Integral bridges being safe and aesthetically pleasing is gaining popularity in most of the
countries including India, because of its low initial cost, reduced long-term maintenance
expenses, faster construction and better seismic performance. The analysis of integral
bridge is much more complicated as bridge deck, piers, abutments, embankments and
moreover soil-pile interaction must be considered as a single system. Analysis of integral
bridges without considering non-linear backfill and soil-pile interaction is impractical, as
in most of the long span bridges soil respond beyond the elastic limit. The length of the
integral bridges mainly depends on the pile capacity, soil type and abutment movement
due to intensity of temperature and seismic load and other factors.
Most of the integral bridges are constructed in non-seismic regions, where the research
has concentrated on secondary stresses, mainly due to temperature which govern the
integral bridge design. The construction of integral bridges is increasing in India and
other places, which are having high temperature variation and also high seismic zones. In
integral bridges, the redundancy or static indeterminacy allows the formation of local
mechanisms at selected locations for largely unknown seismic inputs. This concept in
integral bridges is proved to be an excellent option for seismic prone areas. In regions of
high seismicity, seismic displacement demand can be significantly more than the thermal
movements. Thus, it is very much necessary to study the capacities of these integral
bridges in resisting various levels of temperature and seismic loadings.
Most of the bridge agencies use steel H-piles for integral bridges, which have greater
flexibility in comparison to concrete piles. In India, most of the integral abutment and
deck extension bridges are constructed on bored-cast-in-situ concrete piles. These
bridges are located in the regions having high temperature variation and high seismic
zones, where the length of bridge is restricted by lateral pile capacity due to temperature
loading or seismic loading or a combination of both as mentioned in Indian codes.
In this study, the behavior of integral abutment bridges built on cast-in-situ piles are
studied for temperature effects and seismic excitations to determine their maximum
possible length under different environment conditions. To study the behavior of integral
abutment bridge, a three dimensional non-linear finite element model has been developed
considering material nonlinearity. Material nonlinearity is considered for soil-pile
interaction by using Winkler soil model with non-linear soil springs, which were
developed by using the guidelines given by API and Reese. The passive earth pressure
behind the abutment wall is modeled by using the design curves given in Canadian
Foundation Engineering Manual (CFM) for dense sand and Manuals for the Design of
Bridge Foundations (NCHRP) for medium and loose sand respectively. Material
nonlinearity for structural members is considered only for piers and piles, which were
modeled as 2 noded beam elements. The finite element model developed is verified by
comparing the results with the published literatures on temperature effects.
Three dimensional models of five span reinforced concrete integral abutment bridge of 130 m long and 12 m wide constructed on cast-in-situ piles is used to study the influence
of abutment-backfill soil, soil surrounding the pile, predrilled hole, abutment and pier
flexibility, pile type & pile longitudinal reinforcement on the length of the bridge. Non
linear static analysis is conducted in both temperature rise and temperature fall
conditions until the formation of first plastic hinge in the pile to find the maximum yield
displacement capacity of 1.0 m and 1.2 m diameter piles. Non-dimensional curves
relating the temperature effect with length of integral abutment bridge are established.
Sensitive non linear dynamic analysis has been conducted by using five different
response spectrum compatible time histories in both longitudinal and transverse
directions to study the displacement demand and the force distribution in the integral
abutment bridge. Non-linear dynamic analysis is too sophisticated, time consuming and
also highly sensitive. However, non linear static procedure such as capacity spectrum
method and displacement coefficient method are found to be of great interest and as a
better alternative to achieve the displacement demand and the force distribution under
considered earthquake intensity.
A simplified method to find the target displacement is proposed. In this method the
capacity and design curves are retained without converting into capacity and design
spectrums. The technique to find target displacement in the proposed simplified method
is on the conceptual basis of capacity spectrum method which is very much similar to
that of equal displacement approximation or displacement co-efficient method explained
in ATC-40. The proposed method is validated by comparing it with capacity spectrum
method and displacement co-efficient method. Target displacement and base shear
obtained by non-linear pushover analysis is validated by comparing the results with
nonlinear time history analysis. The best suitable pushover pattern is taken to limit the
integral abutment bridge length. The target displacement obtained by pushover analysis
for seismic loading is combined with temperature displacement to find the length of
integral abutment bridges built on cast-in-situ concrete piles in high temperature
variation and high seismic zone.