• Gune, R. C. (1967)
    The present workaaa rises of the shy of a single pie inductl n m nine rm so a genera. for either at s ,ersynchronotte aped or as a self -excited one. The different cases that have been analysed involve either th operation ...
  • Kumar, Rajendra (1967)
    I, thA nrnsent A iss rrtnt ton thn AevfAog t4nt r4nr oprrnt ion of' a new two-peed s tnc;te- ahc!sn cop a ifor rotor 13 iscu "itotz►h the not common Form of thr prirlr±ry rh ino, 'rr n sing; .n-pbAse induction. ^rotor is ...
  • Singh, Yashwant (1964)
    Tha induction meter compares favourably with d*c, motors as r• *rd* costs alts, saintefeacrt,, and wear and tears but suffers from the Limitations that its speed of operation reagins more or less constant# sad can not be ...
  • Ray, Sailendra Narayan (1967)
    ith tLo C;ro rth of ltreo intogratod poor oyotomo vith a nunbor of ti®os r vny norr prob10 o h^vo crioon in thoir otc~cdy_ otato o orc.tion. Thor iro a nu.ltitut10 of fcotoro i7hich h-.vo a bar Ira on Oho o orrtinC 000not ...
  • Gupta, Suresh Chandra (1966)
    In the following pages an effort has been made to present a comprehensive picture of the effect of Induction heating. The analysis has been made considering cylindrical and rectangular section for the work-piece. The ...
  • Bhargava, S. C. (1966)
    This thesis deals with the STFADY—STATE and TRAJSIENT.. STABILITY problems of a Synchronous machine. The first part deals with the 'steady..state' stability limit of a synchronous machine connected to infinite bus bar, (i) ...
  • Singh, Madanjit (1966)
    With the expansion of power systems, the increasing maximum ground fault current results in dangerous potential rise of grounding systems. The hazard can be avoided only by the control of local potentials i.e. by grounding ...
  • Choudhary, Rabindra Nath (1966)
  • Chanra, Suresh (1966)
    In case of resonance circuit a, we assume that the In. ductance of the circuit in independent of the urr+ant and is constant. This is actually true if the m%petic field of the indaatw ae flown preponderantly in elr, for ...
  • Chandrasekharan, M. K. (1966)
    In the follo°'-ing iai n an effort ho been r, ido to present a eopprehen ive rioture of - oiuo of the anpcate of ower eyst rrc servo problems. The baaic elementary iaona of the theory of probability a~)rlied to eyston ...
  • Rai, Har Mohan (1966)
    The importance of ► braking an Electrical Machine is well known. Depending, on the individual requirements Various circuits are given for Braking of Induction Motors. This dissertation mainly deals with the A.C. braking ...
  • Beg, Himayat Ullah (1966)
    On the basis of theory and equations developed for three. phase synchronous rhino, the einglephaso synchronous machine may be analysed. By tk ing the effect of positive and negative sequence ocriponente of fluxes currents ...
  • Wadhwa, C. L. (1966)
    In th early years of Electrical Engineering power systems were designed according to the requirements of regular sustained operation. However, experience showed that with switching processes in the circuits and under ...
  • Misra, Krishna Behari (1966)
    During the past decade, Digital Computers have introciced the entirely new approach to the problems, which were otherwise considered almost impossible or had some inuirect methou of attack. There has been a great endeavour ...
  • Garg, Om Prakash (1966)
    H*rmic effects ssn 410" i Indwation a*ohine are sn r*" kV mgt of d1i's1 eonpu sr usinip rob*d es rd tscbmiq, ►. £nmlitiosl as de a" dsv.loprd to a rtain the effect of skew over ourroni, pausr fctorp torque and air uadeeirsble ...
  • Rao, Thallam Subba (1965)
  • Parti, Satish (1965)
  • Potry, V. G. (1965)
    and scattered not justifying 3-phase supply on economic grounds. The use of less costly single phase earth return system. is advocated herein, for such areas where the immediate and future load demands are very small. The ...
  • Bhargava, Munish (1965)
    The dissertation mainly deals with the Describing Function analysis of the effects of saturation and hysteresis in amplidyne voltage regulation system. The input output characteristic incorporating the non-linearity has ...
  • Shidaye, P. G. (1965)
    This thesis deals with the el+iotrioaj and eleotro-*eohanioal stability of a syn. w/o with a balanced resistance, Inductance and capacitance connected in series with the ' armature circuit. The analysis is an extension ...