Canp'as development snd building dedgn cot r3 ses a very large proportion of wick of architects and pl ers. This has been. true In the past decades and can be attri-buted to the vast ten year increase in the volume. When one examiri ss the Literature or the drawing documents presently available, it is observed that most of it deals with the past design and planning procedures, but no docu-ment plan depict the system of development with special reference to housing for the campus in fixture.
This dissertation pr~ittax'y deals with the develop tent plan, of University of Iborkee Carpus with special reference to housing, and introduces a system wh.oh is new in form, content and procedure. It refiects the tech iques, which may not be termed as new, but certainly a boon to the old cau uses, which are facing shortage of land and whereas activities are .irLcreaUig.
The dissertatLon Is mainly in three pert ,# The first de&l s 4th the r cbu. l i n.g, the dec Ined dress, Ld itii.re rerl em l.ti s. The r.,'oon c1 deals with thG '+p ai sal of Present ca llus and lastly tie m n, areas of development for hous-. Ing end ph.a ne of thl: pl , but a coi:.lete d1 srorta` ion coving the cn ti iie f~. e . d i s 'b o ud yho scope of any .ngl e tnes 's, howrer tne author has rxdeavQuured to male this work. comprehensive as possiblo in respect of hou ng develop-