Seismological studies in Iran have been motivated by the need
to reduce earthquake hazards. A significant event in this regard
was the setting up of three WWSSN stations at Tabriz, Shiraz, and
Mashhad. We investigate in this study the dispersion
characteristics of Rayleigh waves in the Zagros, Central Iran, and
Alborz regions by computing phase speeds using seismograms for the
three pairs of stations, namely Tabriz-Shiraz, Shiraz-Mashhad, and
Mashhad-Tabriz respectively. Starting from an initial list of 3500
earthquakes data for 9, 8, and 11, earthquakes were found usable
for Zagros, Central. Iran, and Alborz region respectively.
Fundamental mode Rayleigh waves on all the seismograms were
digitized. Calibration pulses on the respective seismograms were
also digitized for correction of instrumental phase shifts.
Dziewonski and Hales's (1972) cross-correlogram variant of
Aki's two station method was used to compute phase speed from
these digitized signals. The algorithm was tested extensively
through a set of 16 carefully designed experiments on synthetic
data. A new method was proposed and tested to take instrumental
phase shift into account.
The phase speed dispersion curves obtained using extended
Rayleigh wave trains in the group speed range of 4.0 to 2.9 km/s
were not smooth in spite of all the precautions probably because
of noise on seismograms. Smoother phase speed dispersion curves
were obtained, through trial and error, using Rayleigh wave train
segments corresponding to narrower ranges of group speeds. The
latter data were interpreted for crust and upper mantle
It is estimated that the maximum error in a phase speed value
for a given period i?i any particular case was less than 10.12
km/s .
The inversion of phase speed results for crust and upper
mantle structure was carried out using the singular value
decomposition (SVD) variant of the generalized inverse method. A
computer program was written for the purpose independently and
tested thoroughly.
Rayleigh wave phase speed data for the fundamental mode in
the. period range of about 20 to 70 seconds were considered for
inversion for the Zagros, Central Iran, and Alborz regions.
Limited data in the period range of 70 to 230 seconds were
provided by the inversely dispersed waves for the Alborz region.
Layered models consisting of 1, 2, and 18 layers for the
crust and a uniform half space corresponding to upper mantle were
considered with Rayleigh wave data in the 20 to 70 seconds period
range. Five and six layered models, with 2 to 3 layers
representing the crust, were considered for the inversely
dispersed Rayleigh waves. Shear wave speeds and layer thicknesses
were determined in all cases through inversion keeping
compressional wave speeds and densities of layers constant as
initially prescribed. The number of converged model considered for
each region was in the range of 60 to 70.
The inverted models based on 20 to 70 seconds period Rayleigh
waves showed that the crustal thicknesses varied in Zagros,
Central Iran, and Alborz regions though shear wave speeds in
different layers were broadly similar in the three regions.
Crustal thicknesses of 45 km, 39 km, and 35 km were obtained for
Zagros, Central Iran and Alborz regions respectively. A low shear
wave speed zone in upper mantle of Alborz region is inferred from
inversely dispersed Rayleigh waves. The non-uniqueness of the
interpretation is acknowledged.
Comparison of our results with those by a few other worker
using much less data indicate broad similarities and some
Inferences regarding crustal thicknesses in Zagros and Alborz
regions are supported by limited gravity data and seismological
studies using Iranian earthquake data.
The 45 km thick crust for Zagros region is consistent with
crustal thickening under lateral compression due to northeastward
subduction of the Arabian plate beneath Iran.