The present investigation pertains to the
experimental research work related to the nucleate
boiling heat transfer from a horizontal 410 ASIS
stainless steel cylinder to the pool of saturated
liquids, and to their binary liquid mixtures both at
atmospheric and Bubatmospheric pressures. The pure
liquids used for the investigation are distilled water,
ethanol, methanol and isopropanol, and the binary
liquid mixtures having varying concentrations of
ethanol-water, methanol-water and isopropanol-water
mixtures. The heat flux ranges from 9,618 W/m to
31,354 W/m2 and the system pressure from 25.33 kN/m
to 98.63 kN/m2.
Since this investigation aims to obtain
experimental data for the pool boiling of pure liquids
and their binary mixtures, an experimental facility
was carefully designed and raised. The experimental
set-up includes provisions for the measurement of
concentration of the binary liquid mixtures, electrical
energy input to the heating surface, pressure over
the liquid pool and temperatures of the heating
surface and the boiling liquid.
The copper-constantan thermocouples measure
the temperatures of the heating surface and the
boiling liquid. The heating surface temperature is
measured circumferentially at the top-, the side- ,
and the bottom- positions at a given plane. The
specially home-made travelling thermocouple probes
measure the liquid bulk temperature at the three
locations corresponding to the surface thermocouple
positions. The surface temperature is corrected by
subtracting the temperature drop across the wall
thickness. From the readings of the corrected surface
and the corresponding liquid tompcratum*,local values
of At are calculated for the top-, the side-, and the
bottom- positions of the heating surface. Using the
'mechanical quadrature' technique,the average values
of aT are obtained to calculate average heat transfer
coefficient, h over the circumference.
The concentration of the boiling binary liquid
mixture, X is determined by drawing the liquid sample
from the liquid sampling unit and then comparing its
refractive index with the calibration curve. The
refractrometer used was supplied by li/s Carl Zeiss Jena
Co., West Germany. The liquid concentration is checked
at several intervals of time during a given test run
for a given mixture composition. The concentration in
the vapour phase, Y in equilibrium with the liquid phase
concentration, X is obtained from the literature.
The experimental data for the pool boiling of
pure liquids at atmospheric as well as at subatmospheric
pressures corroborate the validity of the well-established
relationship between the heat transfer coefficient and
0 7 the heat flux for high pressures^.e.,h a q . However,
the relationship between the boiling heat transfer
coefficient and the pressure for the subatmospheric
pressures differs from that at high pressures. In
fact, the boiling heat transfer coefficient varies
with the pressure raised to the power of 0.32 for the
data conducted at subatmospheric pressures, i.e.
h a P0-'2.
The heat transfer data for the boiling of ethanol,
methanol and isopropanol do not deviate amongst
themselves, whereas they differ considerably from those
of distilled water.
The experimental data for the pool boiling of
pure liquids as used in this investigation and those
of earlier investigators conducted on widely differing
heating surfaces for the liquids possessing differing
physico-thermal properties for subatmospheric pressures
are correlated by the following equation within + 15 per
cent deviation :
h* _ ( P. n0.32
h1 1
where E* ^(h/q0,7)Represents a ratio of average heat
transfer coefficient to heat flux raised to the power
of 0.7, and P is the system pressure. The subscript, 1
corresponds to 'reference1 pressure for which the value
of h-, is known for a given liquid and heating surface.
However, in the present investigation the 'reference'
pressure chosen is one atmosphere. With the knowledge
of h? and P, , the above correlation readily determines
the value of E at any subatmospheric pressure for the
same boiling liquid and the heating surface. Further,
the above correlation is useful to check the consistency
of boiling heat transfer data for a given liquid and
heating surface at subatmospheric as well as atmospheric
Since this correlation is for the data conducted
for different liquids on the heating surfaces possessing
differing surface characteristics at subatmospheric
pressures, an implication of this is that the effect
of the surface-liquid combination is the same for all
the pressures, P <<C 1 atmosphere. It is important to
note that the data for the pool boiling of liquids at
high pressures could not be correlated by a correlation
of the aforesaid type. This is due to the fact that
the effect of surface-liquid combination is not the
same for all the pressures, P > 1 atmosphere.
The experimental data of binary liquid mixtures
for subatmospheric pressures on a given heating surface
0.7 are also correlated by the relationships : h a q and
h a P° which are applicable for the boiling of pure
liquids. The data analysis of binary liquid mixtures
shows that they are satisfied by the following correlation
within + 15 per cent like for pure liquids:
E* /JL%0.32
hl 1
where the terms have their same meaning as described
for the correlation for the pure liquids.
The addition of more volatile component to
the water shows that the boiling heat transfer coefficient
of the binary liquid mixture decreases upto a certain
concentration, beyond which it increases. The
concentration at which the heat transfer coefficient
is minimum corresponds to a maximum value of [Y-X].
It is 31.10 wt. per cent ethanol, 30.80 wt. per cent
methanol, and 22.5 wt. per cent isopropanol for ethanolwater,
methanol-water and isopropanol-water mixtures
respectively. This behaviour is shown at all the
subatmospheric pressures studied. It may be noted
that the actual heat transfer coefficient for any
concentration of the binary liquid mixtures studied
is less than the weighted heat transfer coefficient
calculated from the heat transfer coefficients of the
mixture in their pure states and the concentration
of the mixture. This is a consistent behaviour for
all the pressures investigated.
The experimental data of all the binary liquid
mixtures studied lead to correlations within + 15 per
cent as follows :
(a) For the values of x' ; 0 < x' <C 22.0
S*(Pfnl)0.32 = 5>70xl0-2u'r0.60
(b) For the values of X ; 30.0 ^ X < 78.0
m£)0M- 2.51xlO-4(X,)°'90
In the above equations Nu represents the average value
of the normalised Nusselt number given by the quantity
where a is the surface tension; k,
(,°jf ",°v)g
the thermal conductivity of the boiling mixture; py ,
the liquid density and p , the vapour density.
P represents the system pressure; P-,,the 'reference'
pressure and X , the wt. per cent of more volatile
component in the liquid phase.
These correlations provide a procedure for
calculating the boiling heat transfer coefficient of
a binary liquid mixture for the aforesaid concentrations,
X at subatmospheric and atmospheric pressures on a
given heating surface.