dc.description.abstract |
The ever increasing demand for energy has necessitat
ed the exploration of hydrocarbons in stratigraphic traps.
The seismic technique can be effectively used to elucidate
subsurface stratigraphy and lithology. tk interpret seismic
responses of geologic sections in terms of subsurface strati
graphic and lithologic information it is necessary to
establish a correlation between lithology and suitable para
meters abstracted from the seismic response. The present
work deals with
(a) simulating mathematical models for sedimentation
processes and calculating their response with the
above objective and
(b) applying the above concept and methodology develop
ed on synthetic data to r~al seismograms to infer
lithostratigraphic information.
Depositional situations may be modeled by using
Markov chains. These involve the concept of memory where
the nature of successor lithologies are predetermined by
preceding lithologies according to certain probabilities.
Markov chains with one step memory are therefore applied to
model two different depositional conditions of a formation
a sedimentary basin in India4". Accordingly, two Areas X
and Y are considered for the purpose of this study.
Area X corresponds to a dominantly sandy (sand =
53 percent) part of the basin together with coal (26 percent)
and shale (2l percent) constituents. Geophysical well logs
of this area have been used tu calculate the probability of
upward transition from one lithology to another at a four
metre sampling interval for a particular formation. These
were used to generate 255 different synthetic stratigraphic
sequences which are collectively designated as Model E.
Area Y corresponds to a dominantly shaly (shale = 60 percent)
part of the same basin, with sand (37 percent) and coal (3
percent) constituents. Another 253 synthetic sequences
generated for this area and designated as Model F were syn
thesized on the basis of the probabilities of transitions
from one lithology to another as calculated from well log
data- The five hundred and eight sedimentation sequences
thus generated represent sedimentary sequences deposited in
changing environments- Seismic response in time and frequency
domain for these models have been calculated.
Part of the work embodied in the thesis is based jn
real field data, courtsey, Oil and Natural Gas Commission,
Dehradun, India. The locations and name of basin have
been suppressed. The sedimentary basin is referred to as
Basin 2, two areas within the basin as Areas X and Y and
the hydrocarbon bearing formation as Formation K.
models used in this study are composed of
homogeneous, isotropic and perfectly elastic layers. The
acoustic impedances of these layers were calculated from
the velocity and density logs available for the area. The
impulse response was calculated and then convolved with a
source wavelet to yield conventional looking seismograms-
The autocorrelation function, and the power spectrum using
maximum entropy methods were computed.
Seventeen variables were picked from the auto
correlation function (AGF) and are A,/*q, a2/A0' A^/Aq,
where A denotes the ACF at the subscripted lag, \in/A0»
where A . denotes the minimum value of the ACF, T , T9, T,,
mm 1 « j
where T denotes time of the subscripted zero crossing in the
ACF and T . , the time at which first minima occurs. Nine
variables were picked from the power spectrum and are,
average power weighted frequency, frequency at which maximum
power occurs, frequency at 25th, 50th and 75th percentile
values of frequency weighted power, frequencies of 25 , 50
th and 75 percentile of power, and frequency at which logarithm
of power decreases to zero.
The above mentioned seventeen variables were calcula
ted for all the simulated responses of synthetic stratigraphic
sequences. Discriminant analysis which was employed showed
that a combination of all the variables can maximally
seperate, in the variable space, the two different Models E
and F. The discriminating seismic attributes characterize
two sedimentation sequences and may aid the inter
pretation of field records in terms of subsurface strati
The success achieved in discriminating different
depositional situations in computer simulations has led to
the test of the method with real seismic data. The forma
tion on which the transition matrices were based for simulat
ing Models E and F was marked on the seismic sections of
Areas X and Y and the 387 seismic traces when subjected
to the discriminant analysis allowed to distinguish between
litho stratigraphic units of Areas X and Y, thereby endorsing
the validity of this approach. Contributions of the seven
teen variables towards effective discrimination shows that
only seven variables, viz., fQ, A2/AQ, f^ T^^, fM, f^
and A]_/Ao> common to both synthetic and field seismic data,
make positive contributions- The variables designated as
seismic discriminators of subsurface litho stratigraphy may
ultimately help discriminate an oil bearing stratigraphic
trap from its barren surroundings in a sedimentary basin.
The statistical method presented here has been
shown to be a potential tool for the determination of sub
surface litho stratigraphy from seismic data. This consti
tutes on important additional tool in the exploration for
hydrocarbons. |
en_US |