An investigation of heat transfer in nucleate pool
boiling for atmospheric and subatmospheric pressures has
been carried out both analytically and experimentally,
Traditionally, the study of heat transfer in nucleate
pool boiling are considered empirically, without regard for
bubble dynamics. But in the present investigation, following
the fact that the heat transfer in nucleate boiling is charac
terised by the induced turbulence due to- nucleation sites
on the heating surface, bubble size and their emission fre
quency, a mathematical analysis has led to equation for
predicting the values of absolute heat transfer coefficient,
Eq, {^,ZZ), This resultant equation relates heat transfer
coefficient to the wall heat flux, system pressure and the
pertinent physico-thermal properties of boiling fluids through
the heating surface characteristics. But this equation is
useful for calculating the absolute values of heat transfer
coefficient f only if , heating surface characteristics are
known as required for constant M and the values of nf for
the determination of exponent a. Since the surface charac
teristics and the value of nf are extremely unpredictable
for industrial surfaces and they differ from surface to surface,
a considerable built-in difficulty is inherited in this
equation. Therefore, it appears impossible to provide a
panacea for predicting the absolute values of heat transfer
coefficient. However, for a given heating surface it is poss
ible to determine the value of constant M and exponent a
empirically which can be used for the calculation of absolute
values of transfer coefficients, The value of exponent a
has been evaluated as 0,3683, and the expression for Mare
represented by the set of equations, Eq. (6,3), Thus the
equation for calculating the absolute values of heat transfer
coefficient is as follows* while f is obtained from the
respective equation, Eq. (515 ) or Eq, (5,19) for Jakob
number less and greater than 100.
2,33 .0,3683
2 5 0-5 \ 1'2
s -Mkf§/ ^ ' J {~* j
h * M Vt3;'5 o- ^ Vk|r g/ \Cg ) I t fi
The constant M represents the combined effects of pressure
and surface-liquid combination on boiling heat transfer.
A procedure has also been devised for the calcula
tion of h*/hj f-cf, Eq(6.6)]. It has been found that the
values of h*/h£ depend upon wall heat flux, system pressure
and pertinent physico-thermal properties of boiling fluids.
They do not depend on surface-liquid combinations. Hence this
equation is useful to compare the data of different investiga
tors obtained on differing surface-liquid combinations. It
was found that this equation correlated the present data
and those of Cryder and Finalborgo i3h Raben, Beaubouef and
Cctnaerford {%] within a maximum deviation of ± 20
per cent. This equation also provides the facility for the
computation of absolute values of heat transfer coefficient
at subatmospheric pressures, without resort to experimentation,
if the value of heat transfer coefficient at normal boiling
point is available, Equation (6,6) is as follows:
0,958316k5(P /P±)
f 2.5. p /T _ \
1.2 f'55 ,_ .
(?) 5a
0,3 0.3
Since the present study is for atmospheric and subatmospheric
pressures.obviously the resultant equation,
Eq,(6,6) might not correlate the boiling data for higher
A computer program was written and calculations
were made to compute the heat transfer coefficients from
the above resultant equations.
Apart from the analytical analysis the purpose
of the investigation was also to obtain experimental data
in order to verify the resultant equations from the
analysis and to generate the new experimental data for
subatmospheric pressures which are scanty in the
literature. The experimental investigation involved the
determination of heat transfer coefficient from iilO ASIS
stainless steel heating surface to the boiling fluids!
distilled water, isopropanol, ethanol and methanol for the
pressures ranging from 11,33 kN/m2 to 98,UU kN/m2 and heat
flux ranging from 6870 W/hT to M730 W/m ,
The excellent consistency between the experimental
data and the predicted values sufficiently proves that the
present mathematical analysis based on the governing equations
for nucleation sites, bubble growth, bubble size and bubble
emission frequency provides an adequate procedure for heat
transfer coefficient in nucleate pool boiling of fluids for
the range of parameters investigated,