Determination of seismic velocity structure of crust and upper mantle of the earth is one of
the major objectives of seismology. Accurate velocity information is necessary for a variety
of purposes, including the location of earthquakes, the determination of the composition and
origin of theouter layers of the earth, andtheinterpretation of large-scale tectonics. While lot
of advancement has taken place in instrumentation and digital data acquisition has the
capabilities to mark the arrivals with requisite accuracies, the velocity modeling has been
lacking in the past for accurate estimation of locations and to make use of relatively more
accurate phase arrival data. Taking advantage of the high rate of occurrence of
microearthquakes, an attempt has been made in the present study to estimate the crustal
velocity structure in Garhwal Himalaya. The main objective of the present study has been to
revisit the current velocity structures available for the Garhwal Himalaya and propose a
crustal velocity structure based on the earthquake data acquired from this region.
Local Earthquake Tomography (LET) technique has been used in the present study which
uses simultaneous inversion for hypocenter and seismic velocity parameters to minimize the
data misfit. The earth structure has been represented in 3-D by velocity at discrete points, and
velocity at any intervening point is determined by linear interpolation among the surrounding
eight grid points. The data acquired through a local seismological network in the Garhwal
Himalaya deployed byDepartment of Earthquake Engineering, IIT Roorkee has been used in
the present study. 1-D analyses has been carried out to estimate minimal 1-D models using
VELEST by considering three ofthe 1-D velocity models from past studies carried out by
various workers for Himalayas. Based on the output of the 1-D analysis an average 1-D
crustal velocity model has beenproposed for Garhwal Himalaya.
The three 1-D crustal velocity models thus estimated using 1-D analyses and the proposed
1-D crustal velocity model are then used separately as minimum 1-D velocity models for
estimation of 3-D crustal velocity structure for Garhwal Himalaya. The 3-D crustal velocity
structure has been estimated using linearized inversion using LET. The grid point locations
with respect to the center of the coordinate system have been chosen iteratively based on the
earthquake locations and tectonic features in the area. The resolution matrix, derivative
weighted sum (proportional to number of rays that sample each cell) and hit counts (number
ofrays that traverse a specific cell) shows that the profiles falling inthe center ofthe grid and
in the upper layers are well resolved. Further, the whole grid was rotated by 45° to get the
grids perpendicular to the predominant direction ofthe seismogenic features in the Garhwal
Himalaya. The comparison of resolution matrix, derivative weighted sum and hit counts
shows better results in later case.
An endeavor has been made to validate the results by comparing the velocity distribution
patterns observed in the estimated 3-D crustal velocity structures with the surface
manifestations of the tectonic features. Velocity profiles along the grid lines have been used
for matching the geological and tectonic features in the Garhwal Himalaya. Further, the
traverses reported by Valdiya (1980) elucidating the lithotectonic settings have been also
compared with the depth profiles obtained through 3-D crustal velocity structure analyses.
The comparison reveals the depth wise behavior ofsurface manifestations ofthe geological
features namely, Basul Thrust, Srinagar Thrust, Dunda Thrust, Main Boundary Thrust, Main
Central Thrust and Dunda Fault. Further, out of sequence thrust which is Srinagar thrust is
found to be dipping southerly in many of the profiles.
The 3-D velocity structure reveals a variation in velocities at a depth of about 10-20 km in
almost all the profiles which can be attributed to the detachment (decollement) surface as
reported in earlier studies throughout the Himalayas. The transition zone at detachment
surface is found to be about 10 km thick with a velocity contrast of about 5.6 km/sec at the
top and about 6.0 km/sec at the bottom. The undulating pattern observed in the vertical
profiles reveals that detachment surface is not an even surface and possibly participating in
the tectonic process. Further, the depth sections of contemporary seismicity have been
overlaid on the vertical profiles which reveal that most of the features are seismically active.
Based on the matching of the 3-D crustal velocity structure with the existing geological and
tectonic features and relatively higher values of resolving parameters (KHIT, DWS and
RESOLUTION) the 3-D Model IV estimated using the average 1-D velocity model (Model
IV) has been proposed for Garhwal Himalaya. The 3-D crustal velocity structure estimated
in the present study will be useful for accurately locating the earthquakes in the area for
better seismotectonic modeling which in turn is useful in seismic hazard assessment and