Studios Ha stC,ge.ui ati 'were carried
out in a ttio stage counter currant cotwu using air as the fluidizing medium The coltrnn consists of pe apex tube of O mma internal diameter and each stage is 225mm long. DOW c+ tiers made of copper tube of 10 mm T D. 230 mm long- have been pray.ded on the grid plate of each stage 'moo solids are fed thr u,h the funnels of different discharge openings to the top stage and solids overf ov to
the bottom stage ou , the doxicomer. The solids from the
bottom stage .othrough 'tho do'ncomner to a receiver kept bald the column.
as found that the solids flo7 rate increases iit a sir to rate up to a maximum and then start decreasing till it got iained. Sc id loading ratio, that is the IJoight ratio of solids to sir per unit time Vill effect the
solids don .c► Under limited conditions of operation, the s=oothh fior .region h ► been identified foZ1 different »o'f rates of air .n4 feed rates of solids* A r relation as found out under smooth zano of operation, 3hicb io i
og(t s/G) 9.9 log (N'ae) + 0