The present investigation has been carried out to study
experimentally the condensation of low pressure steam on four
horizontal short tubes(L/d = 13.6), placed in a vertical grid.
The tubes were housed in a rectangular vessel of 300 mm length,
310 mm breadth, and 750 mm height. Each tube of the condenser was
341 mm long with an inside diameter of 25 mm and outside of 28.8
mm. The tubes were held in perfect horizontal position by means
of specially fabricated check-nuts. The clearance between two
nearest tubes was 97 mm. In order to measure the temperature of
outer surface of each tube, twelve copper-constantan
thermocouples were embedded at four locations at distances of 21,
121, 221, and 321 mm, respectively measured from the leading edge
of the tube. Every location had three thermocouples, one placed
at each of the top-, the side-, and the bottom-regions of the
tube. The thermo-e.m.f. signals from all the tube wall
thermocouples on analysis showed periodic variation with time.
Due to the large amplitude of variation a hardware-based signal
integrating system comprising of Keithley programmable DMM with
GPIB interface and Z-80 micro-processor was adopted to find out
time-averaged value of the fluctuating signals. This scheme was
thought adequate in view of its being fast in processing large
number of data points.
A specially designed and developed home-made mechanical
hand was employed to measure the temperature of jsteam bulk around
the tubes in a vertical plane by means of thermocouples. It had
two arms each containing a copper-constantan thermocouple. It was
possible to control the vertical and horizontal positions of the
thermocouples in a vertical plane, containing tubes, from outside
the test condenser with a minimum accuracy of 1.0 mm.
The steam used in this investigation was raised in an
oil fired boiler. To ensure that the steam entering the condenser
was dry and saturated, extra precaution was exercised by
employing an upright U-loop having a vertical drain pipe with
steam trap at its free end in the pipe line connecting the boiler
to the test condenser. In fact this helped in removing the
condensate coming along with steam from the boiler before
entering the test condenser. The temperature of steam was
monitored by copper-constantan thermocouples attached to
mechanical hand. An air vent with continuous steam purging was
used to keep the test condenser free from noncondensables. To
check the absence of noncondensables, the temperature of the
steam was measured. When the temperatures maintained by the
thermocouples placed near the top and bottom tubes were found
equal to saturation temperature corresponding to the pressure of
steam, it was taken that the steam was free from noncondensables.
To maintain a quiescent environment of steam around the tubes of
the condenser the incoming steam through a steam nozzle placed
off-line to the vertical grid of tubes was allowed to impinge on
a cup and then passed through a perforated plate. The above
arrangement reduced the velocity of steam to a practical possible
minimum value.
The cooling water was pumped into the tubes through
rotameters. The provision of inverted U-bend at the exit of each
tube ensured that the tubes were always full with cooling water,
which was very necessary.
The temperature distribution' of cooling water was
determined theoretically for the estimation of heat flux
distribution along different segments of each tube. This was done
by iterating the heat rate equation with heat balance equation
and finally matching the calculated exit temperature of cooling
water with experimentally determined value. For this purpose each
tube was considered to be made of four isothermal segments of 71,
100, 100, and 70 mm length, respectively.
Experiments were conducted for steam pressures ranging
from 146.75 to 269.38 kPa and cooling water flow rate from 11.6
to 17.1 1pm.
The present investigation has shown the expected
behaviour that the temperature of the wall of the tubes varies
circumferentially. It is also observed that due to the
continuously decreasing values of cooling water-side heat
transfer coefficient, unlike that of long tube (L/d > 50)
having high flow rate of cooling water, the value of the average
circumferential wall temperature continuously increases
throughout the length of the tubes irrespective of the row in
which the tube lies. Thus the surfaces of the tubes become
nonisothermal when condensation occurs on short tube condensers.
It is established that for a given tube-row the average
circumferential wall temperature of the tube is found to possess
a specific functional relationship with the cooling water flow
rate, it's inlet temperature, steam pressure, and distance from
the leading edge of the tube.
For the calculation of condensing heat transfer
coefficient from an available correlation for the first row tube,
a relationship for the weighted wall temperature for short tube,
in terms of operating parameters is also obtained. These
experimentally determined weighted wall temperatures of the first
row tube of the bundle show a good agreement with the model of
Bromley within a maximum deviation of +35%. The experimental data
for the condensation of quiescent steam on first row tube of
the bundle are correlated best by the Mikheyev correlation
within a maximum deviation of -18.0 % to 10 %, followed by
the correlation due to Henderson and Marchello within a
maximum deviation of -26 % to 6%. For the determination of
weighted condensing heat transfer coefficient for short tubes in
second-, third-, and fourth- rows, based on the present
experimental data, an empirical correlation is recommended
within a maximum deviation of +10%, which establishes that
heat transfer coefficient of a tube in rows other than the first
row possesses a functional relationship with the heat transfer
coefficient of first row tube and the row number in which the
tube lies.
It is also found that the predictions from Kern's
correlation and the experimental values of weighted condensing
heat transfer coefficient of second-, third-, and fourth-row
tubes agree excellently within a negligible deviation. The
finding of the present investigation is that Jakob's correlation
for heat transfer coefficient for tubes in different rows of the
tube bundle is a conservative one is in conformity with the
observation reported by Marto.