Rocks of the Lower Paleozoic marine sequence occur in the Tethyan Zone of the
Himalaya with exposures in Kashmir, Spiti, (Himachal Pradesh) and Kumaon-Garhwal
(Uttar Pradesh) regions of India.
Although, these sediments have received attention ofgeologists since long, very little
studies have been carried on the palynological aspects so far. Published literature reveals
the occurrence of brachiopods, trace-fossils, conodonts and certain other fossil microbiota
in the Lower Paleozoic marine sequence. No published record is available on acritarch
biostratigraphy of this sequence in the Garhwal region.
The present study, therefore, is aimed at investigating these rocks on this aspect,
especially in view of well known occurrences of acritarchs in the Ordovician-Silurian rocks
from many parts of the world like, United Kingdom, Belgium, Spain, Norway, Arabian
Sahara, Africa, United States of America and Canada etc.
The study area lies in the Tethyan Zone of the Garhwal Himalaya in and around the
village, Sumna, Chamoli district, Uttar Pradesh, India. The geographic coordinates of the
region are 30°40' latitude and 80°50' longitude. The area, in general, is poorly accessible
due to physiography, hostile climate, and also from the point of view of its proximity to the
international border area with China. The study, therefore, was taken up along the mule
track between Sumna and Rimkhim covering Ordovician-Silurian sequence outcropping in a
stretch of about five kilometers.
Two geological field investigations were undertaken during the months of August and
September in 1992 and in 1993. The Sumna-Rimkhim section, in the study area, was found
to be an ideal section exposing a large part (Ordovician to Silurian) of the Lower Paleozoic
marine sequence after a thorough reconnaissance survey. The lithostratigraphic Units
(Ordovician to Silurian) namely Garbyang (upper part), Shiala, Yong Limestone and
Variegated formations in stratigraphic order were examined along this section of about 680
meters thickness. Seventyone samples of these sediments were collected at measured
intervals for the present investigation. Litho-petro-stratigraphic column was prepared after
necessary correction through careful computation of the field data. The broad lithology of
the section examined constitutes litho-units like siltstone, shale, siltyshale, sandstone and
However, only the sediments of Shiala and Yong Limestone formations (Caradocian
to Ludlovian) yielded acritarchs. Samples of Garbyang and Variegated formations (of
Llandelian and uppermost Ludlovian ages respectively) were found barren of acritarchs but
were found containing other macro-and microfossils.
Treatment of samples using the conventional palynological techniques yielded
abundant and varied forms of acritarchs with infrequent to rare to common occurrence of
chitinozoans, melanosclerites, conodonts, scolecodonts, algae and bryozoa etc. Hence,
acritarchs form the principal target for age determination, palynozonation, intercontinental
correlation and paleoenvironmental deductions due to the their yield in abundance.
Samples were also treated for sedimentological and chemical-sedimentological
investigations by adopting conventional laboratory techniques to obtain additional supporting
evidences with regard to paleoenvironmental deductions.
These detailed studies carried out, under the present investigation, bring out the
following significant findings:
(1) For the first time, 20 genera and 67 speices of acritarchs have been identified and
recorded from the Ordovician-Silurian (Caradocian to Ludlovian) sediments of the Tethyan
Garhwal Himalaya, India.
Taxonomic descriptions of all the acritarch forms have been given. On the basis of
first occurrence and last occurrence levels ofselected acritarch species, four distinct acritarch
assemblage zones namely Baltisphaeridium longispinosum Var. longispinosum-
Multiplicisphaeridium ornatum; Domasia trispinosa-Deunffia monospinosa; Domasia
limaciforme-Dactylofusa oblancae; and Leiofusa algerensis-Multiplicisphaeridium osgoodense
were erected precisely in stratigraphic order with description of reference section, definition,
base and top, significant accessory forms, overseas correlation and age assignment of each
Top and base of each zone has been delineated in the following manner:
Zone'l : Base of zone I could not be marked because of acritarch barren litho-unit.
Top : Last occurrence of Baltisphaeridium longispinosum Var. lonispinosum
and first occurrence of Geron sp. cf. G. amabilis.
Zone II: Base: The first occurrence of Geron sp. cf. G. amabilis and last occurrence
of Baltisphaeridium longispinosum Var. longispinsoum.
Top : The last occurrence of Deunffia brevispinosa.
Zone III: Base : The last occurrence of Deunffia brevispinosa.
Top : The last occurrence ofLeiofusa algerensis and Stellichinatum celestum.
Zone IV : Base : Last occurrence of Leiofusa algerensis.
Top : Top of zone IV could not be marked because of acritarch barren lithounit.
The acritarch biostratigraphic zonation reveals that the Ordovician-Silurian boundary
lies within the Shiala Formation which was marked within the lower part of Yong Limestone
Formation by earlier workers (Shah and Sinha, 1974 and Khanna et al., 1985).
(2) Paleoenvironmental deductions have been attempted mainly on the basis of acritarchs
and other associated fossil microbiotic elements. Other environmental indicators such as
limestone/ shale/siltstone/sandstone petrography, clay mineral assemblage, major &trace
element and silt contents have also been considered in this study.
Occurrence ofacritarchs and other associated fossil microbiotic elements in sediments
indicates site of deposition extending mainly from inner to middle to outer Neritic Zone
(transitional to marine). Results of overall study reveals that warm water conditions with
normal salinity prevailed throughout in the basin of sedimentation. These inferences are
supported further by the results obtained after the investigations carried on the sedimentary
In summary, the record of prolific acritarchs for the first time from the sediments of
Caradocian to Ludlovian sequence of the Tethyan Garhwal Himalaya offers excellent
opportunity for further detailed study, not only in this region, but also, in Kashmir and Spiti
regions of India, which ultimately, would provide the scope of regional correlation within
the Indian subcontinent as well.