Dehydrogenation of cyclohexane to benzene under conditions of
catalyst deactivation was investigated in an integral reactor under quasiisothermal
conditions and at atmospheric pressure. Commercial platinum-onalumina
reforming catalyst (Sinclair-Baker RD-150) was used for investiga
tion. The operating variables and their range studied are : mole-ratio
of hydrogen to cyclohexane (0.91* to k.S), reaction temperature (310-435 0
and liquid-hourly-space-velocity (1.28 to h.77). Reaction product consisted
of mainly benzene with some hydrocracked gases. Gas chromatographic
analysis of liquid product samples using Carbonax-4000 on Celite column
indicated benzene as the only reaction product.
Experimental set-up consisted of a feeding section for cyclohexane
and hydrogen, vaporizer and preheater section, a reactor section and a
liquid product collection section. The flow rate of exit gases was recorded
with time. The pressure drop in the reactor increased with time due to
coke formation and care was taken to keep the flow rates of the reactants
constant by compensating for the increase in pressure drop. The catalyst
bed was diluted with glass beads, to maintain it near isothermal using
suitable dilution criterion.
The kinetic model used in the analysis consists of the following
Dehydrogenation : C£,H12 *" C6H6 + ^2
Hydrocracking: C&H12 k? -> hydrocracked products
Deactivation; C&H12 - > catalyst poisons (coke)
The material balance calculations were carried out considering
equilibrium at the exit of condenser and material balance checked well for
most of the samples in all the sets for both the cyclohexane and hydrogen
feeds. The conversion of cyclohexane into hydrocracked products was calcu
lated from the material balance of cyclohexane using time average feed
rate. It is assumed that the loss of cyclohexane due to the deactivation
reaction is negligible.
The kinetic data for undeactivated catalyst was obtained by extra
polation of experimental conversion data under deactiving catalyst condition
to initial conditions and the same was analysed by assuming first order
irreversible kinetics and plug flow behaviour. These assumptions result
in the following conversion - space velocity relationship, for initial rate
data :
XA +
io. iitlMj+iO ! k{ Co (i+k) .,
T3lK__| ln 0 -(1 +**>•- 3-K •7 CO
Under experimental conditions the external heat- and mass-transfer
and internal heat-transfer resistances were found to be negligible but the
intrapellet mass-transfer resistance was found to be significant. The
values of effectiveness factor for the desired dehydrogenation reaction
varied between 0.12 and 0.77, and for the duhydroqsracfeitjg reaction it varied
between 0.60 to 0.93. With the help of equation 1 and experimental
conversion data the apparent rate constants k' and k' were determined. The
values of effectiveness factors were estimated from the plot of "nversus 9r{ ,
it v S
1 1
tan h 3 9 3
0 =
v/ e
k' p
and 02^ = ( 2L )2 __L£ (i,)
Se e
It is to be noted that 0 TJ can be calculated from the experimental
data directly. Knowing the values of k! , k' , "*\* and "*}- , and the
intrinsic rate constants k. and k» were calculated. The intrinsic rate
constants k. and k_ were observed to depend only on temperature which
confirmed the validity of first order irreversible kinetics for dehydrogena
tion and hydrocracking of cyclohexane. The values of activation energy and
pre-exponential factor were calculated from the regression analysis of
In k versus 1/T values for each rate constant, to give
k] . exp(3,.57. 12.300, T_7c£_t) w
k2 •eXp (,8.97 -IStfS- ) (hr.)(™Latyst) (5)
The correlation coefficients for dehydrogenation and hydrocracking
rate constants are 0.992 and 0.902 respectively, and indicate good fit of
data on Arrhenius plots.
It is safe to assume that coke formation on catalyst results in a
loss of catalyst activity for only dehydrogenation reaction involving
platinum sites and not for hydrocracking reactions. Thus, the rates of
dehydrogenation and hydrocracking reactions with catalyst deactivation,
are given by :
r- s k, -n , a cr (6)
'• I H
r2 5 k2 ^2 CA (7)
The rate of change of activity with time is considered to depend
on m power of activity and n power of concentration ratio of cyclohexane
to hydrogen as given below :
-r^-ft • >d'-W (8»
In equation (6) and (7) undeactivated catalyst effectiveness factors
are used and any change in dehydrogenation activity due to the coke
formation Is accounted by activity factor a. Non-linear equations 6 to 8
were solved simultaneously for n -- 1 and assumed values of k, and m, to
calculate cyclohexane and benzene mole-fraction at reactor exit, for
different times-on-stream using fourth - order Runge-Kutta method on
IBM 370/145, UNIVAC 1100 or DEC 2050 computers. The optimal values of krf and
m were found for each set by minimizing the variance between calculated
and experimental values of benzene mole fraction at the reactor exit for
different times -on-stream. The values of k, and m were optimized to within
+5 and + 2 percent respectively. The values of m and k^ are in the range
of 1.11 to 3.11, and 0.41 to 4.53 (hr)~ respectively. For the solution of
differential equations 40 bed increments and 5 minutes time interval was
chosen after careful error analysis. The 40 bed increments (bed increment
of the order of pellet diameter) gave a computation accuracy of better than
0.05 percent, and 5 minutes time interval resulted in a computation accuracy
of better than 0.12 percent, in exit conversion values at the end of five
hours time-on-stream. Activity and conversion profiles were calculated
for all the sets along the length of the bed for different times-on-stream
using optimal values of m and k,, and the intrinsic reaction rate constants
k. and k? .
A total of 19 sets were analyzed for deactivation parameters.
The deactivation rate constant was found to vary only with temperature. The
values of activation energy and pre-exponential factor for catalyst
deactivation rate constant were found from the linear regression of In krf
versus 1/T values, to give -
kd * exp (9.475 -^^~ ) (hrf1 0)
The value of correlation coefficient, 0.872, for the above equation
indicates a good fit of data.
A second order polynomial was used to correlate m with Thiele
parameter 0j (based on k^ and the constants obtained by regression analysis
are as given below:
m r0.9502 +0.2623 9y -0.005806 02 (10)
For a given set of operating conditions equations 2,3,4,5,9 and 10
were used to calculate the intrinsic dehydrogenation and hydrocracking rate
constants, deactivation rate constant, Thiele parameters, effectiveness
factors and m, and these values were then used to calculate the conversion
and activity profiles along the catalyst bed for different times-on-stream
by simultaneous solution of equations 6 to 8 for all the sets. The proposed
model gave a good fit with experimental data as is evident from the absolute
percentage error variance between the experimental and predicted values of
conversion which is 5-5 for benzene and 4.7 for cyclohexane considering all
the experimental points.
The values of m in the range of 1 to 3 indicate pore-mouth poisoning
and confirms simultaneous deactivation.