For planning and .,+conducting war operations, reconnaissance plays an important role. The reconnaissance methods in the past were very .crude and were conducted by actual field. u rk. Military needs demand that such infor-mation may be. gathered as . far as .possible from a remote point due t© various: political and environmental barriers and in the. shortest possible time.
The development of . photography , was a step towards
this side.
with the advent
of electronics, most
of sensors were
developed. Each of these
systems has been, ,described in detail in separate Chapters in this dissertation,
Chapter I gives the general jnt duetion . of remote sensor systems and m itary reconnaissance.
Requtremonts, of military Intelligence and how these requirements, have been pet by photographic systems have been explained in Chapter XX.
Chapter III deals with Radar systems, starting. from basic corking, operation, radar scope or indicators, radar presentation, restitutor,, side looking radar and its restitution, line scanning reconnaissance techniques, radar beacons, radar relays and military y potential of radar have been explained with particular reference to military
needs. Air borne profile recorder has also been discussed.