obtained employing P-times. The (5-P) time
has been used for obtaining origin time restricted locations. The earthquake location
problem is nonlinear, however, the existing programs make use of linearisation employing
Taylor series. In this study a technique to obtain locations by incorporating the second
order partial derivatives as well, for a multilayer one dimensional earth model has been
developed. The expressions for second order derivatives were incorporated in an existing
linear least square program (LLS) which is modified version of the HYPOLAYR program
(Eaton, 1969). This new program (NLLS) has been tested employing test earthquake data
and synthetic data, and has been employed to locate events recorded in this study. The
results have also been compared with the linear least square program (LLS).
The events converge to same location employing NLLS and LLS programs. The
convergence history employing LLS and NLLS methods remains by and large same for
events within or close to the array. For events outside the array improvements in the
convergence employing NLLS program have been obtained. For events located around
Chamera dam site, NLLS method gave focal depths for about 14% more events as compa
red to LLS method. Employing NLLS method more realistic assessment of uncertainty
in the hypocenter solution is possible as there is a reduction in standard errors and length
of the axes of ellipse governing the joint confidence region.
In the region around Chamera dam site, lying in the Lesser Himalaya between
the Main Boundary Thrust (MBT) and the Main Central Thrust (MCT), more than 1300
microearthquakes were recorded (Mn from - 2.8 to 3.4). Epicenters of 216 events scatter
along the regional tectonic features. However, no events are located in the immediate
vicinity of dam site. The activity is almost confined to the north of the MBT except
for a cluster of epicenters at about 10 km northeast of dam site. This cluster falls to
the northeast of the Ravi re-entrant structure. The distribution of epicenters is broadly
in conformity to the historic seismicity. The estimated 'b' value of 0.46 from microearthquake
data is in agreement with the 'b' value of 0.52 obtained from historic seismicity
data. Generally, the focal depths of located events range between 10 to 15 km. The
depth section across the strike direction of thrust sheets show the dipping zone with
dip of about 22° towards northeast. Composite fault plane solutions (CFPS) for three
sets of events indicate that the tectonic strain in the region is being released by both
thrust as well as normal mode of faulting.
The Jamrani dam site is located in the Sub Himalayan tectonic zone. The Krol
Thrust which is homologous of the MBT, reported to be active from geological evidences,
is exposed 0.5 km to the north of the dam site. The moderate magnitude earthquakes
in this region are mostly confined to the Lesser Himalaya between the MBT and the
MCT. No activity with (S-P) time ^7 sec is recorded. 384 events (Mn from 0 to 3.4)
with (S-P) times mostly between 10 to 25 sec falling outside the array, have been recor
ded. Epicenters for 188 events and focal depths for only 3 events could be obtained.
Most of these events cluster about 120 km northeast of the dam site in the known region
of seismicity in the vicinity of MCT. No events were located in the vicinity of the MBT.
Other studies also indicate infrequent seismic activity along this section of the MBT
(Ni and Barazangi, 1984). Nine events are located southeast of the array in the Ganga
foredeep. This intraplate activity may have significance because these locations fall
in the close vicinity of moderate earthquake with normal faulting and nodal plane parallel
to the Himalayan arc. The focal depths obtained for three events agree with the well
determined earlier reported focal depths of moderate earthquakes for this section of
the Himalaya. Thus, the pattern of microearthquake activity is found to be in agreement
with that of historic seismicity.
The region of Navagam dam site is located in the Shield region of Peninsular
India and has experienced infrequent and sporadic small to moderate earthquakes. 258 micro(
earthquakes with magnitude (Mn from - 2.4 to 3) mostly below one were recorded. Epicen
ters of 106 well located events fall around the region of dam site. The activity is bound
to the south by the Piplod fault. Small clusters of activity about 8 and 10 km northeast
and north northwest of the dam site are also mapped. The overall spread of activity
follows the Narmada rift zone. The focal depths range between 2 to 22 km with majority
of events confined between 10 to 15 km which could be interpreted as the depth where
maximum stresses are prevailing in the rift zone. Depth sections indicate, in general,
that hypocenters located close to the Narmada, Piplod and Surpan faults are having
nearly vertical trends which conform to the rift valley environment. CFPS for two sets
of events indicate normal faulting with pressure axes nearly vertical or plunging 55° due
E64°S. This pattern of faulting is also attesting to the rift structure but does not agree
with the reported fault plane solutions of moderate earthquakes for the region of Peninsu
lar India. From microearthquake data estimated value of 'b' is 1.19.
The microearthquake studies around three dam sites have enhanced the available
knowledge and allowed improved understanding of current seismic activity. Both Chamera
and Jamrani dam sites which are located in similar regional tectonic setting are exhibiting
very different contemporary seismic activity. The ambient strain generating process
in environ of Himalaya is the convergence of Indian and the Eurasian plates. Therefore,
differences of local seismicity in region along the Himalaya such as Chamera and Jamrani
will most likely be due to local variations of this strain field. The high level of observed
seismic activity around Chamera dam site may be due to the presence of the Ravi re-ent
rant structure to the southwest of the dam site where higher strain accumulation could
take place locally. Hie Chamera site is located 50 km to the west of the epicenter
of the great Kangra earthquake of 1905, where the plate has already ruptured in this
section of Himalaya. Since the dam site falls in the rupture zone of this earthquake,
the observed activity in this area roulcl be influenced by the occurrence of this earthquake
which is expected to have caused concentration of strains at the edge of this rupture
The lack of seismic activity in the region around 3amrani may be due to various
factors such as, the region may be undergoing creep, the low level of strains in the
region and the dilatancy hardening. To identify specific factor for this observation neither
adequate data base nor additional evidence is available. However, it is to be noted that
3amrani darn site lies between the rupture zones of two great earthquakes.
Navagam site is located in the Narmada rift zone and microearthquake survey
has brought out that this part of the rift zone is infested with small magnitude events.
This region appears to be characterised by low to moderate strain built up as compared
to the two other sites as interpreted from the comparison of 'b' values. Small magnitude
induced seismicity is reported from dams (e.g., Tarbella dam in northern Pakistan) in
the Himalaya, whereas in Peninsular India, Koyna and Bhatsa dams have shown induced
seismicity. Apart from other considerations on the basis of CFPS and direction of pressure
axes the potential of induced seismicity appears to be more at Navagam dam site amongst
the three dam sites. The recording has provided very useful short time preimpounding
sample of seismicity and with suitable future recording the phenomena of induced seismi
city may be better understood around these regions.