A feasible technical solution of the seismic isolation system for
multi-storey brick masonry buildings is presented in the Thesis
Solution is based on the previous achievements in the area of base
isolation technology, but it is modified for application to masonry
buildings and to the low-cost housing problems.
Two-level sliding isolation system is selected as a possible solution
to the problem by taking into account the basic requirements regarding
the seismic isolation of masonry buildings. Discrete isolation system
In the form of Teflon/Stainless steel sliders is applied at the base
level, and acontinuous isolation system in the form of "sliding joint"
at the floor lev.] of the building; The proposed isolation scheme t.
verified both experimentally and analytically.
As a part of the theoretical study, analytical models are formulated
for si.ul.tina the behaviour of si„g,o- and multi-degree-of-froodom
base sliding systems under the earthguake-type excitation. Comparative
study on the seismic performance of aconventional and abase sliding
system shows the effectiveness of sliding isolation strategy in
reducing the response acceleration and displacement levels.
Besides the conventional approach to the analysis of seismically
isolated structures, energy partitioning concept is also considered It
is shown that th. amount of lnpu(. cnergy transBltted to tha .
system during the earthquake is several times less than that one
transmitted to the conventional system of th. same mechanical
in order to .v.lu.t. the oftsotivsn... of the proposed isolation
concept in diminishing the extent of damage to multi-storey masonry
buildings during the major earthquakes, behaviour of both a
conventional and an isolated test model structure is experimentally
nvestigated. For this purpose, one-third scale model of atypical twobay,
three-storey high brick building is constructed and tested on a
computer controlled shake-table.
From the shake-table tests on the model structure, an important
observation is made concerning the relationship between the amount of
input energy and the PGA level. For a conventional system, the amount
of input energy continuously increases with the increase of PGA level,
while for the sliding system an opposite trend is observed. This
clearly indicates to the increased effectiveness of the proposed
isolation scheme at the higher acceleration levels.
Analytical models of multi-degree-of-freedom base sliding system
behaviour are finally verified by making the comparison between
analytical and experimental results. Study shows a satisfactory
agreement between experimental and analytical results, as the
difference between these two values is generally less than ten percent