A notion often prevails among the arcbttecto that standardisation brings sterilisation in creative arts including architecture# This dissertation has been written with . an inquisitive mind to anaUse whether etandaz'dieation and optimisation really does any harm and whether these could be done without eterilieing the creativefaculty of a deaignor, particularly in areas which ought not and should not be left to intution or chance,, such an the s rvi es# circulation etc.
nodular r planning has booøme the practise of the day and there is a greater scope of rationalteatton an the to teal Faculty of a designer can enter Into the domain of the creative faculty replacing intut ve work to a great extent, One of the atiking inventions of this century, the electronic-computer has revolutionised the technologies . all over the world. Presently# it is being used In a limited way in planning and architecture but a vast field is still open for exploration and Implementation.. A general study of different works together with this dissertation shown that rst.ion lioati.on or the use of computer in in no way a deterent to the architect t© create now forms,# rather it promotes the true synthesis of form and function,