With increasing load, a structure undergoes increasing deformation. Beyond a critical
or peak load level, structure's inability to take any more loads causes failure. Failure can be
distributed or localized. In general, the failure of civil engineering structures is localized
and is caused by a series of densely populated cracks which coalesce in an extremely small
region. The numerical simulation of crack formation and propagation has been a subject of
considerable research. Although, post-peak states are usually not tolerated in the design of
structures, the knowledge of post-peak behaviour can be of great help in understanding
the strengths and weaknesses of structures. Further, the understanding of the failure
modes is important to avoid brittle failure. It is for this reason that the capabilities to
predict post-peak deformation behaviour is essential in addition to finding the ultimate
load carrying capacity.
The underlying aim of the thesis is to simulate post-peak behaviour of the structure
using strain softening plasticity and the finite element method. In this regard the objectives
of the thesis are outlined as follows.
• To review the literature related to computational plasticity with emphasis on strain
softening and localization.
• To evolve benchmark tests in elastoplasticity particularly under strain softening
• To study the post-yield behaviour, conditions of localization and mesh sensitivity
issues using numerical samples with various yield criteria.
• To develop algorithms for dynamic strain softening problems and to conduct studies
on the possible use of strain softening under seismic forces.
• To study post-peak response of some realistic structures.
Some recent developments in computational elastoplasticity are discussed. Current
literature in the area of strain softening plasticity and its use in simulating post-peak
behaviour is reviewed. Issues related to the use of indirect displacement control and
evolution of localization conditions are also reviewed.
Emphasis is laid on the Hoffman yield criterion which is pressure sensitive and valid
for anisotropic elastoplasticity. The present study, however, is limited to the isotropic
form of the Hoffman criterion. A return mapping algorithm using the backward Euler
scheme for this criterion is "discussed. The evolution of this criterion for strain softening
plasticity wherein both equivalent compressive and tensile strengths are assumed to reduce
as compared to when only the tensile strength is assumed to decline is considered.
The possibility of using strain softening elastoplasticity for the prediction of post-peak
seismic response is explored. Numerical implementation of strain softening has been
known to cause problems of convergence, load step sensitivity and discretization
sensitivity (or mesh sensitivity). Many of these difficulties have been surmounted for static
analysis. Numerical problems associated with the use of strain softening in the solution of
dynamic problems are highlighted and some methods of overcoming them discussed.
Consideration is generally limited to one dimensional problems arising out of elastoplastic
strain softening behaviour. The results indicate that dynamic response does not become
unbounded due to strain softening. Strain softening, however, introduces a large zero
frequency component as compared to strain hardening or perfect plasticity. The frequency
content at frequencies other than zero is not significantly altered. These preliminary
investigations indicate that strain softening in conjunction with an appropriate stress
updating algorithm can be employed in the seismic analysis ofstructures.
The analysis of industrial structures and substructures is often conducted using
elastoplastic constitutive laws, in conjunction with the finite element method. The finite
element codes may be used as a "black box" by personnel who may be inadequately
trained in the method. In order to train analysts and to check the validity offinite element
codes, the benchmarks can be of paramount importance. Further, exact solutions in
computational elastoplasticity cannot be used directly as these often pertain to solutions
that are valid only for particular cases. However, these solutions can be used as
benchmark tests to check the validity of finite element codes and accuracy of numerical
solution procedures.
In the present study tests for three different yield criteria viz. von Mises, Mohr
Coulomb and Hoffman are discussed. The perfectly plastic as well as strain
hardening/softening cases are examined. The benchmark tests are based on prescribed
displacement field format. Tests are evolved that can be used to verify the ability of finite
element packages in accurately predicting first yield and flow in the post-elastic regime.
The exact integration of constitutive equations for an isotropic plastic von Mises
material that incorporate linear hardening/softening for some specific cases are developed.
Illustrative tests are included.
Exact solutions for Mohr Coulomb criterion that include linear strain hardening or
softening plasticity and the presence of singular regions are also developed. A number of
biaxial and triaxial illustrative tests are included.
The isotropic form of the Hoffman criterion is a cylindrical paraboloid in the principal
stress space. As such it is not straightforward to evolve closed form solutions for this
criterion. However, tests that can illustrate the stress changes in the principal stress space
and can serve as tools for understanding, are studied. Simple tests under perfect plasticity
and strain softening conditions are examined.
Post-peak response can be described as the response of a structure that is incapable of
sustaining any additional loads. The post-peak behaviour is associated with progressive
failure of the structure, which in turn can be modelled using softening plasticity. Strain
softening implies declining equivalent yield strength parameter in the yield criterion. This
does not, necessarily imply post-peak (declining) load-deflection response and the load
might actually increase.
The behaviour of elastoplastic von Mises, Mohr Coulomb and Hoffman materials
under simple load paths and considering perfect/strain softening plasticity are studied. In
addition to the movement of the stress point in the principal stress space emphasis is laid
on the load displacement behaviour. The study also examines the use of the accoustic
tensor as a localization indicator.
Uniaxial compression tests on single elements used in the study indicate that for
associated von Mises plasticity the localization conditions are not necessarily satisfied
immediately after first yield, even under strain softening conditions. Critical values of the
softening parameter are evaluated such that the localization condition is satisfied
immediately after first yield. It is seen that if the softening parameter is of greater
magnitude than the evaluated critical magnitude, then the localization direction is not
unique. Increasing the softening parameter beyond a certain magnitude may lead to
instability. It is seen that this limit is more stringent than the local uniqueness
requirements. Single element compressive tests indicate that a descending or constant load
displacement response is obtained only after the satisfaction of the localization condition.
Similar uniaxial tests indicate that it is far easier to satisfy the localization conditions
with the Mohr Coulomb criterion. The satisfaction of the localization condition is
accompanied by post-peak behaviour for simple uniaxial test. For these tests a flat or a
descending load displacement response is observed depending on the assumption of
perfect or strain softening plasticity.
The study shows that post-peak behaviour using the Hoffman criterion is strongly
influenced by the ratio of uniaxial tensile and compressive strengths. In case of softening
plasticity the post-yield response is totally different when both equivalent tensile and
compressive strengths are assumed to reduce as compared to when only the tensile
strength is assumed to decline. Mesh sensitivity of the post-peak response is also studied
for von Mises and Hoffman criterion. Good (mesh insensitive) results are obtained when
nonlocal material laws are employed.
The algorithms and ideas developed are applied to some engineering problems. Postpeak
response of simple systems such as acantilever beam, plane strain tension specimen
and a notched beam is studied. The failure patterns of a slope under varying post-yield
conditions are examined. Strain softening plasticity is also applied to the seismic analysis
of Koyna dam.