Now a day there is a need to assess the thermal effect and the energy dissipation of the building before construction. This thesis is about the Energy Diagnosis with thermal photography of the ESTP Cachan campus building. In this report, the thermal analysis is done on the 3 dimensional view of the ESTP, Cachan campus. In this study, the 3D modeling is done with the help of the 3D laser scanner, total station and DesignBuilder has been done and the results so obtained are compared. To obtain an accurate estimate of the geometry of the vaults, 3D-laser scanning was performed. Based on the 3D-point cloud, a 3D-model of the vault sallow's determining the lines of thrust in the structure. Thermography is also performed on the 3D model by the different techniques like Thermograms, DesignBuilder and contours. So the comparisons of these techniques are also done in this thesis. The reader could also realize the usefulness of the thermal photography analysis in order to locate areas of energy leakage. The resultant model is enriched with many points in space like co-ordinates, temperature, and humidity for the analysis. In the model, the laser scanning method is very fast and accurate. The other method like Total Station and DesignBuilder are also very fast but it is very quick to get the models by laser scanner. Various defects are obtained in the buildings with the help of these techniques and we also verified them. Most common defects are obtained on the corners, under-wall and in the beams. In the thermal analyses, DesignBuilder has given accurate results with the accuracy of 0.5°C. The Thermohygrometer is used to draw contours of the temperature and showed the same results as from DesignBuilder.