Before the discovery of vitamins, none had a concept of wholesome food except that which produced satiation and energy. Similarly,the present state of building bye--laws typically shows a limited physical concern and tends to ignore some of the vital aspects of human habitation like socio- environmental considerations.
Architectural buildings are designed to serve human needs, this somehow seems to have lost its meaningfulness in the framing of building bye-laws. This is logically true, since the builders,as a biggest promotional force in housing today, have forced architecture out of housing design by exploiting the building bye--laws. Our present national eco-nomy has aggravated this problem, especially in a city like Bombey.
The present study is undertaken to highlight the extent to which the building bye�â� �¢laws are effective in satisfying users needs. A close view is taken of nature, purpose and historical evolution of building bye-laws, the significance of which is studied in urban context with special reference to Bombay. At the same time a broad perspective of the attem pts made for modifications. and reforms of the prevailing building bye-laws is also considered. The main sources for finding out the efficacy of building bye-laws, it was felt, are the views of architects. who design the buildings,those
of occupants who use them and the relevant literature which analyses them. Accordingly, all, these three aspects are explored through different research tools.
It is observed that the design abilities of the archi---�â� �¢ tects are narrowly channelised and creativity, as a result, assumes secondary importance in much of what is built today. The restrictiveness of building bye-laws is found to affect the design of dwelling units as well, which ultimately is not congenial to user needs, An effort is made to suggest amendments in the prevailing building bye�â� � laws, wherever the need has been felt, along with a direction for further research in the field,