The results of the investigation regarding the role of sediment characteristics on scour around a spur-dike in an alluvial channel are reported herein. The study is a continua-tion of the analysis of the problem of scour around spur-dikes, carried out by Garde and Subramanya [11] in the University of toorkee. The functional relationship obtained by carrying out dimensional analysis has been verified using experimental data collected in the hydraulics laboratory in a 25-ft, long and 2-ft. wide rectangular flume.' Contrary to some of the results of previous investigators, it has been found that the character-istics of bed material affect the ma .mum scour depth appreciabij The importance of the Fronde number of flow to represent the effect of flow, characteristics on the maximum scour depth has been stressed. The effect cif .sediment size on various other characteristics of scour has also been studied.