dc.description.abstract |
The High Himalaya Crystalline Zone (HHCZ) representing a 25-30 km thick
thrust sheet rides over the rocks of the Lesser Himalaya Zone (LHZ) along the Main
Central Thrust (MCT), the most important intracontinental thrust in the Himalaya. The
rocks of the HHCZ are the most highly deformed and metamorphosed rocks in the
Himalaya. Around the Chur peak in the Lower Himachal Himalaya the frontal part of
the HHCZ thrust sheet, locally called the Jutogh Group, is exposed in a half-klippe.
Large-scale map pattern together with detailed analyses of structures from thin section
to outcrop scales have been used to elucidate the deformational history of these rocks.
The frontal part of the HHCZ thrust sheet in this area can be considered to be a
5-6 km thick ductile shear zone in which ductile shearing is most intense in three
restricted horizons. In this zone, however, two generations of pre-shearing folds (F\
and F2) which are tight to isoclinal and recumbent to gently-plunging reclined/inclined
with E or Waxial trend can be recognized. A penetrative cleavage (Sj) parallel to the
axial planes ofFj folds is the dominant planar structure and a crenulation cleavage (S2)
parallel to the F2 axial planes is sporadically developed. The F[ and the F2 folds are
coaxial resulting in type-3 interference patterns. In the ductile shear zones the structures
of the early (i.e. F1-F2) generations have been extensively modified. Structures
developed during progressive ductile shearing include: (1) mylonites, mylonitic
foliations and S-C composite planar fabrics, (2) folds on layering and crenulations on
pre-existing cleavage surfaces, (3) interference structures such as sheath folds, type 2
and type 3 patterns, (4) several generations of crenulation cleavage, (5) extensional
structures, such as extension crenulation cleavage, foliation boudinage, rotated
boudinage and pinch-and-swell structures. Small-scale thrusts giving imbricate or
schuppen structures are also common in the shear zones. A set of very open and
upright folds (F3) have affected all these structures. The last deformation episode is
represented by a set of subvertical fractures some of which are faults with a normal
sense of displacement. Four large-scale thrusts can be recognized, viz., the Chail
thrust, the Jutogh thrust, the Rajgarh thrust and the Chur thrust, the last two are
reported for the first time. These four thrusts cut up the crystalline rocks of the area
into four thin thrust slices giving rise to imbricate structure in large scale. A granite
body (the Chur granite) occurs in this area at the highest topographic and structural
levels and belongs to the Lesser Himalaya granite belt. It has been shown that the Chur
granite is a thrust slice which suggests that there is another, probably basementinvolved,
thrust in the HHCZ sitting at a higher structural level than the MCT.
The main phase of regional progressive metamorphism is completely pretectonic
with respect to the ductile shearing. It is argued that the inversion of metamorphic
zones in this area is due to imbrication of thrust slices derived from a terrain with
normal Barrovian metamorphic zones. |
en_US |