dc.description.abstract |
The present study is an endeavour to understand geohydrological
aspects eg. ,hydraulic characteristics and hydro chemistry
of the groundwaters in limestones of the GaJ and Miliolite
Formations (Tertiary and Quaternary) occurring in the Chorwad-
Madhavpur area along the southwest coast of Saurashtra. In
addition to this, the stratigraphy of these formations has been
worked out as this was not studied in detail by previous workers.
Also an attempt has been made to examine the development of
porosity due to solution activity and diagenetic changes as
groundwater occurrence and movement is influenced by these
Detailed study of the Gaj and Dwarka Formations could not
be carried out because of the scarcity of outcrops,whereas a
detailed study of the Miliolite Formation has been made. The
Quaternary carbonate sediments of the Saurashtra coast hav
baffled the geologists ever since the term 'Miliolite' o
•Miliolite limestone' was first proposed by Carter in 1849. The
early workers described it as an oolitic limestone containing
the foraminifera Miliolina. Srivastava (l968) was the first
who gave a detailed petrographic classification of these limestones.
Mathur and Mehra (1975), proposed a new stratigraphic
classification for the Miliolite limestone. They renamed the
•Miliolite limestone' as Miliolite Formation, while Sub-Recent
deposits were referred as Chaya Formation which were put under
the Porbandar Group. This classification has been followed in
the present study also.
Based on field observations of vertical sections at
different places in the area and petrographic studies, the
author in the present study has divided the Miliolite Formatic
into three lithofacies, i.e., lithofacies I,II and III. The
lithofacies I and II have been again sub-divided into litho
facies IA,IB, and IC, and IIA, 113, and IIC respectively.
Petrographic study of the limestones beloging to the
Miliolite Formation indicates that the rocks include calcarenites,
calcirudites, chalk (micrite) , and pelletoid calcarenites. It is
not essentially an oolitic limestone as described by earlier
workers. Neomorphism is very common. Sparry calcite occurs both
as cement and neomorphic grains.
Scanning electron microscopic study indicates the presence
of micro and macroporosity of both intergranular and intragranular
types. Microporosity is generally intragranular. Vuggy
and channel porosity is common. The porosity has been developed
by the dissolution of carbonate grains and skeletal material.
Primary porosity is also not obliterated due to diagenesis.
Calcite crystal growth and formation of dolomite are also
noticed. Lithofacies I, IIA and IIB of the Miliclite formatic
having extensive secondary porosity act as major aquifers.
Diagenesis of carbonate rock took place successively in
(i; stagnant marine phreatic zone (2) active marine zone
(3) mixed freshwater and marine water zone (4) freshwater
phreatic zone, and (5; freshwater vadose zone mainly during
a marine regression.
Regarding the environment of deposition, the lithofacies 1A
might have been deposited in lagoons and IB and IC by fluviomarine
action during a transgressive phase. Lithofacies IIA and
IIB have been formed in the littoral zone dominated by strong
wave action and transitional zone between littoral and shelf zone
respectively. Lithofacies IIC contains abundant foraminifera,
i.e., Cibicides, Uvigerina. Bulimina. Cassudilina. Bolivina.
Eponides. Nonionella. Fissurina. and Lag en a which suggest
relatively deeper water biofacies and most probably an outer
shelf marine environment. Lithofacies III is pelletic calcarenite
which has been formed by the action of wind by reworking the
deposits formed as a thin sheet in lagoons left behind the
regressing sea.
The hydrogeological studies in Gaj Formation and Miliolite
Formation have been carried out in the area under study.
Rainfall is one of the most important factors which
influence the ground water levels. The small though significant
values of correlation coefficient between rainfall and ground
water levels indicate that although rainfall affects the water
levels, other ifactors such as irrigation, pumping, etc. are
also responsible for groundwater fluctuations.
A study of the trend surface maps of water-level data
indicates that the general groundwater flow is towards i south,
southwest, and west from the central part of the area. In the
western part, the groundwater flow is from the coast towards
inland and a groundwater trough is seen. This might be because
of the overdevelopment of groundwater for irrigation purposes.
Acomparison of pre-monsoon (March) and post-monsoon
(October) groundwater levels in the Gaj Formation and the
Miliolite Formation shows that the groundwater fluctuation is
-ore in Gad Formation. This indicates difference in the geohydrological
characteristics of Gaj Fetation and Miliolite Formation.
Anumber of pumping tests were conducted in dug add dugcum-
bore wells tapping the Miliclite Formation and the Gaj
Formation with a view to study the aquifer characteristics. Ihe
drawdown data have been used to determine transmissivity (T)
by Papadopulos-Cooper method and Boulton and Streltsova method
and storativity (S) by Papadopulos-Cooper method. From recovery
data also Twas determinedby using Theis recovery method. It is
observed that the I values obtained from Boulton and
Streltsova'. method are comparable with those obtained from
the later part of recovery data, using Theia equation. The
transmissibility of Miliolite Formation is higher as compared
with the Gaj Formation.
The specific capacity determined from recovery data
indicate that it is higher in the Miliolite Formation than
in the Gaj Formation. The productivity values as determined
from specific capacity data also indicate that the limestones
belonging to the Miliolite Formation are mere productive than
the Gaj Formation.
A total of 67 groundwater samples were collected from wells
tapping the Miliolite Formation, Gaj Formation and Deccan Trap
basalts during February, 1979 and 29 samples during October, 1979
for chemical analysis.lt has been observed that the groundwater
in the coastal belt within the Miliolite Formation is quite saline.
Trend surface maps of various ions (except HCO~) indicate an
increase in concentration towards the coast. Hydrochemical
sections from inland towards the coast in the direction of ground
water flow also show a similar trend. The high Cl"/(CO?" +HC0; )
ratios, increase in salinity with pumping, the total alkalinity/
total hardness ratio which is ^. l,the primary and secondary
saline nature of water samples, all indicate mixing of modern
sea-water with groundwater. The mixing of sea-water and fresh
water is on account of over pumping at isolated places and also
due to the ingress of sea water along the creeks and rivulets
at the time of high tides.
The positive base exchange index values of most of the
waters from the Miliolite Formation indicate base exchange of
Na+ present in the mixture of groundwater and sea-water,with
the Ca 'v present in the clays of Miliolite Formation, This is
further evidenced by comparing a hypothetical groundwater with
that of sea-water by comparing the percentage reacting values
of Na + K + Ca + of groundwater with those of sea water. The
plotting of hydrochemical data in Hill-Piper diagram indicates
that groundwater from the Gaj Formation is mainly of secondary
alkaline type while those from the coastal belt in the
Miliolite Formation are of primary saline and secondary saline
type. It has also been observed that groundwater further inland
in the Miliolite Formation has low salinity. Therefore, a belt
of highly saline water is restricted only in the coastal region.
Earlier,!.e.,till about ten years back, in this belt groundwater
was fresh. All these observations indicate that salinity is due
to intrusion of modern sea-water, later modified by various
Carbonate equilibria studies show that most of the waters
are saturated with respect to calcite. In the Gaj Formation, the
waters in the north are undersaturated in nature. In the
Miliolite Formation, near to the coast, in many places, the
waters are of undersaturated nature.
It is seen that the groundwaters from Miliolite Formation
are of poor quality and hence not suitable for domestic and
irrigation purposes. Even then the people use this water for
various purposes because of the non-availability of better
quality, water. The groundwater of the Gaj Formations are of
better quality and can be used for various purposes. |
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