Adsorption-Desorption is a widely used separation process in chemical and other
process industries. The advent of zeolite molecular sieves has further enhanced its utility due
to their specificity of separation by size. The various desorption processes may be classified
as thermal swing, pressure swing, purge gas stripping, and displacement desorption.
Thermal swing desorption process is used in numerous purification systems; its
applications are growing at a steady rate for last three and a half decades. Zeolite molecular
sieves being capable of retaining its adsorption capacity even at relatively high temperatures
make a good combination with this process. This desorption process is facilitated by
passing a hot inert carrier gas through the adsorbent bed. In this technique, condensable
adsorbates can easily be recovered by passing the effluent from the adsorber through a
condenser. However, if the adsorbate is noncondensable, then additional separation unit shall
naturally be required to remove the adsorbate from carrier gas. Besides, heating of carrier gas
consumes a large amount of energy and only a small fraction of it is utilized in desorption.
Therefore, in order to recover contamination free noncondensable adsorbate without any
significant loss and also to reduce the energy consumption, it is necessary to heat the bed
without carrier gas. Jacketted heating is possible but it loses its applicability to large
diameter beds used commercially, because of the relatively poor thermal conductivity of
molecular sieves. Thus, the packed bed desorption in which bed is heated by internally
imbedded electrical heaters, appears to be a potential alternative. To the best of our
knowledge potentials of this technique h.ave not yet been fully explored.
In our Laboratory, preliminary studies on this desorption process have proved its
viability [Prasad (1988)]. 13X molecular sieves manufactured indigenously, were used as
adsorbent. The bed saturated with water vapour was desorbed using an electrical heater,
imbedded in the bed. Main emphasis in this research work was on dry bed conduction
studies and so the effective thermal conductivity/diffusivity of bed was determined. It has
been reported in the literature that the thermal conductivity of a packed bed depends
upon temperature, but the dependence is scarcely estimated. Furthermore, these studies
include few experimental runs on desorption. A mathematical model has also been proposed
for this desorption process, which assumed desorption to be completely conduction
controlled and ignored the intraparticle diffusional effects. Due to this reason, model
predictions were quite far from the experimental ones; predicted and experimental
desorption times are about 2.5 hour and 8-9 hour respectively. Besides, 13X molecular
sieves used were indigenously manufactured, for which no systematic characterization was
available and done by Prasad (1988).
In view of the viability of proposed desorption process, the present research project
has been undertaken. In formulating the objectives, it has been kept in mind that the results
of this research work may further enhance our knowledge of this desorption process, so that it
may be designed and used commercially. In the present study too,water vapour-13X
molecular sieves has been considered as adsorbate-adsorbent system. The main objectives of
the thesis are confined to three aspects of this desorption process, namely Characterization of
13X molecular sieves, Estimation of k(T) for the packed bed, and Development of
Mathematical model. Accordingly, the conclusions have been summarized below.
Characterization of 13X molecular sieves has been done by determining various
properties, e.g. surface area and total micropore volume, by using adsorption measurements.
For this purpose various available methods, viz. BET, Langmuir, t-Plot, Dubinin-
Radushkevich (DR) equation and Dubinin-Astakhov (DA) equation have been used.
Adsorption measurements have been done using two gaseous adsorbates - nitrogen and argon
which are having a symmetric molecule and are nonpolar in nature.
Computational algorithm and software have been developed to use adsorption
measurement data in DR and DA equations. A software for estimation of two parameters
in DA equation has also been developed; one of them, i.e. exponent n, is of direct use.
Besides, statistical analysis of estimated parameters has been carried out by plotting 99.95%
confidence limits of predicted values and a contour for 95% joint confidence region. The
analysis shows that the estimated parameters are correlated, and their values are correct.
Value of exponent, n, in DA equation has been found to be 1.95 and 1.78 for nitrogen and
argon adsorption on 13X molecular sieves, respectively.
Critical analyses of the methods used and the results obtained have been carried out.
The analysis indicates that the exponent, 2, used in DR equation can be safely used for
the determination of micropore volume and surface area of 13X molecular sieves. This
enables one to avoid the use of DA equation which is relatively cumbersome and time
consuming as it requires estimation of the value of exponent, n. Besides, surface area obtained
from BET method is approximately 17-25% less than that of Langmuir's method, DR equation,
and DA equation with the two adsorbates used in the present study. This observation is also in
agreement with the observations made in literature. The values of surface area and micropore
volume of 13X molecular sieves have been found to be 755.8 m2/g and 0.2686 cm3/g
respectively. The results obtained are closely in agreement with the values reported in
In order to obtain transient radial temperature profiles, an experimental unit has
been designed and fabricated. It consists mainly of a cylindrical column (I.D. = 94 mm, Height
= 600 mm), packed with 13X molecular sieves. An electrical heater imbedded into the bed
coaxially, was used to provide a source of thermal energy. The bed was heated under dry
conditions using two heater wattages, e.g. 0.1 and 0.13333 kW/m. A PC based on-line data
acquisition system has been developed on an existing data logger. A software has been
developed in C language to display and store the measured temperatures at desired locations.
The software is a 6400 lines code. It is interactive, user friendly, and possesses several
advanced features such as context sensitive help and security of data against power failure.
The data acquisition software is general in application as it can also be used to acquire three
types of other commonly measured variables, viz. DC voltage, AC voltage, and
Dependency of effective thermal conductivity of a bed of 13X molecular sieves on
temperature has been estimated by using transient radial temperature profiles obtained in the
dry packed bed. Effective thermal conductivity, k, has been estimated to vary linearly with
temperature T. The correlation obtained for k is as follows :
k (T) = 8.17635 x 10'5 + 10.915427 x 10"7 (T - T0)
where, T0 = 303 K
Using the above correlation, effective thermal conductivity of a packed bed of 13X
molecular sieves varies from 8.18 x 10'5 to 22.15 x 10"5 kW/m K for a temperature range of
303-431 K. These values are in agreement with the values reported in literature for the
catalytic and other similar materials.
Statistical analysis of the estimated parameters of correlation has been carried out by
plotting the joint confidence contour for an approximate 95% confidence level. Although, the
dependence of k on T is linear but its use in the model partial differential equations meant for
estimation of parameters results into a nonlinear estimation problem. Therefore, the joint
confidence contour plotted is of deflated banana shape in a two parameter space. The
elongated shape of the contour indicates that the estimated parameters are highly correlated.
A mathematical model for this thermal desorption process has also been developed in
the present research work. This model also includes the transport of adsorbate within the
molecular sieve pellet by diffusion. For simplicity, linear isotherm is assumed to govern the
equilibrium relationship. This model consists of partial differential equations for bed as well
as for the pellet and is to be solved by a suitable numerical method with appropriate
initial and boundary conditions. As the solution of this class of differential equations is
complex and requires large computer time, therefore, it is desirable to simplify it without
sacrificing accuracy of its predictions. To do so, adsorbed phase concentration profile within
the molecular sieves pellet is assumed to be parabolic in shape with respect to its radius
throughout the desorption. It is reported in the literature that this assumption, at one hand, is
true in almost all the cases and at all the times, significantly simplifies the model and
saves the computation time substantially, at the other.
Simplified model equations of the bed have been solved numerically by using control
volume finite difference method. This method has the advantage of satisfying the conservation
equations in the discretized form even if the discretization grid is coarse. This method forms
the basis of the computational algorithm developed in the thesis. The predictions of the
model proposed here, adequately match the experimental observations.
It has been found in the present study that the thermal desorption of water vapour from
molecular sieves 13X is mainly controlled by intraparticle diffusion of adsorbate, and the
effective diffusivity of water vapour in molecular sieves is strongly concentration dependent.
Therefore, in order to further improve the predictions of the model, concentration dependence
of diffusivity has been investigated. It has been found that a relationship of following type
adequately represents the desorption behaviour.
D(q>- *
( 1 - a2 A f
Where a2 = 0.87753 and D0 = 1.5 x 10" m2/s .
It is our view that the research work carried out in the thesis has a wide scope for
applications in industry. The technique of desorption and the proposed model will be useful in
the applications where recovery of adsorbate is a must to improve the economics of the
process. This type of system is particularly suitable for smaller units which are used for mobile
The developed model can also be used for modelling the desorption from a large size
adsorption column used in the process industries. In such a case, multiple heaters imbedded
into the bed on a specific pattern, e.g. triangular, shall be used as a source of thermal energy.
The computational algorithm developed for a single heater can also be used for this system
with little modification, but it may require a large computer time. Fortunately, with the
development of fast computing machines, solution of model equations for desorption with
diffusional transport considerations for a large grid size is now feasible.