India is a vast and diverse country which makes India a land of tourist paradise. Every country, is now looking, to tourism as an important factor in the growth of national prosperity. P1l-gr,ima'ger= was at first the strongest motive for travel in India. By the early 18th century, the main characteristics of modern tourism 'changed in mental attitudes towards pleasure seeking. By the beginning of 20th century, started a large movement of travellers to various spots around the world. Particularly after the second world warcwithin the countries and also internationally due to improvement in
transport facilities and improved economic status which .in
resulted/ the availability of increased time span for leisure. Many countries have recognised the economic benifit that accure from tourism and in some countries,, it has become the main sector of the economy. moreover,it is also a source of employment. In addition tourism makes a tremendous contribution to the improvement of social cultural and political" understanding. The benefit of tourism are specially important for growing brotherhood, increasing employment opportunity and boosting the economy of region. History and cultural heritage with magnificant monumnet"s''pay great role in tourism industry. Mark Twain stated �Â�°India -is one country under the sun that is endowed with imperishable interest for alien prince and alien peasant for literate and ignorant, wise
and fool, rich and poor, bounded and free and on the land that all man desire to have seen and having seen once by even a glimpse would not give that glimpse for the shows of all the globe combined'