A spring is a natural outlet for concentrated discharge of
groundwater either on land surface or into a body of surface
water. Springs have been used as dependable and ready source of
water in many parts of the world. Springs could be of various
sizes from small trickles to large streams under both water table
and artesian conditions. An active spring can be treated as a
flowing well with constant head. This feature could be used
conveniently in the mathematical modelling of springflow. In the
analysis of regional groundwater flow, a spring can serve as a
boundary condition of Dirichlet type.
The physical process of release of spring water from
groundwater storage can be compared with the lower portion of the
recession part of a flood hydrograph in a river and can be
simulated by a linear reservoir. A linear reservoir is a
conceptual reservoir in which outflow is linearly proportional to
the storage. Combination of this postulation with continuity
equation gives the equation for base flow,
Q = Q k"
t Or
where k is the recession constant or depletion factor and is equal
to exp(-l/r ). r is a parameter of the spring and is designated
as the depletion time.
Bear (1979) suggested a simple mathematical model to simulate
the unsteady flow of a spring over the recession period for a
lumped recharge. Bear model assumes a linear relationship between
springflow and storage. A springflow model has been developed
using Bear's model and the convolution technique for simulating
springflow for a known time variant. recharge and aquifer
parameters. However, the time yariant recharge is not known. The
Newton-Raphson iterative method for solving non-linear equation
has been used to compute the time variant recharge, and the model
parameter, i.e., depletion time (r ) from the springflow. The
model has been tested on three springs. The springs are: (i)
Sulkovy Pramney springs, Czechoslovakia emerging from sandstone
strata (a third magnitude spring) (ii) Kirkgoz spring, Turkey
emerging from Karstic aquifer (a first magnitude spring) and (iii)
White Rock spring, Nevada from perched waters in volcanics tuffs
(a eighth magnitude spring). For the Kirkgoz spring, Turkey, the
added up monthly recharge for each year matched with the annual
rochniqo for c yonrn rompntod by nu nnrlior invent iqatoi uning
lieai 'a model .
In Bear's model, the logarithm plot of springflow with time
during the period of recession follows a straight line. It is
found that during the process of recession, the variation of
logarithm of flow with time follows a straight line, provided the
springflow domain is a closed one. A closed flow domain implies
that nil the rnchnrgn will appear nn npringflow.
The Bear model assumes that an unsteady state is the
succession of the steady stale conditions and there is no time lag
between onset of recharge and emergence ol springflow at the
spring's threshold. But, in case, the transmission zone of the
spring in the flow domain is long and the hydraulic diffusivity is
low, there would be a time lag between the onset of recharge and
its appearance as springflow at the spring's threshold due to the
storage and translation effect in the transmission zone. In order
to simulate springflow for such a geohydrological system, a
mathematical model has been developed considering an unsteady
state for simulating springflow for a known time variant aquifer
recharge. Starting from the basic solution given by Carslaw and
Jaegar for flow in an aquifer of finite length and using
convolution technique, the unit pulse response function
coefficients for outflow due to unit recharge in the recharge zone
has been obtained. Using the unit pulse response function
coefficient and convolution technique, springflow has been
computed for the time varying recharge. The storativity of the
transmission zone reduces the magnitude of peak springflow and it
causes delay in the appearance of peak springflow. When storage in
the transmission zone is small, the springflows simulated by the
two models compare well.
With an initial guess of the range of values of the model
parameters i.e.,0 (specific yield), 0 (storage coefficient), T
(Transmissivity), LW /W (a linear dimension representing recharge
area and spring width), 1 (length of transmission zone ), the time
variant recharge and model parameters are computed by random
search technique. The recharge computed by the random jump
technique compares well with those obtained by the Newton-Raphson
The Bear's model and the model with long transmission zone
deal with one dimensional flow. However, the flow processes
associated with springflow will be two dimensional. Therefore,
using basic solution given by Hantush for the evolution of
piezometric surface due to recharge from a rectangular basin, a
two dimensional springflow model has been developed. The response
of the spring for unit pulse recharge through the rectangular
recharge zone of the spring has been obtained. Using these unit
response function coefficients, springflow for any time variant
recharge can be computed.
The variation of logarithm of springflow with time during
recession, does not follow a straight line. Only towards the
latter part of recession, the variation is approximately linear.
Using the random jump techniqeeand the springflow model for
an open flow domain, recharge area, spring opening, distance of
the spring from the recharge area, transmissivity and storativity
of the transmission zone and the recharge have been estimated from
observed springflow data. Since the domain is an open one, the
recharge computed by the model which is based on Hantush's
solution, is found higher than those computed using the model for
a closed system.