This dissertation primarily deals with principle of working, types, transmission properties and application of optical fibre.
Development chronology in optical fibre technology is followed by fundamentals of fibre optics. ...
With the advancement of digital computer technologythe microprocessor based systems are being used in every field. Advent of microprocessor based systems in the field of operat -ions research is not new. The main objective ...
The closed--loop solid state resistance controller for a three phase slip ring induction motor has been designed fabricated and tasted, The contrtillcr consists of two banks of three phase resistors, in the rotor circuit, ...
Generation allocation problem is very important because of huge system operating costs with the increase in size and complexity* the simple criterion of 'equal incremDntal cost' operation of genera- tore does not give ...
The economic exploitation of hydro power sources of smaller capacities (fes► 1KW to 1 i1 i) is essential for developing isolated power houses to meet thm local needs. Such power houses will ba particularly useful for hilly ...
In this thesis an attempt has been made to calculate switching surge overvoltage using Laplace transform technique.
The merits and demerits of various methods for the calcu-lation of switching surge overvoltage, namely, ...
In order to produce high quality product in .bulk, the process line in the modern industry is becoming more and more complex and expensive. To minimise the production loss and to preserve the desired quality of product it ...
Predicting transient performance of induction motor, for given bus-transfer conditions, is one of the important problems faced by systen designers. Looking to the literature published so far, it is noted that, most of the ...
The fundamental element of nervous system, of a man with which he can ,sense and transmit any disturbance is neuron. These neurons have two parts via. axon which is a long process and dendrite, which is terminal part of ...
This dissertation deals with thosee theoretical and practical aspects of thexmoresistive semiconductor type elements which influence markedly the design and performance of instrumentation systems using these elements as ...
This dissertation concerns an induction-motor drive fed from a rectifier-controlled current inverter source. The u se of a speed regulator, p-i current regul ator and slip-speed regulator makes this drive a closed-loop ...
Single Machine connected to infinite bus with two tie—lines is considered to study the effect of reactance on the system at different conditions. Different conditions here is meant by steady state, transient state (during ...
The measurement Of high impulse voltages necessiates the use of a suitable voltage divider in order to determine the peak voltage and the waveshape of the impulse. Resistance,, capacitance or mixed (fl-►C in series ar in ...
As the complexity of industrial processes has incr**ssd, there has been a consequent increase in the number of process variables (such as temperature, pressure, flow, pH) to be controlled # and it has bene increasingly ...
Microprocessor based systems are being used increapingly in nearly all the walks of life. Their usage is wide spread, from house--hold gadgets to sophisticated missiles. In order to be able to design even simple microprocessor ...
Ruman brain is 0o complex a cpptcm that it i-j r.;ally very difficult to undorotand it. Only a cuperbrain, which has more capabilitieo than human brain, can havo exact inns )tt into it. tudieo upto now could hay. . their ...
There is growing demand for precise and variable speed drives with long term reliable performance. With rapid develop-merits in the technology of thyristors and solid state devices, electric drives with solid state control ...
This dissertation deals with the design and develop-ment of an electronic psychrometer for the measurement of humidity. Thermistors have been used as basic temperature sensing elements. One thermistor has been used as dry ...