Closed loop thermosiphons provide an efficient and
economical means of heat transfer in diverse fields of
application. The rate of heat transfer and thermally
induced flow in these systems interact with each other
and depend upon a number of design and operating para
meters in a very complex manner. The prediction of these
rates is the main requirement for the design of units
using a closed-loop thermosiphon system.
The study of natural convective flow and heat transfer
in confined spaces has been conducted by many workers in
the past. These studies are mostly on vertical channels form
ing open thermosiphons. The fluids used were invariably air
or gas with Prandtl number around 0.7. Very few studies
on heat transfer in single phase natural convective flow
of liquids in closed-loop circulation systems seems to have
been reported.
The hydrodynamics and heat transfer in thermosiphon
roboilers have been studied by a number of investigators
over the past two decades. A critical review of the published
work reveals that most of the studies have been conducted
for uniform wall temperature heating conditions with
saturated liquids. Some studies at high heat fluxes are
also confined to saturated boiling and very limited range
of other important parameters. No systematic study seems to
be available in the literature which gives the exclusive
effect of inlet degree of subcooling and submergence on the
performance of thermosiphon reboilcrs.
In the present work, a systematic experimental study
of heat transfer in the vertical tube of closed-loop thermosiphons,
both single as well as two-phase systems, has been
carried out under low values of uniform wall flux heating
The experimental apparatus used for the study on single
phase systems consisted of a vertical copper tube as test
section connected to a large capacity vessel and a jacketted
pipe forming a closed-loop circulation system. The test
section was of 19.05 mm inside diameter. 1.58 mm wall thick
ness and 940 mm heated length. The electrical heating elementnichrome
wire, in porcelain beads, v/as uniformly wound over
the tube. A stabilized A.C. electrical input to the heater
was regulated through autotransformers and measured by
calibrated wattmeters. The tube wall temperatures were measured
by ten copper-constantan thermocouples whose beads were
embedded in the wall thickness at locations 100 mm apart
starting from the lower end of the heated length. The mixed
mean liquid temperatures were measured by moans of copperconstantan
thermocouple probes inserted at the two ends of
the heated tube. Three liquids-water, ethylene glycol and
glycerol were used as test liquids for single phase natural
circulation studies. Experimental data were generated
imposing constant heat flux ranging from 1.77x10* to
1.066xKr W/m . As a consequence of changing inlet temperature
to the test section and heat flux, wide range of variation
in physical properties was observed in terms of pertinent
dimensionless groups. The values of Gr.Pr ranged from
9.07x10 to 2.11x10', and the corresponding values of Re due
to induced flow from O.39 to 445.
The test section of single vertical tube thermo
siphon reboiler consisted of an electrically heated stain
less steel tube of 21.44 mm inside diameter. 2.O3 mm wall
thickness and 1440 mm heated length. The uniform wall heat
flux was obtained from the measured electrical input. In
order to get the local heat transfer coefficients, the tube
wall temperatures were measured by sixteen copper-constantan
thermocouples whose beads were spot welded on the tube surface
at locations 100 mm apart starting from the lower end. The
inlet and exit liquid temperatures were measured by means of
copper-constantan thermocouple probes separatel}'. The upper
end of the test section was connected to a vapour-liquid
separator, the vapour line from which led to a total condenser.
The liquid line from the separator and condensate line from
condenser wer©. connected to a jacketted vertical tube which
served as cold leg. The lower ends of test section and cold
leg were joined together through a horizontal tube forming a
closed-loop circulation system. The experiments were conducted
with five test liquids-acetone, ethyl acetate, propan-2-ol,
water and toluene having wide range of boiling points and
thermophysical properties. The uniform heat fluxes in the
range of 3.OXIO-5 to 2*4x10 W/ra were used. The degrees of
subcooling at the test section inlet were varied over a
wide range for all test liquids. During the experimentation
submergence levels around 100,80 and 50 percent were
The experimental data of single phase systems were used
to obtain wall and liquid temperature distributions along the
tube iength at various levels of heat flux and inlet liquid
temperatures for all the three test liquids investigated.
The heat transfer coefficients were computed from imposed heat
flux and the resulting local values of temperature difference
and their variation along the tube length have been discussed.
The values of heat transfer coefficient have been found to
increase with heat flux due to the higher levels of tempera
ture setup and increased induced flow rates of the liquids.
At the same heat flux, the transfer coefficients show a decreas
ing order for water, ethylene glycol and glycerol. As a result
of data analyses, dimensionlcss correlations to predict local
and average heat transfer coefficients have been developed.
For local heat transfer coefficients,
°*388 n^ 0*363
For average heat transfer coefficients,
(/N„ un;ayg . 0.049(,Gr.Pr)a0v.5g84 (Re;a-0vg.131(//d)-0.622
In natural circulation boiling of liquids, the
experimentally obtained wall and liquid temperature distri
butions along the tube length revealed the varying lengths
of effective boiling and non-boiling sections. In between,
the point of onset of boiling for all the test liquids under
various operating conditions were identified and discussed.
The non-boiling region was identified by the linearly vary
ing' liquid and wall temperatures along trie tube length under
the conditions of constant heat flux. The zone of transition
from nonboiling through subcooled boiling to fully developed
saturated boiling was marked by the attainment .of maximum
wall temperature followed by e sudden decrease in its value
and subsequently becoming aOfisost constant*
The heat transfer coefficient remained almost invariant
with length over the non-boiling section of the tube. It
jumped to much higher values at the onset of boiling condi
tions and became constant in fully developed boiling region
of the tube length. The variation of h with z was found to
be similar for all systems and was affected by heat flux,
inlet liquid subccoling and submergence.
The onset of fully developed boiling required a minimum
degree of wall superheat for a given liquid and heat transfer
surface. Based on the analytical study of Yin and Abdelmessih[5?o]
the following expression for wall superheat as a function of
q has been developed
2 20* T
The constants a and b in the equation are as under;
System a
Acetone 24.35
Ethyl acetate 23.40
Propan-2-ol 19.89
Vaster I6.42
Toluene 15.84
The distance along the heated tube required for the
onset of fully developed boiling of a liquid depends upon
wall heat flux, inlet liquid subcooling and submergence. An
empirical correlation for predicting this length has been
developed in the following forms
r 2
OB n,
jt-x 100J =<VPsb> (}\
nc n.
The values of constant C^ and exponents n,, n~ and B>
for all the five test liquids have been evaluated and are as
under 5
Acetone 0.095 -0.2890 0.260 1.450
Ethyl acetate 0.266 -CI63O O.34O O.995
Propan-2-ol 0.5ILxlO"~3 O.443O 0.068 1.993
Water 0.54x10":'3 0.0014 O.I33 2.405
Toluene 1«55x10"3 0.4370 0.120 1.740
The heat transfer coefficient in fully developed boiling
region has been found to be strongly dependent on heat flux
due to the dominant role of nucleate boiling mechanism in the
experimental conditions of present investigation. The effect
of inlet liquid subcooling and submergence on the magnitude
of hB was observed to be negligible. However, the length of
tube over which fully developed boiling occurred was found
to increase v/ith the decrease in the values of inlet liquid
subcooling and submergence. Thus, the boiling heat transfer
coefficient averaged out over the fully developed boiling
section of the tube has been expressed as a function of q in
the following power lav; relationship.
hB = c qn
The values of c and n are as underi
System c n
Acetone 45.31 0,387
Ethyl acetate 75.18 O.332
Propan-2-ol 54.36 0.351
Water 17.51 0#556
Toluene 37.29 O.38I
• System % %L & !2§
Acetone 0.095 -0.2890 0.260 1.450
Ethyl acetate 0.266 -0,1630 O.34O 0.995
Propan-2-ol 0. 51x10"•3 O.443O 0.068 1.993
Water 0.54x10*:•3 0.0014 O.I33 2.405
Toluene 1.55x10"-3 0.4370 0.120 1.740
The heat transfer coefficient in fully developed boiling
region has been found to be strongly dependent on heat flux
due to the dominant role of nucleate boiling mechanism in the
experimental conditions of present investigation. The effect
of inlet liquid subcooling and submergence on the magnitude
of hB was observed to be negligible. However, the length of
tube over which fully developed boiling occurred was found
to increase v/ith the decrease in the values of inlet liquid
subcooling and submergence. Thus, the boiling heat transfer
coefficient averaged out over the fully developed boiling
section of the tube has been expressed as a function of q in
the following power law relationships
hB = c qn
The values of c and n are as unders
System c n
Acetone 45.31 0,387
Ethyl acetate 75.18 O.332
Propan-2-ol 54.36 0.351
Water ±7,51 0*556
Toluene 37.29 O.38I
The variation of hB with q also showed a good agreement
with the experimental data from earlier studies of similar
The rate of" heat transfer in nonboiling region of
the reboilcr- tube vras found to be mainly governed by natural
convective flow of liquids in the similar manner as in the
case of single phase thermosiphon. However, the net flow of
liquid through the reboiler tube was higher than that in the
single phase thermosiphon duo to the liquid vapourization
in the upper section. The average values of heat transfer
coefficient for all the five test liquids were best
correlated in terms of same dimensionless groups, used in
single phase thermosiphon, by the following equation with a
maximum deviation of + 30 per cent
0.481 n nu zr,u -G#23 -0.0126(Gr.Pr) ite££*(3&) '
A correlation for boiling heat transfer coefficient has
also been developed in terms of suitable dimensionless
0.462 , 0,0134 1,014 VHC0 1.743 NuB =6.l42(PeB) (^) &r) (-£-)
y"tt VL
The data points of all the five liquids were found to be
well within + 30 per cent deviation from the equation.
Although, the correlation has been developed based on
experimental data at very low values of heat flux and
small vapour fractions, its form is fairly general and
may be extended to other ranges of parameters.
None of the earlier correlations, available in literature,
has been found to agree weH-ftlth the experimental data of
present investigation.