dc.description.abstract |
These investigations are concerned with the hydrogenation
of some specific long chain olefins in liquid
phase over a supported Pd-Al203 catalyst at moderate
temperature and pressure conditions.
As olefin feeds, a straight chain olefin, n-octene
and a branched chain olefin isooctene (codimer of
isobutene) were chosen for detailed investigations.
Later, the hydrogenation of isododecene - a trimer of
isobutene was also studied to know the effect of
increasing chain-length on the reaction rate. The
hydrogenation experiments were carried out in a
—3 3 1.0 x 10 m stainless steel stirred autoclave with
external heating and internal cooling arrangements. A
commercial catalyst containing 0.5 % palladium on
alumina support was used in the powdered form (-170 +
250 mesh) which was suspended in the liquid medium
containing the olefin dissolved in n-heptane. Hydro
genation was then carried out, with adequate stirring,
under pressure varying the operating conditions in the
following ranges to study their effects on the reaction
Reaction temperature: _ „
3 03 -» 3 3 3 K
Reaction pressure: 0.5 - 2.0 MPa -
Olefin concentration: 0.19 -1.50 kmol .nT3
Catalyst loading: 5.56 . l9.50 kg.m~3
Stirring speed: 200 - 1200 r.p.m.
In the beginning the effect of the stirrer speed was
determined and then series of experiments were conducted
at the stirring rate ensuring kinetic regime beyond the
mass transfer limitation range. The conversion with
time was followed by analysing olefin concentrations by
bromine number. Complete analysis of the product was
done by GLC.
Using the experimental reaction rates and
theoretical correlations the Thiele parameter for the
powdered catalyst was computed and found to be about
10"1. This indicated that pore diffusion limitations
with this catalyst were negligible.
The influences of above mentioned operating
conditions on the hydrogenation rate were studied for
the three olefins separately. The reaction rate was
observed to rise initially with increasing speed of the
agitator and then levelled off at about 600 r.p.m. and
above. The effects of other variables were, therefore,
studied at the stirrer speed of 800 r.p.m.
For the three olefinic feed stocks used in these
studies the reaction rate was found to increase linearly
with catalyst concentration. The rate of hydrogenation
also increased with increasing hydrogen pressure,though
non-linearly. Solubility of hydrogen in the reaction
medium, which increases with pressure, was, therefore,
considered for evaluating the rate dependence on
hydrogen availability in the bulk liquid.
Alongwith hydrogenation on this palladium
catalyst some isomerisation of the double bond was also
found to occur. By the time about 5 - 10 %conversion
was attained, the distribution of olefins with terminal
and internal double bonds almost reached the equilibrium
In general, the hydrogen concentration influenced
the reaction rate more pronouncedly than olefin. In
respect of olefin structures, the rate was found to
decrease with branching in the molecule as well as
with increase of the chain length. With the three
olefins studied, the relative reaction rates were in
the order:
n-octene > isooctene > isododecene
The results were then evaluated for the develop
ment of kinetic models for the hydrogenation of these
olefins. -
From the effect of total pressure, initial
olefin concentration and temperature on the initial
reaction rate, it was found that surface reaction
may be the controlling step. Hence several models
were postulated for this controlling step and rate
expressions formulated accordingly, m the development
of these rate equations, the reverse reaction of olefin
dehydrogenation was neglected since the thermodynamic
calculations showed high equilibrium constant values.
A non-linear least square analysis was then
performed to compare the data obtained in experimental
runs upto 90 minutes with the rate equations formulated.
This covered the range of conversion upto about 94 %.
Two independent techniques namely the Grid-Search and
the Marquardt method were used for this analysis;
computer programs were developed for use on an IBM
370/145 computer which minimized the sum of squares of
residuals of experimental and predicted reaction rates.
The rate equation which yielded no zero or
negative constants and fitted the experimental data best
was selected finally on the basis of an approximate
statistical criteria and analysis of residuals.
The results of the non-linear analysis led to the
selection of the following model as the most satisfactory
one to represent the experimental data for all the
three olefins over the entire ranges of temperature and
concentration studied.
k K. L C C
r = ~
( 1*Jk£a )2 (1 ♦ K3Cb ,
where k is the specific reaction rate constant; K and
KB the equilibrium adsorption constants for hydrogen
and olefin respectively; and C^ and CB are the hydrogen
and olefin concentrations in the liquid phase.
The average error between therates calculated
from this model and those from the experimental data
were + 1.32, + 1.69 and 3.01 % for isooctenes,
n-octenes and isododecenes respectively.
This model suggests that hydrogen in dissociated
form and the olefin molecules are non-competitively
adsorbed on the active sites of the catalyst. The
constants in this rate equation are related to tempera
ture in a similar way as Arrhenius relationship. The
energies of activation were found to be 67.94, 69.65
and 64.42 kJ/mol for n-octene, isooctene and isododecene
respectively. An attempt was made to correlate the rate
of hydrogenation of these olefins with the molecular
configuration of olefins. & energetic factors.
The effects of diffusion in liquid filled pores
on the rates of hydrogenation were also investigated
by using-catalyst pellets instead of powder, in a
—3 3 1.0 x 10 m stirred basket reactor. The same
palladium catalyst originally obtained as cylindrical
pellets of 4 mmx 4 mm size was used in these experi
ments. With these pellets the reaction rates were
found to be lower down to about 20 to 30 % of the rates
observed with powdered catalyst; thus the effect of
pore diffusion was quite significant. The effectiveness
factor for these catalyst pellets and effective
diffusivity of H2 were computed from the catalyst
characterisation data using a simplified theoretical
model. The catalytic effectiveness factors for the
three olefins studied were dependent on the type of
olefin and decreased in the order:
isododecene > isooctene y n-octene
The effective diffusivity of H,,, however, remained
almost unaffected by the structural differences of
these olefins. |
en_US |